
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tis the season...

Cole and the girls hope you have a great weekend shopping!

Are we not just the cutest? Now, this is what Grammy's get to do, brag, brag, brag!!


  1. Love it, love it, love it!

    I LOVE the new blog, and all of the new pics! Too cute...

    Off to fold clothes and watch a movie with the hubby!

    Love you and looking forward to all of our December events!

    Love, Kristin

  2. Don't you just have the cutest grandbabies?!? Adorable!

  3. WOW! WOW! WOW!
    I LOVE your new blog layout!!! Great pictures...all of them!

    Great choice!

  4. OH Susan...How adorable!
    How precious! I LOVE the NEW LOOK & HEADER & these precious grandkids!
    What picture perfect sweeties with YOU! And so adorably dressed & ready for Christmas! Hope you are just enjoying and being loved & loving!

    May God keep you in His care & shower you with precious blessings like this over & over!!!


  5. Oh I LOVE the photos! Especially the one with YOU in it! You look so happy with those wonderful grand kids of yours! So much to be thankful for this year! I'm only one behind you!
    Know that I'm always praying!
    Joshua 1:9 Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
    Prayer Bears

  6. wow, love it all! the pictures of your grandchildren are absolutely adorable. you must be just beside yourself with joy. your blog looks terrific as well.

    thank you (again) for being such a light in the dark world.

    you are loved & appreciated,

  7. Oh yeah... we wouldn't expect anything less from a Grandparent.

    They are so, so cute. Those pictures turned out beautifully.

  8. They are beautiful so go ahead and brag, brag, brag.

  9. Lots to brag on there. What cuties. They must make the holiday season so much more special. With mine all older now I look forward to grandchildren and some little ones around again.

  10. Oh, how precious! I love the pictures and your new blog look. Blessings to you and your family.

  11. Hi Susan,

    Now those are 4 precious, precious children. Little Cole is such a Cutie. In his little red he looks like a little angel. You can brag all you want to...because you have a good reason!...They are your grandchildren. Isn't being a Grandmother awesome? I sure know now where the saying "You love them more than your own children" come from. Heheheh!
    Did I tell you how much I love your new blog makeover?

    Love and Hugs...

  12. They are so precious! Isn't it just incredible and wonderful to have grandkids...I love it. Love the Christmas photos of them decked out.
    Blessings to you and yours.
    Hugs, Noreen

  13. Oh! My Gosh~

    Susan! How CUTE! I love love love the pictures! Your grandbabies are so beautiful! Cole is getting so big! That is the cutest picture ever! :)

    Hoping you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!


    April Molle

  14. They are ADORABLE...ALL OF THEM!!!
    Thanks for sharing them with us.

  15. Yes, I know that I had already commented before...but I was looking at them again today.

    They are soooooooooo cute!

  16. Precious pics of your grandbabies. And love the festive Christmas blog...


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!