
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

One Blessing After Another

“From the fullness of his grace we have all
received one blessing after another.” Jn. 1:16

On this Thankful Thursday I'd like to offer up thanks for all many the wonderful things Jesus has done this past week.

* I'd like to start out by thanking Amy over at
Split Decisionz for the great makeover she did on my blog! Isn't it beautiful? I sure appreciate you Amy. If you have not visited this great site, you need to check it out now!

* I'm so blessed to have my hubby back home! It's been so wonderful having him here again. It was our longest time apart ever, but I must tell you, this reunion has been glorious. I'm so thankful for Rick.

* I'm so grateful for the newest addition to the Amato family, our first grandson, Cole Dylan! (Now, isn't he just adorable?)

(Go Tigers!)

(Look Grammy, I can hold him!)

* I'm so thankful for the 6 fun-filled days I got to spend with my precious grand-daughter Kayla while mommy was recuperating. Oh, she was such a delight to have here with me! We got to spend a lot time bonding together. My other grand-daughter, Grace Kelly, joined us on the weekend. Here are some special moments I captured:

(Grammy & girls on the way to church)

* I want to thank God for sending a friend of my son Joseph all the way to Thailand to stay with him for awhile. It feels really good knowing he's not alone any longer in a strange country halfway around the world. This does “good” for a mom’s heart!

* I am really enjoying my Breaking Free bible study by Beth Moore each week. God is truly using His word to reach into the deepest places of my heart. I'm also concluding my study on the book Anonymous, by Alicia Chole. I'm being drenched in God's word these days! Thank you sweet Jesus for your Word, it truly sets the captives free.

* Finally, once again, I want to give thanks to all of you out there who stop by and bless me with your prayers and many kind words of encouragement. I especially appreciate you helping out during this Cancer Awareness month by dining at Chili's on the 29th! Take some pictures. I'd love to see them.

“Lord, how can I begin to thank you enough for the countless way you bless our lives everyday? A lifetime is not enough to show you how grateful I am. Thank you for the gift of salvation, healing and restoration in my life. Your grace is amazing, your loving kindness sustains me daily. I'm so grateful for the loving family you have given me, and for my many faithful friends. My life would be empty without your presence. I give you all the praise and glory today.” Amen.

Please join many other thank-ful hearts today over at Sting My Heart! I'd now like to wish Iris a wonderful birthday, and thank her for being such a great hostess for Thankful Thursday!


  1. Hi Susan, thank you for such a wonderfully thankful post! So many blessings, and deservedly so! Your grandchildren are absolutely adorable, and I am so pleased that you have your Rick home with you. Love In Him, Paula

  2. Hey Susan,

    Don't you just love this new song by Chris To!mlin, Jesus Messiah!

    IYou have such a heart of gold, I love coming here to visit you. And, to see all your beautiful little ones!

    Thank you for the sweet words.


  3. Hi Susan,

    Your new design is awesome. I love it. Great post and a grandson... Oh, what a wonderful week to praise the Lord.

  4. Hi Susan, your grandchildren are such sweeties :) They are such precious gifts from God. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos with us. I am so glad Rick is safely home. Thank God for sending a friend of Joseph to stay with him. He must be greatly encouraged. Thank you for your prayers. I am remembering you and family in prayers. Take care and God bless you and family!

  5. Congrats on the new grandbaby - HE is adorable! Thank you for sharing your grateful heart with us - God has blessed you with a beautiful family! -Blessings, Laurie

  6. what a blessing for God! priceless! =D

  7. Susan, I do like the blog makeover - how fun! Cole is a cutie-pie and you are richly blessed with those sweet grands... SO much to be thankful for today!

  8. God is good! And His loving spirit jumps off the page from you, Susan.

    The blog is lookin' good too. Nice job, Amy!

  9. Susan,

    What a great TT post. Thank you for sharing your thankful heart with us.

    Your grandchildren are precious!!
    Blessings to you today!!

  10. Beautiful, beautiful baby boy!! And HOW LOVELY are ALL of your precious grandchildren. You, my friend, are TRULY BLESSED!! Thank you for sharing your precious heart with us!! XXOOXXOO - Susanne

  11. What fun to stop by and see your blog makeover. It's beautiful! And your new grandson is a beauty too! Rejoicing with you in all your reasons to be thankful.

  12. Love the makeover on your blog. Amy did an awesome job. What a wonderfully thankful post you wrote. It's precious and your heart of gratitude just shines through. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  13. I tell you what, Susan... I think you've got about the cutest grandbabies ever! Every picture you share is just adorable.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  14. Your grandchildren are all so beautiful, they look so cute :)You are indeed blessed!

  15. Beautiful grandchildren! What a precious family. God bless you my friend.

  16. What a beautiful family...such precious children. You are greatly blessed. I like your new design...was it easy did it cost to do this?

  17. Hey, Susan! What a great TT post today! I rejoice with you in the fact that Rick is home, that darling baby boy is here safely, your time with your precious granddaughters, and the friend who is in Thailand with your son. So much to praise Him about.

