
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's THAT time again...

Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to ask if you would keep my son, Jordan, and I in your prayers this week. We will be traveling up to St. Jude Hospital for his six month checkup. We'll arrive in Memphis on Wednesday and fly back home on Saturday.

Overall, Jordan is doing very well, but “scan-time” is always a bit challenging for our faith. We know Jordan is in God’s hands, and that JESUS is in control of everything. He is the One in whom we will always place our faith and keep our trust! But your prayers mean so much as we continue along this journey.

I'll let you know as soon as we get thatgood report”. I appreciate your prayers and friendship more then you'll ever know.


  1. Susan - Praying and believing God!

    Love you,

  2. Susan,

    Thinking of you and keeping you covered in prayer as you fly to Memphis tomorrow.

    Asking for and BELIEVING with you in The GOOD news you will be sharing with us

    on Saturday afternoon...........

    Love to all,

    Kris Danny

  3. Dear Lord Jesus,
    Please be with Susan and Jordan as they travel to St. Jude. Grant them safety in their journey, Lord. Please also grant them the precious gift of your peace. That wonderful peace that passes all understanding...
    We pray for a wonderful report, and a clean bill of health, but most of all we pray for your protection and provision, and your peace...let it rule in their hearts even now.
    In your Son's name and for His sake,

  4. Oh you know I'm praying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Philippians 4:8-9 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
    Prayer Bears

  5. It's been six months already?! Wow. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

  6. Susan~
    I'm on it sweet friend!!!

    Rest in Jesus.

  7. Lord, I ask even now, that You would go before them... keep each family member in Your mighty hand and fill them with Your peace that really goes beyond any of our own understanding.

    bless them I pray!

  8. Blessings Susan...Praying for Jordan(& you), Nick(& Tammy), Leslie (& Dineen,SUM with Lynn),
    and Cheryl & Jan(Joyce,too)! WOW!

    May Our Lord hold your hand and lead you through this "scan" with miraculous results because He is in control. Having faith & hope as you go off tomorrow -Sat., I'll be in prayer! Believing for a good report

  9. Hey Susan,

    I know these times are extremely difficult, on a different level.

    Storming Heaven for your Jordan!!!


  10. Go with them Jesus,every step of their way guarding their hearts, touching their spirits, healing their bodies. We ask Your blessing upon this trip and beseech You for a good report. We trust in Your will which is good, acceptable, and perfect; and we stand on the promises that nothing is too difficult for You. That You are the God of all flesh and can do exceedingly, abundantly, more than we ask or imgaine. They are in Your ever lasting arms. Praise Your name. Amen.

  11. Count on it, Susan! May God give you the courage and joy you need during this time. I can't wait to hear the good news!

  12.'s WEDNESDAY and I knew as soon as I woke today what day it was....I'm praying "without ceasing for Jordan." Praying that all anxious thoughts are washed away and that the peace that surpasses ALL understanding fills you all!!

    love you!!

  13. Praying for a good report...

    I found your blog on the LWG blogroll... I'm excited to connect with other Christian women in the blog world...

    Off to explore more of your blog!

  14. Praying praying, and praying some more! Anxiously awaiting news!

  15. Ohhhhh, praying for Jordan and your family. It is time for our scans too .. Cast your cares upon Jesus .. he will make your burdens light. Give it ALL to Him .. every single overwhelming thing!!!!!!!!


  16. We will be praying for Jordan and the results!!Cast all your cares upon Him. Him who is able to provide rest for your soul. Give Him every overwhelming thing today. He IS able!!!!!!


  17. Praying for your time together, time with the dr.'s and a peace that only the Holy Spirit can give us.

  18. Stopping by to let you know I'm still here praying hard!
    Psalms 4:1 Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.
    Prayer Bears

  19. Precious Susan,

    I carry your burdens to the cross right now. I'm not sure if you know the results yet, today's Friday. But please know you are not alone. I, alongside many others, are lifting your family up to the Greatest Physician. The God of all Comfort. The Prince of Peace. Our strong tower who is mighty to save.

    Jordan is God's precious child. Created for a good purpose. Chosen. He will not fail Him. I'm praying for a clean bill of health.

    I love you, sister,

  20. I thought of Jordan today, and lo and behold... this post. Praying for a peace that passes all understanding, Susan. HUGS!!!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!