
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Joy Unspeakable!

Thanks Iris for choosing such an awesome theme for this Thankful Thursday! This is one of my favorite scriptures on Joy:

It is good to praise the LORD and make music to
your name, O Most High,
to proclaim your love in the morning and
your faithfulness at night,
to the music of the ten-stringed
lyre, and the melody of the harp.
For you make me glad by
your deeds, O LORD; I sing for joy at the works of your hands.
PS 92:1-4
Lord, I pray I will always proclaim your love and faithfulness no matter what I face each day. Thank you for the gift of joy, and all the many wonderful works of your hands I witness each day. You are a Mighty God and I give thanks to you. Your loving kindness sustains me, your grace upholds me. Be glorified in life I pray. In Jesus name, Amen.
Please join us over at Grace Alone today as see what other grateful hearts are thanking God for!


  1. Oh what JOY we should all have in our hearts for ALL that HE does for us. Great post!

  2. What a beautiful picture and fitting for sharing His joy! Thanks for sharing your grateful heart on TT. -Blessings, Laurie

  3. A lovely post! Have a joyful day!

  4. Blessings Susan...I'm so thankful for the JOY of knowing you through our blogs! I praise HIM with all the music I can make of Psalm 92! HE makes each of US His Instruments
    to play such a fine we get in tune with HIM & HIS WAYS for HIS PLAN is grand!!! Thank you for sharing such an inspirational verse & heartfelt prayer! You are a fresh song to my heart when I read you name! Let us sing for JOY together at the works of HIS HANDS!

  5. Amen! God bless you, susan. ♥

  6. This is a wonderful reminder that indeed God has given us all much to be thankful for.

  7. I like the verses you posted here! Thanks for sharing! God Bless!

    Mine is posted HERE. Happy TT!~

  8. Love in the morning and faithfulness at night...Mmmmm...He is good all the time! Praise His name!

  9. Susan, I was blessed by reading your precious post this morning. You have such a beautiful heart, and it overflows with the beauty of our Savior as you praise Him. I love the reminder to be thankful no matter what our circumstances are. Thank you for your sweet and thoughtful comments on my blog this morning. They warmed my heart. Bless you, and have a happy Thankful Thursday!

  10. Oh, Susan! This was lovely! I love the song by Sandy Patti! The joy that He places in us is what we need to draw from and to share.

    Many blessings,

  11. What joy we have in Jesus! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful prayer! Blessings!

  12. I love this scripture, Susan. So glad you shared it with us and I could start my day off with it today.

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  13. Susan, beautiful picture and beautiful prayer. What a joy for me to discover a moment of worshiping the Lord when I stopped at your blog.

    Thank you for blessing me today.

  14. Susan,

    I enjoyed your post on JOY!

    Can you BELIEVE that it only hit me JUST THIS MORNING that I'm supposed to be following a "theme" on "TT"? Well, you know me.. I'm SLOW! O=-)

  15. Beautiful picture and post. I love that scripture, too!

  16. That picture is beautiful and looks perfect on your blog. I love that verse!

  17. How do you do it, Susan? How do you exude joy through the internet and on to my computer screen?

    Man, I wish I had your warmth.

    Love you, friend,

  18. Good Gracious...that is beautiful!!! You are JOY radiated!!

    Honestly...did you make that's GORGEOUS! You hiding talents???


  19. What a beautiful prayer and post. Thank you, Susan.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  20. Now you've got me singing that song. I can't even remember the name, but I do know it includes "Joy unspeakable". Thanks for the pick-me-up!

  21. Susan,

    Beautiful post. and your prayer was perfect. Miss you a ton. Glad I could stop over. Consider yourself hugged.

  22. This is beautiful! I love the picture and the verse you have chosen. Thanks so much!

  23. Such a lovely prayer and post. Thank you so much for sharing.

  24. What a beautiful post... The Joy of the Lord is my Strength... Wonderful! I look forward to more catching up. I still get a little weepy now and then. I miss my Dad and my uncle but they are in a much better place, a very Heavenly mansion with family. Thanks for the prayers! God Bless!

  25. I just love that post, especially the music picture. You might enjoy visiting my music blog. :o)


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!