
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Best Gift Ever!

"Don't you see that children are God's best gift? The fruit of the womb his generous legacy? Like a warrior's fistful of arrows are the children of a vigorous youth. Oh, how blessed are you parents, with your quivers full of children! Your enemies don't stand a chance against you; you'll sweep them right off your doorstep." PS 127 3-5

We are so excited to announced that Cole Jason Amato has finally arrived! Born on September 16th, he weighed in at a whopping 8lbs 15oz and 20 inches long! Now that's a healthy size baby! He is as cute as a button, and Jason and Kristin could not be more delighted. Once again, as grandparents our hearts are just busting with joy!

Thanks so much for your prayers as we anxiously awaited Cole's grand arrival. For now we'll get some special time spoiling big sister Kayla who will be staying with us while mom is recovering!

Please join us today at The 160 Acre Woods for more WFW!


  1. Congratulations!!!! Oh, how precious! Thanks for sharing a beautiful glimpse of this precious one that we have been praying for. I'm rejoicing with you today!

  2. THAT is the NEWS I've been WAITING for! OH, he is beautiful and how blessed you are! What a JOY!! That is what my post is all about tomorrow at the Cafe...JOY!!

    It's soooo good to have you back. I know it's been crazy days have had the prayers of MANY:)

    LOVE you! enjoy that GRAND! and a BOY...finally:)! YOU know BOYS!:) ha!

    hugs grammy!

  3. Oh congratulations Susan! What an amazing blessing!!

  4. Children are indeed a beautiful gift! What a precious little gift you are holding in your hands too :) Congratulations on your new grandson!

  5. Susan,

    Congratulations to you! I'm so happy he has arrived safe and sound. I know how happy you are too.
    Children are God's most precious gift.
    Enjoy him with hugs and kisses.
    I'm looking forward to lots of pictures of your precious gift.

    Love and Hugs..

  6. Congratulations! He is beautiful! What a wonderful blessing that you get to have time with "big" sis while mom is recovering - for you & them. :-)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog...I am glad I am not the only one who would freak out. :-)


  7. Oh...Congrat's Grammie!! He's SO adorable!!!

  8. What a beautiful blessing indeed! Congratulations!

  9. Oh, what a precious bundle. But you two look too young to be grandparents! Congratulations on the birth of Cole. I can smell that "baby fragrance" through my screen. :~D

    Have a wonderful week, Susan.
    Singing sweet lullabys with you...



  10. A big beautiful bundle of blessing! Congratulations, Susan and crew. These are days when we remember that there is good yet to be birthed upon this soil we trod.


  11. Oh, how precious! Praise the Lord that everyone is doing well. Enjoy spoiling that granddaughter. She'll need that extra TLC, won't she? Awesome WFW!!!!!!

  12. Ohhh HOW WONDERFUL! Such a Precious &
    aMazing bundle of joy! Congratulations to all of you!

    Welcome to the wonderful Amato family Cole Jason!!!You have quite the legacy to hold up! This gorgeous grandma & wonderful grandpa love the Lord with all their hearts & are such a blessing to many!

    What a beautiful photo & perfect verse! I'm rejoicing with y'all!

    Have fun with that darling Kayla!
    Enjoy WFW! Hope all is restored & rebuilt in the Amato home! May God keep you safe and protected! Keeping you in my prayers & thanking Our Lord for you & your friendship! Hope you remembered to bring the Autumn Friend Award home!

  13. Absolutely adorable! Congratulations!

    Thanks so much for dropping by my little corner of cyberspace! I've enjoyed my visit to yours and will see you around Internet Cafe!


  14. Oh Susan! I'm so happy for you! Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of Precious Baby Cole! = ) What a little doll. No doubt you'll be in Grammy heaven for awhile! ; )

    Thank you for your kind words about the storm damage. We are fine, and truly feel very, very blessed. I just read back a couple of posts and saw the damage you experienced as a result of Gustav! Not sure how I missed that before. Incredible! You know when they started calling what we experienced an actual hurricane without water, I immediately thought of you and Laurie Ann. I truly have a new compassion for you and others who live with hurricanes year in and year out. It's very humbling to witness that kind of display of power. We too were amazed that Ike could pack such a punch so long and so far after it's initial landfall.

    Take care my friend and happy snuggling with that sweet little bundle of boy,

  15. Susan,
    Now, I can't tell you're happy in the least! ;o)

    what a gorgeous baby...congrats!

  16. Congratulations to you both, and to the proud parents, and of course the now 'big sister'! He looks absolutely adorable! Paula :-)

  17. Congratulations. I know what you mean! They are just so much fun.
    You'll enjoy him more and more everyday. My newest is almost 4 months old now and he is so much fun.
    Thanks for sharing your Blessing.

