
Thursday, October 2, 2008

May the Rebuilding Begin!

“They will rebuild the ancient ruins and restore the places long
devastated; they will renew cities that have been devastated for generations”.
Isa. 61:4

On this Thankful Thursday I want to give thanks for the fact that Jesus our Lord is a Master Restorer! Isa. 61:4 was our memory verse this week in my Breaking Free bible study class. All of us have some kind of generational ruins, but the good news is they can all be rebuilt! Jesus is truly our deliverer. I was so blessed to know that every generation has an opportunity to allow the power of God’s Spirit to restore their lives no matter what has taken place, and then exert a positive influence for THOUSANDS of generations. We can be that link to freedom. Praise God for FREEDOM!!

♥ I'm thankful for the many special friends I've made this past year blogging. On Monday, I'll celebrate my One Year Blogaversary. Please stop for this special occasion.

♥ Gratefully we are now in the process of getting estimates to have our house repaired after the damage suffered from Hurricane Gustav. I'm so thankful God has sent contractor friends our way to help out.

♥ Finally, I'm thankful I'll get to see my daughter-in-love and my grand babies this weekend. This will be Kristin’s first big outing since she had baby Cole. We're looking forward to having lots of fun and fellowship. Here is a picture I took last week of Karli and Cole as they were rooting for the New Orleans Saints who won the game, which is no small miracle in itself! Yes, this is our little future football star and his proud cheer-leader!!

Please join many other grateful hearts today over at Iris's new beautiful blog Grace Alone!


  1. Such a wonderful picture. You have much to be thankful for! May God continue to bless you.

  2. Hey Susan,

    Great words. And, it is nice to know people, like contractors in times of need.

    Your grandbabies are so adorable.

    Have a great week!


  3. Hi, Susan! I, too, am so thankful that God helps us rebuild.. no matter what the circumstance. We are so lucky He is ALWAYS on our side!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  4. Wonderful post.
    Happy TT!

  5. Yes, I'm SO THANKFUL that JESUS is our deliverer! HE's brought me out of the deepest, darkest, pit.. HE's been my COMFORTER and my ROCK - My SHELTER & my HIDING PLACE. HE is indeed ONE to be thankful for!

    Now, those babies are just TOO CUTE! Susan, those girls get prettier every time I see them! Baby Cole is just BEAUTIFUL too!

    I'm MISSING YOU! (I need an excuse to come hold that new baby) O:-)

  6. Love the picture of the sweet grandbabies! They are precious. Thank you for sharing from a thankful heart.

  7. Hi Susan,

    I just love the grandbaby picture! And I'm so pleased the Bible study is going well. I just love this study.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  8. I enjoyed reading your thankful list. And yes, we can have freedom in Christ. I completed the Breaking Free Bible study too.

  9. I too have a wonderful daughter-in-love--a sweet answer to prayer and a reason to be thankful! I pray your repairs go quickly on your home.
    Happy Blogaversary to be on Monday!

  10. Hey Susan! Just wanted to see how you're doing. What precious grandbabies! I know you're gonna enjoy that visit:-)

    Thanking Him with you for restoration and deliverance and freedom! Amen!


  11. What a great list of things to be thanful for! Love that verse also. And that picture - how cute!!

    Love ya,

  12. Hi Susan!
    I am so tickled to get to see your sweet Grandbabies.
    I'm trying not to be jealous... hope God gives us grands someday too!
    You are such a beautiful Grandmother and I pray your whole family will continue to grow and blossom.
    Love and blessings,

  13. Beautiful grandbabies! Happy early bloggy anniversary! Thanks for sharing!

  14. Your grand babies are adorable! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I am now adding yours to my list of favorites. Thanks so much for the sweet comments. Hope you have a blessed week.

    Love - Tarah

  15. What an awesome list of blessings! Praising God that you and your Bible study friends are learning and working through breaking down those old residual ruins...= )

    Happy Blogaversary! You are a special friend to many glad you're a part of my blog-life!

    Praying all the home repairs will go smoothly. It certainly gives you peace when you can hire contractors who are friends.

    That photo is adorable! Thank you for sharing these heart is rejoicing tonight with you!


  16. The verse you used in one of my favorites. I so relate to the process of rebuilding the ancient ruins.

    Can't believe you've only been blogging a year, I feel like I've known you longer!

    Love the pics again. Thanks for sharing your precious loved ones with us.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  17. They are adorable! I'm sorry I didn't get by yesterday...we had a bit of excitement with Kristyn. (All is well) Happy Friday and I loved your Thankful Thursday post. I pray your house is repaired soon and am praising God for your safety.

  18. They are adorable! I'm sorry I didn't get by yesterday...we had a bit of excitement with Kristyn. (All is well) Happy Friday and I loved your Thankful Thursday post. I pray your house is repaired soon and am praising God for your safety.

  19. Your grandbabies are so sweet. Have a nice time loving on them this weekend.

  20. Thanks for sharing what you are thanful for. So many blessings in all our lives and the deliverance of the grim from our past. I loved that verse.

  21. Aren't those just the most cutest grandbabies??? I've seen pics before of the two little girls and they are just soooo darn cute! And how cute is baby Cole in his Saints outfit?!?! Gonna run over to Jordan's site to read the latest. Have a great weekend & thanks for leaving a comment.

  22. Hey Girlfriend!

    Yes, I'd LOVE to be able to do some "neat tricks" with photoshop. I think the first thing I do would be to take about 20 pounds off of ME! HA!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm MISSING YOU online.. O:-)


    PS.. You gonna hop in and do a "Not Me!" Monday post?? You'd be GREAT at it! No pressure!

  23. Precious! I know you are lovin' those babies!!! have fun!

  24. Hi Susan
    Yes I joined the blogger world...I loved Caringbridge, but blogger is just so much easier to put up as many photos as I want to.So I guess for now I'll keep using blogger till it is time to go to transplant then I will probably update on both of them. Beautiful pictures of your grand kids.

  25. THAT is the CUTEST picture!! Now at least they are Tiger fans...the wrong Tigers, mind you...but Tiger Fans nonetheless!:)

    ENJOY them....every single second!!


  26. Congrats on your Anniversary!! I like your blog and plan on coming back for a visit! God bless ya,

  27. Blessings Susan once more & how beautiful is your thankful heart to Our Restorer! I'm thankful that you are receiving restoration in many forms, your house, your time for family fun, fellowship & fotos of football future stars(how adorable),friends and Breaking Free Bible Study,such beautiful truths in restoring lives & knowing Our Deliverer! These are awesome words!

    Congratulations!Happy Blogaversary!
    I'm thankful for YOU & Forever HIS!

  28. Hi. I'm glad you visited my blog. Happy Blogaversary!



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!