
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Eyes for the Eternal

Our daily schedules overflow with needs that scream for attention. Bills need paying, tests need taking, homes need repairing, the baby is crying, the phone is ringing--and before you know it an entire day has slipped away and tomorrow is at the front door. We can become so caught up with the tangible and immediate that we blind ourselves to the eternal.

Is it possible to live in this world and not be consumed and driven by its demands?

Jesus also faced immediate needs, both His own and those in the sea of humanity around Him. His body needed rest and nourishment, taxes needed paying, mankind needed healing--but we never see Him driven or gripped by anxiety. In the midst of the immediate, He never lost sensitivity to the miraculous.

Need is a voice that never says, "Enough!" Yet Jesus was not a slave to that voice. What was His secret?

Jesus said to them, "My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work." John 4.34

Jesus' food—the aim that nourished Him—was doing His Father's will and finishing His Father's work. His life was centralized around His Father and that focus placed the world's demands in proper perspective.

What is our food? What is the aim that nourishes us? Do we need a change of diet?

May Jesus’ food become ours today.

This devotion was taken from Alicia Chole's Book Until the World Knows. I pray this word spoke to your as it did mine this morning. In the midst of all our business, may we never lose sight to the true purpose of our lives.

Lord, let me never stop hungering for your word and for your truth. Give me a heart that seeks hard after you. Let me follow after you as I walk each day. In Jesus name.


  1. Beautiful post, Susan! You bless my heart each and every time we "speak." (Whether it be online, the phone, or in person)

    God has given you such an amazing ability to teach and encourage others. I'm so very thankful to be able to call you FRIEND.


  2. Susan, You were on my heart so much this morning.....I just had to stop by and say, "I love you!" Hope all is well with your family. And, oh to keep our eyes focused on the eternal!! Love you, blogging friend!

  3. Oh that the only thing I seek be His will and His Word. Great exhortation.

  4. What a beautiful devotion. May we take our example from Christ in this busy busy world...

  5. Love this. I recently read this verse so your post adds to the meaning in a beautiful way. Thank you.

    Thinking of you, Susan.


  6. Susan~
    What a beautiful...wonderful post.

    May I walk in his example.

    Know I'm praying for you ...sweet...friend. :-)

  7. This really made my day!
    I haven't been here much lately but wow...every time I do visit you, I just get blessed! Thank you for sharing all of this. It was wonderful and a great reminder to keep our eyes focused on HIM!!

  8. oh how I enjoy visiting you...your blogs always "hit the spot"

  9. Susan,

    Beautiful post! Much to think about!


  10. Amen! Thank you for this challenge today. I'm afraid often my business is more about that which I want, rather than being about the business of the Lord. I'm echoing your heartfelt prayer.

    Blessings, my friend.

  11. She has such a way of hitting us right between the eyes, doesn't she? Love this devotion.

    We have one more session of Anonymous. I have loved facilitating this study. Learned so much, and I know the women have been deeply blessed.


  12. I come via Kim at Season's. That was a very sweet thing you did for her by sending those CDs.

    Yes, we can become consumed with this world and our needs. I'm guilty. May I feast on HIS food today.

    I've been over here a couple times but I believe you've had a blog makeover. I LOVE it. All the little details.

    Is that your real signature with the smiley face?

  13. P. S. Please stop by my blog for a happy -

  14. Thank you for visiting my blog and welcoming me! :) This devotion hit right home. It is hard not to get overwhelmed with the world and things in it. I like your blog!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!