
Saturday, September 13, 2008

He Covers Me

On this TSMS Saturday I'd like to dedicate this song to all the survivors and the families who were affected by the attacks of 9/11. Also, to all those who were recently impacted by Hurricanes Gustav and Ike. And finally, for all of you that may have experienced a loss or disappointment in your life, (this covers many of us!) I hope that you will also be blessed and encouraged.
(please remember to mute my music player first!)

In Psalm 10, David asked the question many of us have asked God:

“Why, O LORD, do you stand far off? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble?”

It's so easy to feel forsaken and forgotten. Like David I pray you will discover that

God does see,

God does care,

and He's faithful to carry us through the most difficult times in our lives.

When I first got saved, Steve Camp was one of my favorite musicians. I recently discovered his blog, CHAMPONTHIS and I was so blessed by his thought provoking writings! He is now one of my daily reads.

Like the words to Steve Camp’s song says,

“Sometimes the pressure builds around me and I feel about to break, I suffer painfully from wrongs done to me but vengeance isn’t mine to take. So let me glory in my weakness till Your strength’s revealed in me.”

No matter what you may be facing, always remember this promise:

“You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; you encourage them, and you listen to their cry.” (PS 10:17)

Today, I would like to conclude with a prayer.
“Lord I lift up all those who were affect by these recent hurricanes. Please be with them in the coming days, weeks and months as they return to their homes and try to get back to normalcy. Encourage their hearts and build up their faith as they focus their gaze upon you each and every day.” In Jesus name, Amen.

Please join us today over at Signs, Miracles and Wonders to see what beautiful songs are being sung today.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this with us today! May the Lord bless you!

  2. What a powerful promise in scripture, and what a powerful message in song. Thank you so much for sharing this. I echo your prayer tonight.


  3. Blessings pray from a heart that knows! What an aMazing tribute to 9/11 heroes & survivors and loved ones!!! Steve Camp's song spoke right to my heart...with this line that stays..."So let me glory in my weakness till Your strength's revealed in me" but I enjoyed it all.
    Spoken with inspiration and compassion! Thank you Susan for praying and sharing the scripture, song and images! I pray God's safety and covering through this
    "storm" and that your house is on the mend & protected from more. That all of you remain safe & in His care & cover! Please be with Susan, Lord...encourage her, build her faith & let her be used by You
    to share her HOPE & LOVE in You with all who cross her path! May You hold her up through these "storms" as she keeps her eyes on YOU!Surround her family & friends
    with Your Everlasting Arms of Love & Security. In Jesus'Name

  4. Susan,
    My heart was seared forever on Sep.11. Even as I write, atrocities are being perpetrated on Indian Christians in Orissa, India, driven by the same irrational hatred that brought down the Twin Towers, the same hatred that dragged black men to death in the deep South, the same hatred that nailed Jesus to the Cross.

    I hate that hatred. I am so glad that it cannot separate us from the love of God which has already claimed the victory.

    May all who are surrounded by the terror this day find refuge in the shelter of the Almighty.
    Thank you for sharing this.

  5. That is a beautfiul song and post. God Bless!

  6. Susan,

    You've been on my mind again. I've been praying you guys escape any of Hurricane Ike. And, that new baby will be here very soon. Praying for safe delivery and healthy baby boy.

    Thanks for your comments. We celebrated another b-day tonight.

    I find it amazing how our wonderful Lord works.

    Blessings to you my friend!

  7. I join you in your prayers. So glad you came out so well. Praying for all those affected. I have family in Galveston...they still don't know yet the condition of their structure on the coastal waterway. We can't reach them.

  8. I will join you in prayer.

    I just checked out the website champonthis and it was really cool. Thanks for the recommendation.

  9. Beautiful! I loved Steve Camp's songs as well!! Thank you for the wonderful scriptures that you shared. Many blessings!

  10. Joining in the prayers. I love this song! Great post, too. Have a great Monday!

  11. Thanks for sharing these words of comfort and encouragement, Susan. Thanks for your beautiful prayer for others going through trials.Sept. 11th brings back painful memories, but Jesus indeed covers us with His love and has helped us to go on.

  12. Did not know about the ChampionThis web site....... I will go look! I so love his music! I was sitting in a dressing room Monday after my mammogram. Last year I had to have surgery for a lump that was A-typical and had to come out to make sure it did not have any cancer cells. I remember the terrible fear and the waiting for all the tests …. Such fear………. As the year passed and my yearly exam approached, I felt the fear beginning to rise……… Long story short, after the mammogram and the waiting for the radiologist, sitting in that small waiting room hearing the report was fine and no signs of any more abnormal cells….. I cried……. While beginning to dress and thanking the Lord………. He spoke………….. “I’ve got your back” I found it so funny what he said, I broke out in a laugh…………. HE calms our fears and HE is just a breath away…….. HE loves us and we need only be still to hear HIM and sometimes HE comes across with something like that………. I so love HIM HE covers me!

  13. Precious lyrics and powerful pictures. I am so glad you found a new blog to visit and find inspiration. I'll pop by his, but truly I do not NEED another blog to visit. It's already such a draw. And I want to be present for my family. It's easy for me to tuck away and read away. I cannot do that and be a good servant of my time. Oh, but I love relationships and words!!

    Thanks for sharing the hope!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!