  18. Susan,

    He is absolutely adorable. Congratulations! I'm so glad he is here and all is well. Won't all your grandgirls have fun with him!

    Thanks for your comments. Parents are always needed! But, what a great promise we do have!


  19. Oh, Susan!! He is just darling!I know that y'all are just so excited!!

    Ya'll are the cutest grandparents!!! I hope that you all have fun spoiling big sister for a few days! Many blessings, sweet friend!!
    Love ya,

  20. Yay!! What great news and isn't he cute. So glad all are doing wel. I'm sure you're beside yourself with joy.

    Love to you-

  21. Oh, Susan, he is precious! As always, your love spreading far and wide. I feel your love for him in Colorado. Enjoy being a grandma. I know you will make a huge impact on his life.

  22. Congratulations Susan! I am very happy for you. You couldn't have chosen a more appropriate verse. Children are a delight and an absolute blessing from God.

    Wonderful news.


    Ps. Thank you for stopping by my blog and saying hi.

  23. Congratulations! What a blessing is a new, precious life.

    Happy WFW!

  24. Wonderful! Beautiful baby! Grandma and grandpa look so proud too! Enjoy. God bless

  25. Hi Susan!
    I'm thrilled for you!
    How exciting!
    That's a beautiful picture you posted as well!
    I'm so smiling.

  26. Congratulations, Susan! And how nice to see Rick at your side rejoicing with you! God is good, indeed.

  27. Congratulations to you all! And, what a beautiful Grandmother you are!

  28. Oh, Susan, Congratulations! Little Cole is just adorable - and you and Rick look so happy. What a blessing. I can't wait to see pictures of him and his sisters together.

    I am so sorry I haven't been by in a while - it is just so hard to find time on the computer. I guess you could say I have been "prioritizing" my life - and internet time got pushed to the bottom. :)

    I could not believe the effects of Gustav! I didn't even realize the damage . . . and am so glad you are SAFE and God sent neighbors to help at just the right time. Please know that we have been praying for all affected by these storms.

    Now, go enjoy that new grandson! Give him a big hug from me. :)

  29. My Precious Susan...

    I am so thankful that I have come to know you and share Jesus together.

    Please come and visit me so I can honor that closeness & friendship:

    It's Friday's 9-19 post!!! Thanks!

  30. How cute!!!!! Grandmom's heart IS beaming too! :)

    You look for pretty! I have not been able to email you back, whenI try to respond from my email, it bounces back, so I decided to just drop by your blogworld.

    I see you have been busy!!

    Thanks for being an inspiration!

  31. congratulations Nana!! What a gorgeous photo. I love being a grandmother. It's like you have done the hard yards and then the Lord says, "Here is a bonus for you"
    Enjoy your grandbaby. such a blessing.
    hugs Sandra nz

  32. Thanks for your comment friend.....and to answer your question..I am a people person. However, the older I get, and the amount of counseling we provide for our church....I'm finding myself VERY needy, for alone, quiet time.

    People, and especially their "life issues" can be SO draining, and I'm learning boundaries! :-)

  33. That is one of the SWEETEST pictures EVER! You and Rick make the most beautiful couple.. and that GORGEOUS grand-baby just tops it off! CONGRATS to all of you on that PRECIOUS baby BOY!

    Now, your new blog design is lovely! It's BRIGHT, COLORFUL, and has a nice "homey" feel. CONGRATS!

    To confess...I've been a "lurker" here lately. Yes, I admit it. I've read your blog MANY times recently but haven't taken the time to leave you a comment. O=-) I apologize! (Hey, I'm SO VERY THANKFUL that we DO communicate through email - I'd be needing a SEROIUS "Susan fix" if not. ;-)

    Okay, I didn't mean to write a book.. hehehe.. I'll go and leave room for others to write.

    Take care, my Friend, I LOVE YOU!

  34. Okay... see, even with a NEW computer our connection is still SLOW! I had your blog open on another tab and hadn't noticed the first TWO times I saw it that there was A LOT more design than was NOT showing up! (I hadn't seen the stripes down the sides OR that neat little swirly thing in the bottom right corner. That is an AWESOME touch, I might add!)

    I guess I just wanted you to know that I was "wowed" when I saw it all "pulled together." (I can't believe it didn't FULLY LOAD the first few times I saw it!

    Alrighty, I'm REALLY gone this time. HA!!!


  35. Congratulations! What a sweetie!

    I almost didn't recognize this place, you've changed it so much. I lik the new look though.

  36. Congratulations on your grandson! Babies certainly are God's best gift.


  37. Yeah!!! A future Godly husband for Amiyah Elizabeth! ;)
    Congratulations Susan. I know you've been used to pink Grandma, but only ! :)

    Have fun. I'm sure you know a thing or two about raising boys.
    Love ya,


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!