
Monday, October 6, 2008

Time to Celebrate!

"Let the words of my mouth,
and the meditation of my heart,
be acceptable in thy sight,
O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

It seems like it was just yesterday I decided to take the plunge and finally begin to blog. I had enjoyed reading blogs for some time before that but needed to gather up enough courage to start my own. Once the Lord convinced me I could do this, I took the leap, jumped in with both feet, and started

Forever His.

My main purpose and motivation was to:

1) Make my blog a place I could testify of the goodness of God

2) Record all the many wonderful things God was doing in my life for my children & grandchildren to have as a memory and legacy of who I was and how I lived my life.

My prayer is that these posts will be like David prayed. I always want the “words of my mouth and meditation of my heart to be acceptable in His sight”. In the end, my goal is to lift up and magnify the Lord Jesus, give glory to His Name, point to the truth of His Word. Hopefully draw my readers closer to Him. If I have accomplished this in even the smallest way during this past year, than all the time, effort and prayer was worth it.

As I celebrate my one year anniversary of blogging, I'd like to take a minute to give thanks for all the special women I've met and grown to love. There are so many amazing blogs out here in the blogosphere. I gleaned so much from your awesome blogs.

Today I'd like to highlight a few that have truly ministered to me in a very personal way. In no way are these the only ones I have grown to love, but they are some of the sites belonging to dear friends that I have come to know, respect and greatly admire.

When I need a lift or a smile on my face, I know where I can always find it at
Lori and my close friend Tonya’s blog. Ladies you never fail to bless me, and many times make me literally laugh out loud! What a gift of joy you have.

When I need a word of inspiration, I visit
Tami, Tiffany, and Kelly. Gosh, these women sure know how to take a simple lesson from everyday life and transform it into an amazing life-changing truth! I'm so thankful for your study, steadfastness, and dedication to bless so many of us out here.

And then there are those who are so gifted at teaching and expounding on the Word of God. Whenever I visit these blogs, I leave challenged to live my life more for the Lord and hungering for a greater understanding of His Truth. Thanks Elaine, Lelia, Carmen and
Laurie Ann for the awesome blessing you are to all of us. What faithful stewards you are of God's word.

When I need a word of encouragement,
Cheryl and Leslie's blogs are full of great scriptures and beautiful graphics. They always have a word that speaks right to my heart, as they faithfully testify to the goodness of God in every circumstance. W-O-W!

I'm especially grateful to those women who host some incredible meme's. One of the very first meme's I participated in was Marriage Mondays over at E-mom's. What a great place to visit. She always has so much information, and lots of links to so many great sites. I sure appreciate your labors of love for us! If you have never stopped by to visit E-mom you are really missing a big blessing.

Another very special, near and dear sister, who was instrumental in helping me get my blog up and running is Amy over at In Pursuit of Proverbs 31. Gosh, she should receive the award for “MOST PATIENT TEACHER OF THE YEAR”! I could not have done this without your help Amy! Thanks so much for your continual support, encouragement, and friendship. Amy is now hosting an excellent study on the book of Proverbs 31!

There are so many others I could keep talking about, and actually rarely have I ever visited any site on this wonderful network of Christian women that has not blessed me in some way. But I need to stop before this gets way too long! So...

To celebrate my Blogaversary, I'd like to give something back to you. I'll be giving a $25.00 gift card for Bath and Body Works as a way of saying thanks for being such special blessing in my life during this past year.

Just leave a comment and I'll place your name in the hopper for a chance to win. I'll be announcing the winner this Friday, October 10th!! If you are a new visitor, please let me know!

Soli Deo Gloria—“for the glory of God alone”!


  1. Hey, Susan! Congratulations on your 100th post! That is awesome!

    YOUR blog inspires me as well as the other ladies you mentioned. I enjoy coming by to "visit" and getting a fresh word for my soul. I also love the darling pictures of your "babies!"

    Hope that you have a great day, my friend!
    Love ya,

  2. Good Morning, Susan! Congrats on your 1st Blogaversary! I love to visit you... I always leave feeling so blessed and encouraged.

  3. Happy Anniversary! You have come a long way in this blog world, and I am so proud of you for reaching out. You are such a testimony to me and to so many others. I thank God for bringing your wonderful son into my life, and in turn, bringing me a wonderful mother-in-love (and my kids get a wonderful Grammy out of the deal, too.) =) Have a great day!
    We love you!
    Love, Kristin

  4. Happy bloggaversary to you! Thanks for mentioning me and your awfully kind words. I am blessed by you and all my bloggy friends as well. God is good and it is so neat to connect with the family of God in this way!

  5. Happy, Happy Blogaversary!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love you, my friend!

  6. Happy one year anniversary. I love your blog and am glad you decided to give blogging a try. Have a nice day.

  7. Hi, I've been lurking for a while, just wanted to let you know what a sweet post this was.

    Happy blogaversary!!

    p.s. please don't enter me in the give-a-way, I live in Europe and well B&B are mighty hard to find here! :0)

  8. Happy Anniversary Susan!
    I popped over from Leila's blog, I don't remember for sure if I've posted before on yours, but it's lovely to meet you!