    The pictures are just wonderul! God has blessd you with beautiful grandchildren :). Oh, and love the new blog look.

    Enjoy your day!
    Love ya,

  18. Hello, my Friend!

    I LOVE your "TT" post! And those pictures of Cole.. well, he's just ADORABLE!

    It was great to see the photos of big sis, Kayla, holding the little one.. she and Grace are ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL!

    I'm also VERY HAPPY for you that you're got your honey back! That was a LONG time to be separated!

    Okay, I'll go for now.. I'm off to wish Iris a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (Thanks for letting us know) =-)

  19. I love the pictures of the girls! It is so good that you have special time with them together. And the precious new addition. I know how happy you are. Blessings to you, dear one.
    Mama Bear

  20. Blessings Susan...My heart is delighted that you and your loved ones are flowing richly & abundantly in blessings! I Love your beautiful photos of those precious blessings!

    Praising God that Rick is finally home safely and you're making up for lost time.

    How wonderful that your son in Thailand has someone coming to join him! This is indeed one blessing after another! And your blog is divine! That makeover by Amy is fabulous! God certainly knows how to restore & make bountiful what the enemy (Gustav)(Ike) tried to steal from your home. This is one awesome TT! Glad you are being so enriched in Bible studies!

  21. That grandbaby is the cutest and what a way to start him off...

    GEAUX Tigers! :)

    I love you lady!

  22. Thank you for visiting my site, your grandchildren are so adorable. I love your design.

    hope you don't mind asking this question, is your son joseph doing a mission work in Thailand?


  23. Love the new look and your TT post is beautiful........ Have a blessed weekend...

  24. great list thanks so much for sharing, we are so blessed in so many ways.

  25. Such a beautiful Grandson. Congratulations!!

  26. What a beautiful family you have! They are certainly something wonderful to be thankful for your right!

  27. What a wonderful post, Susan! Your cup does indeed overflow! You have the most adorable grandchildren I have ever seen. And I must say, there is nothing better than to be saturated with the Word of God.

  28. Sweet Susan,
    What a beautiful, beautiful list. I'm so happy for you that your sweetheart is back home! I can't imagine being apart for so long. Baby Cole is such a handsome guy. I'm so excited for you that you now have a grandSON! Those photos of your grandgirls just get me! They are so precious. You make me eager for my Grammy days!

    My heart rejoices to hear your studies are going so well. There is truly nothing sweeter than being soaked in God's word.

    Your prayers and words of encouragement this week have meant so much. Your friendship is truly a gift.


    P.S. I absolutely LOVE the new look of your blog. She did a great job!

  29. Oh my... so many things to be thankful for. Your new blogskin is gorgeous. And your first grandson Cole is precious. Enjoy your husband this weekend!


  30. You have definitely had a week full of blessings! I am so glad Rick is finally home. :) And the pictures were beautiful. I just love the ones of your grandkids - they are all so adorable . . . and so lucky to have such a special Grammy.

    Have a great weekend!

  31. Love the new look!
    Your grandson is just gorgeous. Congrats!
    Love the pics of the girls as well!
    God bless you!

  32. Look at these precious faces! How wonderful to read all the blessings in your life. Happy to know Rick is home too. And loved reading you are enjoying your Bible studies and being filled to overflowing.


  33. Hey Susan! What a precious baby and how glorious to have a week with those beautiful little girls!

    My hubby called and said - NO WORK TODAY! They are limiting their hours to 84 a week, which I am grateful for - it means he won't kill himself working unlimited hours. He was off to the grocery store and getting a haircut. He called last night from the washateria to say he was doing laundry - will wonders ever cease? Not really, he is really good about helping with laundry and such things here at home.

    Just keep us in your prayers - There is much work to do - he said that it doesn't even seem like they are making a dent in the damage there.

    Glad to hear life is returning to normal in your area... Blessings to you sweet friend.

  34. Oh, your grandchildren are so precious! What fun memories the girls must have made at your house! Your new blog look is adorable. Wow is she talented.

    Yes, I did my own blog makeover but it is certainly not as professional. But, it is fun to be creative. Blessings to you and your sweet family.

  35. Beautiful babies! Beautiful list of TT............ Love the new look..

    Have a blessed Sunday !

  36. Love all your thanksgivings. I'm thankful for you!!! Much love,LeliaKiss that baby for me!!

  37. As I read all your blessings I just smile as I reflect on the true goodness of God. Those beautiful little grand-daughters being loved by a Godly grandmother. I am blessed by what blesses you heart today.

  38. Love the beautiful design and the beautiful grandchildren! You sure do create some beauty everywhere you go. So glad to hear that husband is home. Any progress on roof repair?

    I look forward to catching up with you as time allows. We're in week 4 of Alicia's study and have had a tremendous response to her book. We'll be doing Beth's "Esther" in the Spring.

    Keep to Jesus, friend. Keep drinking him in. He's so worth it.


  39. Congratulations on your first grandson. He is so cute. Blessing to your family. Enjoy this time.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!