
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Now think about this...

“Finally, brothers (sisters!),

Whatever is true,

Whatever is noble,

Whatever is right,

Whatever is pure,

Whatever is lovely,

Whatever is admirable,

If anything is excellent,

Or praiseworthy

think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8

On this Thankful Thursday I’m so grateful for the many opportunities we have each day to give praise and thanks to our God for His awesome provision, protection, and powerful love shown in our lives. We really have no reason to ever feel discouraged, afraid, or unsure. Even though there are times when we have to stop and remind ourselves…the truth is He is always near!

I’m giving thanks today that we live in a nation where our voices can be heard, and we have the freedom to choose how we live, worship and train up our children. Those who have gone on before us have paid a heavy price for this great freedom we now enjoy. May we never take it granted.

Even though this year’s presidential election was the longest and most intense I have ever experienced, I’m grateful it is finally over. Now we, as the Church, can get busy praying and interceding for our country and those who have been charged to lead our nation for the next four years.

Finally, I’m thankful that no matter who is in the White House, or presiding over the Supreme Court, or in the halls of Congress, ultimately, it is God who is keeping watch over his people.

Truly, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy Name, O Most High!” Ps. 92:1

Please join other grateful hearts today over at Grace Alone and be encouraged.


  1. Amen sweetie, God is in total control.

  2. Comforting post--I will need to keep this one close to my heart for the days ahead.

  3. Very beautiful and powerful post! xoxox, Ang

  4. Amen. Very well put. Now let us show forth the love of Christ.

  5. Well said...our freedom should never be taken lightly. I am thankful for opportunity to express our vote. Happy TT! -Laurie

  6. Yes, I'm ready to pray and move on. And I am thankful God reigns and that He is in control.

    Hope you are enjoying your week.

    Peace, my sweet friend,


  7. Awh...I LOVE your heart....and I LOVE this post.

    Preach it Sista!!! I'm with ya...

  8. So true, Susan! Thank you for sharing from your grateful heart.

  9. First, let me say, "WOW...FIVE BOYS!!" How awesome!!

    I love that verse in Philippians. It does really put everything in perspective! I agree with you 100% regarding our country, president, etc. We need to keep praying!! Blessings! Alicia

    Oh..and I'm going to follow your blog!! :)

  10. What an awesome post Susan! I'm with you on this 100%. We serve a mighty God who is in control! I echo your feelings!

    Thanks also for your comment on my post! You have such a sweet spirit! Thank God for you!

    Have a blessed Thankful Thursday!

    Love in Christ,

  11. Hi Susan,

    Beautifully written! I echo your thoughts and feelings 100%. We serve an awesome God who is in control!

    I stand in agreement with you for our nation.

    Thanks for sharing your heart with us today!

    Blessings to You,

  12. Hi Susan,
    Haven't talked to you in FOREVER.
    I just wrote those verses out to my SISTERBEAR last night... so it was on my heart as well.. and was sent to her.. and then now your heart and written to all the people in blogland through forever His... TODAY.

  13. Great post. I totally love that verse!

  14. Very well said, Susan! A hearty Amen to that. I am so proud of our freedom and our need not to fear, as God is still God and always will be. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  15. Thank you! I needed that gentle reminder! When things get hard and harried - thought perspective is paramount! Today, I needed this reminder. Blessings!

  16. Susan,

    AWESOME post, as ALWAYS!

    Thanks for the encouragement to keep our eyes on HIM no matter WHAT's going on in this world. You're right - we NEED to pray for our leaders. They may not always be the ones we'd have hoped for, but they are our leaders just the same.

    Oh, and the video you posted about voting... it was A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!! I pulled it up at church last night to show my sister and some friends. They thought it was just PRECIOUS too. That kid is just TOO CUTE!

    I've posted some AMAZING video on my blog today. This guy (in the video) just BLEW ME AWAY!

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!

  17. Susan, I just TRIED to post a comment - only I don't know if it posted. If not, please let me know? I hate to know I wasted all that hot air only to learn it didn't go anywhere...


  18. I love that Philippians verse. Yes, we need to focus on what is good and lovely ...

    Thanks for visiting my blog and adding you comment. I'll be back to visit.

  19. Amen and Amen! I have to remind myself of these very things often in the world that we live it today...but, we really are blessed people.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Happy TT!

  20. Awesome post! May we think upon these things always! : )
    Thanks for your sweet encouraging words! May God receive lots of glory!

  21. AMEN! I love that scripture! May that be our focus and not the problems of this world. I am so glad that God is in control!

  22. That Philippians scripture is the answer to everything, isn't it? I love your blog; it's so joyful. Thanks for stopping by today!

  23. Your post focussed on such important truths to keep always in our minds -- no matter how our day or week is going.

  24. I love you, Susan!! Really...your posts always delight and encourage my heart. Thank you for being you!!!

  25. Do you hear the amen echoing through the mountains and valleys between me and thee?!

    Well said.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  26. i thank the Lord that He still is in control. awesome God! be blessed. ♥

  27. What a great post! Really enjoyed reading it. Remain blessed!

  28. That verse is always such a good reminder to me of what I need to think about.

  29. What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing. Blessings from Costa Rica

  30. Amen my sweet friend. Beautifully spoken. Could not agree with you more.

    Praying shoulder to shoulder...

  31. Beth Moore did a teaching on this very passage when I saw her in Omaha a few years ago, it was awesome. Thanks for sharing this with us.
    I got your sweet "hint" to come visit. :) I would visit everyday, but am without a computer. Purchasing a laptop would be out of the question right now with Gene's disability stuff going on, so I'm just trusting God's timing. So when I get to use someone's computer I often have to be quick and just post. :(
    Know I love you!!!
    Lelia xoxo

  32. Hi there! I wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog!!

  33. I'd say this post is more than LOVELY.. it's loving... and full of truth!!! I see your light shining my sister, and I give thanks to The Father for it!!
    In Him,

  34. Susan,

    Amen! We have to remember who is in charge.

    I'm having a blog give away this week in honor of Janet. It will be 1 year Thursday, 11/13 since she started this crazy journey. So, come on over and participate, my friend.


  35. I love this verse from Philippians! IMHO, it's the ultimate encouraging verse. Printing your post. Thanks for continually keeping us focussed on "things that are above, where Christ is..."

    Have a blessed weekend, Susan.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!