
Friday, October 24, 2008

God is soooooooo GOOD!!!

We're praising God for this wonderful report we received from Jordan's doctor at St. Jude today. We had an great time tonight as we celebrated with our special friends up here in Memphis.
Thanks so much for your prayers.

I can hardly wait to fill you in on more of the details once we return home.

"Therefore I will give thanks to You... and sing praises to Your name.” Psalm 18:49


  1. YEA!!! I am so happy and relieved for you and your family. It must be so difficult to wait for those results but I am very happy all is well! And by the way Jordan looks GREAT!!

    Enjoy your weekend and try to relax...


  2. YES!!! So thrilled for you. Thanks for giving us an update. Enjoy your weekend.

    Love ya,

  3. Oh... it is so wonderful to hear wonderful reports. Praise be to God!

    I read about Jordon and I can't help but think that the Lord has good plans for his life.

    I rejoice with you!!!


  4. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Continuing to pray at this end!
    Psalms 34:15 The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry.
    Prayer Bears

  5. Yes- God is soooooo good! I know that feeling is wrenching even as we pour all our trust in God! I am so happy!

  6. Awesome! Hallelujah! So glad to hear it!

  7. Congratulations!....I can't say it enough....Congratulations!

    Love and Hugs...

  8. YES... YES.....YES!!!!!

    GOD is soooooooooo GOOD!

    Praising HIS name along with you!

    Love & Hug's,


    Therefore I will give thanks to You... and sing praises to Your name.” Psalm 18:49 AMEN!

  9. Susan,

    I'm thrilled to hear Jordan's results. As, I'm sure you are. Praise God!


  10. Hurray! I'm praising God with you!

    And, yes, isn't He incredibly good to us?

  11. Praise the LORD!
    Can't wait to read about it!
    Blessings to you

  12. Susan,

    I don't know when I've EVER been so HAPPY to get a text from Jordan! Our hearts have been REJOICING in your GREAT NEWS!! GOD IS SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!

    Now, I missed you this trip. Let's pray that the next time you come up I'm "mentally ready" to meet you there. I would LOVE to be there for you and Jordan and to have the time keep you BUSY between doctor visits.

    Until then, we've SERIOUSLY GOT to make plans to get together! I'm MISSING YOU GUYS LIKE CRAZY!!!

  13. Praise God for STABLE!!! Blessings Susan...Thank You Lord for answered prayer, we believed for a good report and You did not fail. Hold Susan & Jordan in Your Loving Arms and bring them safely home to celebrate with You & loved ones! You are more than wonderful! You are amazing! You are Jordan's strength and Susan's Joy1. There is none like You! Thank You Jesus...Thanks Susan for sharing your peace of mind and Jordan's praise report! God IS so Good! May Our Rock keep you steady & stable!

  14. Praise God! I was so happy to hear that wonderful word...STABLE!

    I thought I'd drop by while I have a free second (so rare these days!) and before I go to bed. EXHAUSTING DAY!

    I am looking forward to tomorrow, and Kayla is so looking forward to her Grammy (and Mary) time! =)

    Love y'all!

  15. I'm doing the Happy Dance...all the way from MN!!!!


  16. Woo HOO!!! That is great news, Susan! I'm so happy for you all!

  17. Jordan I am singing, dancing, and smiling!! What an awesome report!!! Love, Aunt Stephanie

  18. Woo-hoo!!! Awesome, awesome news. Thanks for sharing! Looking forward to hearing more about the results.

    Rejoicing with you,

  19. WHAT GREAT NEWS!!! Can't wait for the details!!!
    I agree with Kelley... Jordan looks wonderful!!
    Now you can breathe a little, mom!!
    In our prayers!!!

  20. Hooray!

    What wonderful news! Tell Jordan I am happy for his good news. Now, I hope your written report was as clearly in agreement with Dr. Kun's report as mine was!

    Di Di

  21. Thanking God for the good report! He is faithful !

  22. Awesome Awesome Awesome!!!!! I'm so glad to hear this! Yay! Our God is so faithful. Can't wait for you to fill us in!

  23. OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    AMEN~ I can't tell you how many times I thought of you all in the past few days and sent up prayers...WHAT GREAT NEWS!!
    YES! you've got to be overwhelmed!
    love you! we'll chat soon!!
    be safe!
    love you!

  24. So glad for your good news! What a privileged time to peek in on your site! Peace and rest to you all...

    And Susan, please don't feel obligated in any way--in some ways I feel inappropriate putting this here--but I was asked to participate in a blog "tag" game designed to help people connect, didn't know enough other bloggers to tag, and felt led to include you (perhaps because this is a great site for people to connect to). Please don't feel obligated, but if you want to read about it you can check my blog for today.

    Blessings and rejoicing with you, -lj

  25. "Stable"... what a beautiful, beautiful word. (((Hugs)))


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!