
Saturday, August 23, 2008

Inside Out

He's Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, which was and is, and is to come. He was there in the beginning and he shall be there in the end. From everlasting to everlasting, thou art God. Romans 8:35-39

Many years ago during a difficult transition in my life, I was given a copy of the book "Inside Out" by Larry Crabb to read. I thought this would not be difficult to do. Soon after I began to read the book I realized there was no fluff, and it was not an easy read! In the book Dr. Crabb makes a bold statement, "Only Christians have the capacity to never pretend". In this book I learned how the hurts of my past had led me to self-protection. As a result of this discovery it was clear I was setting up boundaries that eventually became barriers.

I recently heard this amazing song by Hillsong called “Inside Out”. The song reminded of how God’s mercy and grace never fails. I’m still amazed that when we stumble and fail, God’s love draws us back. Being a Christian is not so much about how appear on the outside, but rather how greatly He has transformed us within. As we learn to surrender control of our lives to Him , God is able to do a deep abiding work in our heart.

There is so much joy and freedom in living a genuine life for Christ. I hope you enjoy this song today, and the many other ones over at
Signs Miracles and Wonders.

(Please remember to mute my music player first!)


  1. I love Hillsong. The words to this song are beautiful. Thanks for sharing it.

  2. LOVE Hillsong!!
    Just stopping by to say HEY...see if Fay moved on in yet??? Heard she's bringing ya'll some rain...we've just go a BEAUTIFUL breeze!!

    Hope you have a GREAT Saturday girl! You know you are FAR TOO IMPRESSED by my talents...You make me laugh! I'm not nearly as creative as you think!! but keep those compliments MAKE my day!!

    love you!

  3. Hillsong is great. I have one of my favorites on my playlist now. You have a blessed day!

  4. A beautiful song and wonderful testimony. Thanks for visiting Shore's End.

  5. That was absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for visiting me and leaving your sweet comment.

  6. I can't imagine how you're doing without your hubbie for so long. Mine was gone for one night and everything went to pieces! Praying for you!

    I'm trying to adjust to working again and fitting in time for blogging still. It's just a bit crazy around my house right now :)

  7. I can't imagine how you're doing without your hubbie for so long. Mine was gone for one night and everything went to pieces! Praying for you!

    I'm trying to adjust to working again and fitting in time for blogging still. It's just a bit crazy around my house right now :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Blessings Susan...a perfect choice of a favorite that I never get tired of hearing and being reminded of...I had it in Spanish a while back...I didn't know that there was a book! It also was one of the first songs I posted back in April when I started blogging!

    Your precious words of testimony and insight with the scripture from Romanstells us this song has a great impact on you and us from the inside out! You encourage us with the reminder of His mercy and grace at work in us, changing us!

    I would love to be in San Antonio but I'm closer to AZ 175 miles or else I'd have to cross those mountains and many more days of travel.Though Beth Moore may be worth it from what I've learned of her through the blog world this summer. She is new to me! I'm really out of touch with what's current! Thank you for your love and means so much tear from you each TSMSS! Hoping you are safe! Praying and sending wishes your way for a wonderful weekend! ((BIG HUGS))
    [I did not like the way my last one sounded]

  10. Oh I haven't heard this song. But I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed the video. Thank you for sharing it. My post is up now come by My Journey and see it.
    Smiles and Have a Blessed Weekend.

  11. I love his books too. When I was getting my degree in counseling we used many of his books as text books and references.

    Thank for sharing. Beautiful song.

  12. Susan,

    May I simply say....I agree. It isn't about the outside, its all about the inside. I've not read anything by this author, but I simply digested that quote. Thank you for sharing!


  13. Loved this song and your words.

  14. You're a genuine encourager, Susan. Thank you for your drops of kindness. I love this song too. I also read Larry Crabb in a counselling couse I did. God bless you.
    Love, Sita

  15. Susan,
    Thanks for stopping in today at my TSMSS. I'd love to come visit with you next time you are at St Jude. Please let me know. -Blessings, Laurie

  16. I have never heard of the book or the author..... but I think I will see if I can find it...... My past has kept me from so many things.... I have learned over the years to be free from some but then there are still many more.....Thanks for sharing..... Have a blessed week......

  17. We sing it in my church and I just love it.

  18. Oh, how I loved this! Thanks so much, Susan! I will try to find that book.

    Many hugs and blessings,

  19. This was so good, Susan! Thank you so much for sharing!

  20. I love the song "Inside Out" by Hillsong United...that whole album gets played a lot on my Ipod. We sing that song at church always brings me right into the Lord's presence, worshipping Him!
    Thanks for sharing this!

  21. God's been challenging me lately with the truth of an "inside out" kind of faith. I need some work in some areas, and I want to yield to the teaching, but some old habits die hard. But die they must! Of that I am convinced. Thanks for sharing.


  22. I love this song!
    Thank you so much for posting on my little blog so that I could come over here to yours and be doubley blessed! I see your comments often on Tammy's site and have often thought we could be friends! =)

    I hope you have a blessed day - as much as you have blessed mine & more!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!