  9. Hey There, SWEET FRIEND, and HAPPY BLOG-A-VERSARY! It's hard to believe that it's been a YEAR! Then again, it's hard to believe that GOD aligned our paths to cross almost FOUR years ago. What a BLESSING YOU have been! I'm SO VERY THANKFUL for the lessons I've learned from YOU!

    And encouragement?? Could there BE anyone with a greater gift than yours???

    I hope today is an EXTRA SPECIAL day for you, my Sister! =-)

  10. Congrats! on reaching your blog-a-versy! You are a blessing to so many of us. Thank you for sharing your heart with us on a weekly basis. -Blessings, Laurie

  11. Happy Blogaversary! and Many more!

  12. Happy Blogaversary!
    And congrats.
    I have just recently come across your blog and it has become an inspiration to me.
    Thanks for your encouragement.
    God Bless.

  13. Hey Susan, Happy Blogaversary! How exciting. Every time I come here I am blessed. Your love for Jesus is always so clear. Looking forward to many more years as bloggy friends.


  14. First of all, I am humbled by the inclusion. It comes on a good day when I'm wondering about a great many things. Your reasons for blogging mirrors my own, and if our words can further the pondering of our God, all the more friend...all the more.

    Secondly, you don't need to enter me in the giveaway. I'd come here anyway and you have already blessed me so much with gifts in the past.

    Lastly, congratulations on a year's worth of truth-telling. Our Father is well-pleased with your endeavors. We may never fully understand his reach through us in blogland, but I believe we will one day...when it all plays out in the heavenlies with our Father as our guide.

    You are a beautiful spirit, and a wonderful blogging friend. I count it a joy to be yoked alongside you in God's kingdom business.

    Here's to another 12 months of blogging joy!

    I love you.


  15. SUSAN, SUSAN, SUSAN...YOU are the inspiration....HECK girl, you survived 5 boys! I'm coming here for advice!! You are a testimony to inspire me, and you have always encouraged me and you think I'm FAR nicer and better than I really am:)!

    I pray that you keep this up through the next century..think of the gift you are leaving for those babies...they will have a unique glimpse into WHO their great, great gram really was!

    We love you!! Hey, I don't know HOW it happened...but God saw fit that these two kindred spirits would "meet!" What an AWESOME God!!

    love you!

  16. Love & blessings to you on this very special blogiversary!


    PS--thanks for your recent called me Lynn, tho:-)

  17. Happy Blogaversary...... Susan you have been an inspiration to us too. Thanks for blessing me.

  18. Susan-Happy Blogging 1 year! Thank you for blessing me and so many others through your words of Godly wisdom and encouragement. So glad you took the plunge and continue to shine through Jesus Christ!

    Congrats! :)

    In Christ,

  19. happy blogaversary!!!

  20. Susan, congratulations on your anniversary. I also wanted to say thanks for the blessing you give each time you post. God speaks through you with your wonderful gift of encouragement, inspiration and wisdom. I always leave your blog feeling a strong measure of comfort and peace deep in my soul. You are a blessing, my friend! Happy bloggiversary!

  21. Susan,
    Congratulations sweet friend on your 1st blogaversary! I remember you were among the first few people to ever comment on my blog. = ) Your comments are always so thoughtful and encouraging. In addition, I've never visited your blog, when I didn't leave encouraged, inspired, challenged or blessed. God's light shines brightly through you here in blogworld!

    I'm familiar with many of the blogs you've mentioned, and couldn't agree more with your comments. I'm looking forward to checking out those that are new to me!

    Once again, congratulations! May the Lord continue to bless and use you here (as I'm sure He will!)


  22. Thank you for sharing all of your posts'. Your such an inspiration to many, many people.

  23. Susan,

    Happy Happy Blog-aversary! I think you are accomplishing what you set out to do. You and your blog have blessed immensely since we became acquainted. The Lord has been so good to all of us in this Christian circle of blogging.

    Thank you for mentioning me and my blog. I want the Lord to use me and my blog whether it be a source of encouragement or something else, but to be pleasing to him.

    You are so faithful to pray anytime I ask, especially for Jan. That is BIG! You've been there. I'm honored to call you "sister."

    Enjoy for anniversary. I look forward to the future. If we never meet here on earth, we will once day in Heaven.

    Love ya,


  24. Hey,

    Mission accomplished, my friend, mission accomplished! Your blog is a sweet spot for me.

    Thanks also for your kind words. It's really too bad we live so far apart.

    Love you,

  25. Congrats! I've got two friends celebrating today. Want to see who else is celebrating?
    Thanks for this very special blog!

  26. Aw, you're such a sweetie! Thanks so much for the mention. I really do appreciate it. :~D

    And congratulations on your first blogaversary, Susan. You've grown a phenomenal blog in a very short period of time. You have many more excellent posts in your future, I just know it.

    Before blogging, did you ever imagine that the internet could be such a rich place to grow your faith among such an amazing group of Christian women? Personally, I had no inkling that online relationships could be so fulfilling. I'm SO grateful to have met you and I look forward to meeting face-to-face some day in eternity!

