
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Did You Know?

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

A few weeks ago a special was aired nationally on TV called
“Stand Up to Cancer”. I was unable to watch it because we did not have electricity thanks to a visit by Hurricane Gustav.

The show was used to help raise money for research in the battle to find new cures for cancer. Sadly, in talking to several friends who saw the special, I learned that there was only one doctor who represented childhood cancer out of all the specialists featured on the program! Wow...

I can only imagine how disappointed all the parents (myself included) of children battling cancer felt with such little emphasis given to childhood cancer. If the nation could only see this part of the cancer world where so many brave little soldiers are fighting for their lives everyday I know their hearts would have been touched.

While I greatly appreciate all the monies that are being spent on research for breast cancer, prostate, lung, and other cancers that seem to grip at the heart of our nation, I could not help but question…

“What about our children?”

Childhood cancer affects thousands of children each year. Did you know that in America - 46 new cases are being diagnosed every day?

Cancer is the most common cause of illness-related death in children. Cancer is the second most common cause of death in children, after accidents. 12,500 children are diagnosed with cancer every year.

So what can you do to help out?

Each year Chili’s donates 100% of their profits for one day to St. Jude. This year the date is September 29th. There goal is to raise over $50 million dollars toward research. This donation will be the largest donation from a single partner campaign in St. Jude’s history!

Last year the new Chili's Care Center was opened at St. Jude in Memphis . My son had the chance to be treated in this beautiful new facility on our last visit to St. Jude in April. It is a fabulous building with State-of-the-Art technology. This is a tribute to all those who gave and who still see childhood cancer as something worth fighting and beating!

(Thanks Chili's)

Countless MRI's, CT's, Pet Scans and various other treatments are being done daily in this awesome new building. Would you be willing to take your family out to dinner at Chili’s to help them reach their goal on Monday Sept. 29th, 2008 for a fun and rewarding time? Your children could even go online and Create a Pepper. It's fun and it's easy. Every dollar counts.

Another way you can help the children is by participating in a new Virtual Walk, which is being sponsored by CureSearch. One of my dearest friends, Tonya, has a Team she's designated in honor of her brave son Brent this year. He lost his battle here on earth, but his memory lives on and helps us keep fighting until this beast is defeated. For a donation of any amount, you can join her and many others this month. Please check this event out here. Thanks Tonya!

So many people, (and I once was among them myself), are totally unaware of the wide reaching effects of childhood cancer in our society. That is why I am so glad that September has been set aside to help bring this cause to the attention of our nation. Too many children will be diagnosed this year, and too many that have already been diagnosed will be lost. Time is so critical.

Alone the task seems to daunting, but together we can join our hearts,
our prayers, and our finances to conquer this giant.

I'd like to conclude by honoring some very brave warriors we have had the privilege of knowing during Jordan's journey. (There were many more, I just don't have access to their pictures now.) Some of these precious children are still in the battle now. They show us what bravery and courage truly looks like.

Let's help make a difference today.


  1. I like your new look! It is great information! These are the real heroes of life!

  2. Nice makeover! I took an insert from your blog and posted on mine about the Chili's campaign.(I hope you don't mind) Passing out the word for Sept 29.

  3. Susan,

    I wanted to say THANK YOU for being so outspoken against childhood cancer. I know it "hits home" with your family too. I also wanted to say THANKS for inviting your friends to support childhood cancer research through our virtual walk. I'm with you, we all need to "band together" and do all that we can!

    Now, I forgot to mention about Chili's. I need to do that, or redirect our friends to your blog. It IS great information, but being that we went there so often with Brent, it's just a little hard to think about. (I'm such a wimp still..) O:-)

    I hope you all have a WONDERFUL weekend!


  4. Susan,

    I love your new look!!! Did you do it? Tell Tell!

    I recorded the program Stand Up To Cancer. It was very informative. I hope this starts something to get the world involved in cure for cancer.

    One man, can't remember right now donated 25 million dollars to help research.

