
Monday, December 1, 2008

The Sanctuary of Marriage

Today is Marriage Monday. Andrea over at Embracing Him is our hostess. I look forward each month to participating, but I'm still in the middle of some major renovations since Gustav! We are almost finished, praise God.

Anyhow, today's topic is so important. Hopefully you'll take time to check out some great posts on this topic.

I was especially blessed as I read E-Mom's. She always delivers such an informative information. I appreciate her ministry here in the blogosphere. Stop by, you'll be blessed and enlightened for sure. Thanks E-Mom!

Have a blessed day today!


  1. I totally LOVE the new picture of you and your grandbabies at the top of you blog! The are all SO very precious!
    We are waiting on the over-due birth of our first grandson. His 3-year-old sister is ready and waiting for him to get here. Doctor will induce labor on Wednesday if she doesn't have him before then. Please remember mom and baby in your prayers!



  2. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving dear friend! Love the pic of you & the grandbabies above!!
    love you,

  3. Hellllllllooooooooo Louisiana!! It's great to be back! I have to say....
    It was nice, especially to celebrate Scott's dads 80th birthday...that's what happens when you are the youngest by nearly 7 years...He is one of 4 boys..."predictably hectic" is the best way I've heard it described when they get together!:)

    Hope you had a fabulous Turkey Day!!
    It's great to be on to Christmas! It is the MOST WONDERFUL time of the year...if we let it mean what it's supposed to mean....

    OH, and my tea pot got used today...jasmine green tea!! It looks sooooo pretty!! Thinking of you!


  4. Susan you're such an encouragement. Thank you for the MM "shout out" today.

    I'm praying your renovations are finished soon! Have a blessed day today.

    Love 'n hugs,


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!