    Wow, thank you for your very generous giveaway! (Aren't they fun?) I'd love to be included.

    You're a very special lady, and you have a very special blog. Thanks for honoring Him with all your words.

    (((Hugs))) e-Mom

  27. Hi Susan! Happy Blogoversary to you, too!!! It's nice to "meet" you! :) Thanks for entering my giveaway! I'll add you to my reader and be back to visit often!

  28. Thank you for stopping by! I really like your blog and think this is such a nice thing to do for your blog anniversary! Blessings -

  29. Hey Susan! Congrats on your Blogaversary! How exciting. Let me tell you that you are a great inspiration to all of us. You are a mighty woman of God. And I love you my dear sister. :) Mary

  30. How sweet! Thanks for stopping by my place. I've had so little time here lately, I can't keep up the way I use to. It looks good over here. I like the new do! God bless and Congratulations on your 100th blog! Happy Anniversary!

  31. What fun! Love that store.

    Happy blogaverary! And what an appropriate song to celebrate the blogging community than the one that played when your blog came up, Twila Paris' How Beautiful!

  32. Congrats on your 100th really do have a nice blog here...and thank you for the op to win a gift card!!

  33. Susan,

    Happy 1st year blogging. To me, you've been my friend for so much longer. Are you sure it's only been a year?

    I don't know what to say as I found my name here. Thank you for pausing to recognize me and many others. That's so your heart to give and encourage others. I know you could name so many more too. I read today there are over 114 MILLION blogs now. Can you believe that?

    Susan, you are a lifegiving woman. Thank you for being who God made you to be. And by the way, God has used and continues to use your blogging in more ways than you've even listed. You are touching lives through your posts. And your purpose is being fulfilled. Praise the Lord!

    Keep on sharing your heart and the goodness of God. It's contagious!

    I'm honored to say you are my friend. I'm believing we will meet in person someday. Lord, please!

    Love you!

  34. Happy Blogaversary! I enjoy stopping by your blog, because you do glorify the Lord Jesus in all you post. It is always a blessing.

    The new background is beautiful.

    May the Lord continue to bless and speak through you and your blog.

  35. Hello Susan thank you for visiting my blog!

    Happy Anniversary to you! Wow 5 are a true testimony that God gives the power to be a mom...bless you...really 5 boys...I can't even begin to imagine what meal times look like...hehe!

    I prayed just now that God will bless you, and the fruit of your blog! Love to you!

  36. I'm new here. Thanks for visiting my blog. And the chance to win!

  37. Hey there, Sweet Mama!

    Yes, I'll have to bake us up some and send YOU a batch! =-)

    I'm MISSING my Susan..

    I ♥ U!

  38. Congrats, Susan, on your 1st Blogaversary! Praise God for the ways He has blessed you through blogging. Thank God for bringing so many wonderful friends into your life and encouraging you in many ways. Thank God too for the way you have encouraged all of us! I am thankful to meet you and many wonderful ladies through blogging. Thanks for all your visits and encouragements. May God continue to keep you near to Him and make you a blessing to many! Take care!

  39. Hi!Susan~

    Awe! Happy bloggiversary! :) Did I spell that right? :) hee hee!

    I love your blogger page! I visit often but dont always leave a message! I have always loved the way you write! So inspirational and from the heart! :)

    The picture of Karli and Cole is sooooooo incredibly cute! :) I hope that everyone is doing well! I know you all must be enjoying your family's new addition! :) Babies are such a blessing and a complete joy! :) :)

    Thank you for adding Logan's picture to the collage! It is beautiful........and so sad at the same time!

    thinking of you and your family often!


    April Molle

  40. Oh, Susan! Happy Blogaversary! I can remember you sharing that you wanted to start a blog. Time sure does go by quickly - I can't believe it has been a whole year. And how you have blessed us all this year! Truly - your blog is one of my all-time favorite places to come. I just leave feeling happy and closer to God. :)

    Here's to many more wonderful blogging years!

  41. I love you Sweet Susan!!! Congratulations on your Bloggy Birthday!! What a great way to celebrate. (I love the new design by the way...)

    I am on a 2 week bloggy break, but I had to chime in on this one!! Hope you have a WONDERFUL WEEK!!


  42. Hey congrats! I am a new visitor. I will have to check out your blog reccomendations.

  43. Hi Susan!

    Happy Blogoversary! I just celebrated mine last month.

    I love your new blog make over. Is this new? I didn't notice it on TT.

    Have a blessed week.

  44. Blessings on your one year anniversary! I can't imagine the bloggy world without you! Forever His is a favorite stop of mine!

  45. Happy Blog-a-versary....
    and I am a new reader:)
    Sweet Blessings,

  46. Hi Susan! Of course, I'd love to win (who doesn't like getting goodies?) but, more, I am so grateful that through this week's WFW, I have found your blog and another sister in Christ. Color me blessed!

  47. how exciting, I know you're announcing the winner today, but thought I'd say Congratulations!!!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!