
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Please Go Out and Vote!!!!

~Please remember to mute my music player!~


  1. This is priceless! I was watching this and thinking that it's true - that child can't vote, so when we cast our ballot today, we actually are making a choice for his future.

    Thanks for the reminder. I waited until today to vote and was in and out in 5 minutes!

  2. OH, how I love this! I am passionate about making our voices heard. This election is extremely important to America.

    God have mercy on us. Heal our nation. Tear down idols and may we see your name high and lifted up again..You are God and we are your people. We praise you no matter what the outcome.

  3. If this is not THE cutest thing I've ever seen! He should be doing commercials. And I didn't mute your music player so the music played in the background and actually made it that much more precious! LOVE this post!! Ang

  4. Oh, girlfriend! He was just precious! I could take him home with me! He looks like my youngest darlin'!!!That was simply too cute! And, I loved how he approved that message!

    I'm getting ready to go and vote in a taking a book with me because it is an 1.5-2.0 hour wait where I am voting!! Oh, my word!

    Love ya,

  5. Susan,

    Our country needs our prayers no matter who will be president. Thanks for sharing this!

    Been missing you!


  6. I don't think I've laughed this hard in years...THANKS! I needed it!
    Praying right now!
    Psalms 116:10-13 I believed, therefore have I spoken: I was greatly afflicted: I said in my haste, All men are liars. What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me? I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the LORD.
    Prayer Bears

  7. Oh now that was too sweet for words!!
    He is adorable and quite the spokesman.

    Glad it's all over, even thought it was good.

  8. Oh my word...that is too precious for words. What a sweet little man. I would have rather seen him on tv than some of those that aired.

    God is in control, yesterday, today and tomorrow...I'm so grateful to know that.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!