    I could go on and on, as I know you could about the need for something to be done immediately, but I won't.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Great new makeover on your site. I always think about doing it but just don't. someday. Thank you for the plug for the great things that St Jude does. I live in the backyard of St Jude and as a Pastors wife - I have had the privelege of visiting some of the patients at St Jude with my husband. I have met so many great friends and have had the honor of seeing first hand what these parents and family and kids go thru. If you ever wanted to give to a worthy cause - St Jude is it. and if you are ever in the Memphis area - you need to stop and visit the hospital - one walk down a hallway will convince you to give to this worthy cause (and then you will go home and hug your healthy child!) Thanks Susan for the awareness and next time you come to st jude please let me know - I will meet you for coffee!! -Blessings, Laurie

  6. LOVE your new blog makeover. Very pretty. Thanks for including Shae's picture. I miss him dearly and it made my heart smile.

    Can't wait to see you in October.

    Love to you!

  7. Blessings Susan...GREAT Mission, great cause!!! But the month is almost gone...I know Gustav & Ike
    such lovely twisters of faith!

    Anyways, may I link this post to my Mission4Monday...since you don't come & visit me anymore & pick up all I've been sending your way...let me think since Tues., then Weds. & Thurs, and a very special one on are 1 of 8 and then today!!! Hmmmmm, could you be tellinge something!
    (lol) this is the last time, I promise that I won' bother you again! Such a beggar, aren't I?(lol)But you know my heart! I think you congrat. me but I wanted you to take it on home!!!

    I love the new blog makeover but the most importants stuff needed to be said first. The following is the most important...

    I missed the special on "Stand Up
    to Cancer" also...only received announcements about it but not the actual TV
    ..humpf...but how disappointing that there was so little emphasis on these precious little people.
    That breaks my heart! :(

    Loved your photo of the precious heroes...hope you say YES to me linking to here on Monday!!!
    Great appeal..thanks for sharing what others can do to contribute!

    I pray that GOD puts it higher on HIS priority list than the TV talk & researchers. I know St. Jude has always shown they cared. And of course, all with children care a great deal...and those with needs
    even more. Our Lord spoke, "let the little children come unto me"...and "unless you become like child"...Blessed are the Children in great and small ways, they should never be forgotten! #1 priority!!!

  8. Your son is the face of hope-really. I can't believe the battles that some have had to overcome. Heart breaking. I thought of you as the hurricanes have come through. My sister is in Mississippi and happened to be up here in MN visiting when Gustav came through. She isn't used to those hurricanes being a northerner but has had to live through the weather for over a year now. I can only imagine. Blizzards are one thing but the wind and power of those storms are quite different. So thankful that your house didn't have more damage than it already did. It looked pretty bad though. Praying for you and for life to return to normal.
    BTW your new grandbaby is a beautiful little thing. Oh how wonderful to have a baby around. :)

  9. Hi there....please join us at PAC2 if you haven't already...People Against Childhood Cancer...

    Also please sign our petition and post on your blog and/or pass along to others:

    Thanks....we have a big fight in raising awareness for childhood cancers and could use your help!

  10. I love your new look, Susan! And, we'll definitely be at Chili's on the 29th.

  11. Well LOOK at YOU! A hurricane blows through and you end up with a completely NEW look!!

    what an awesome know it touches us all....they are heroes and they make us think about life and it's fragility in ways we often miss.....

    Hugs to you!

    BUT wow...I almost thought I'd landed in OZ! I LOVE IT! That Amy...she is amazing!

    hugs girlfriend! how is that baby boy??

  12. This is such an informative piece. Susan, I didn't know that 46 new cases of childhood cancer are being diagnosed every day. That's a staggering statistic. Tearing up.

    Thank you for making childhood cancer awareness an important focus of your blog. What a lovely tribute to those precious children at the close. (I recognize Tonya's boy, and Faithful Froggers son too.)

    BTW, when you have a minute, I have an award waiting for you at Chrysalis. :~D

    ((Hugs)) e-Mom

  13. Susan,
    I haven't been to visit in awhile and now you have a whole new look and a new grandson!! WOW! You have been busy!
    Unfortunately I am one of those who had no idea how underfunded childhood cancer is until I started blogging and met women like you and Tonya. Thank you for raising awareness and informing the rest of us how we can help. I am praying for all of the children and families who are touched by cancer, my heart aches for them all. And I will definitely be promoting Chili's on the 29th!!

  14. Beautiful post and I love the new look....... Me and hubby will go out and have a bite at Chili's ... This post hurts my heart and causes me to realize ever day that HE is loves the little children.... thanks for sharing.... Have a blessed week!

  15. Beautiful new look and a precious post, Susan. Steve and I will definitely participate in this!

  16. Great post! it's good to know that someone's starting a stand against cancer for our children!

  17. Thank you Susan, for both your compliment (on the Sadducee & Outcast post) and your prayers for the incarcerated are much too kind to be living on this ol' earth!

    ...neither the planter nor the waterer is anything, but it is God Who gives the increase (1 cor. 3:7)

    I LOVE your new look,'s beautiful...and so is your ministry to the multitudes!

    Shalom Aleichem Sister!

  18. Welcome Susan to Mission4Monday and thanks for allowing me to share your excellent MISSION!
    OUR KIDS facing Cancer!

    I already commented but wanted to thank you for your all encompassing visit to my blog and leaving me such encouragement.

    I love your new colors and new look! Nice job Amy! Hope you're enjoying your grandbabies!

    I went to the Kid site and created a Pepper with Chili's!!! I pray that your concern touches many to pray, join their support & finances

  19. Thanks for showing the pic in front of the Chili's Care Center. We lost our son to neuroblastoma and color chili peppers (and donate) annually. We always make our peppers very personal with things our son liked etc including 'in memory of..' stuff. I want people to know it's not an 'out there' thing.. it happens to people sitting next to them. A sweet thing... our Chili's kept our peppers from a year past and posted them near the door this year as they keep some they feel special about. We smiled and thought that was sweet of them! your blog's new 'do'. Cute cute cute!

  20. WOW! Your new blog makeover looks great. I thought I had the wrong blog at first. :)

    Thank you for including Jacob's picture and for helping to spread the word and raise awareness for childhood cancer. So many people aren't aware!

    Hope your new grandson is doing well!

  21. Thanks so much for writing about such a needed attention... I will be praying and see what God would have me do.

    May God be good to you for sharing your heart on this subject.

    P. S. I love your homey new look!


  22. You made me LAUGH...can't imagine ME with any NON~EDIFYING words...HA! I'm a work in progress....a real construction zone!!

    love you!

  23. Susan:

    Thank you for visiting my blog also. It is nice to meet you ....through technology.

    I left my comment for you on the blog page in which you commented. I just wanted to let you know that I saw your comment and appreciate your friendship and fellowship. God bless you.

  24. Love your new design!

    And thank you for taking the time to talk about childhood cancer and the ways we can help. Like you, I have personally experience with kids with cancer--my brother. They are brave soldiers!

    So thankful for you and your heart!

  25. Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. You have a beautiful family, and I am so glad to know that your son survived his tumor. It is our family's hope that one day this disease will be eradicated...that is why we started an endowment in Katie's anme at Children's Hospital in Seattle. We will continue to do our best to support the wonderful doctors, nurses and researchers who work every day to make life better for our children. Thank you for calling attention to the subject here. God bless you.

  26. I really love your pretty header, but especially the verse from's one that keeps popping up in my life lately - I love it.

    Thank you for this informative post. The whole subject of childhood cancer hurts my heart - I hate to see the little ones suffer in any way. Suddenly I'm recalling a sweet little girl on crutches battling cancer in the hospital where my husband once had surgery years ago. That girl was like a little angel who hopped on her crutches to visit other patients and cheer them up. Sorry to ramble but the memories came flooding back. We've known other little ones who fought cancer valiantly before going Home with the Lord. Thank you for your voice here, and God bless you and your precious family. I'll be back!

  27. Susan, Your site was always so pretty, and even with the change, it still is.

    We just read yesterday on a blog about a little three year old who just died from cancer. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    I saw a special on TV that was hard to look at but we can't turn our heads away. We need to do what we can for children who are suffering--with our prayers and our finances. May the Lord lead each of us as to how we can help.

  28. Hello, my FRIEND!

    I just checked in hoping to find some new pics of you lovin on little Cole. How's everyone doing? Kristin doing well? I'm looking forward to YOUR next post.. hint, hint... hehe! Funny, it's normally YOU pushing me to update. (Just kidding)


  29. Oh could I have missed this...

    September Cancer Awareness.........

    Beautiful Tribute to Our Sons & children....

    May God continue the good work HE started in you!

    Love you,

    Your Sister in Christ,

    Kris Danny


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!