
Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Cajun Winter Wonderland!

“I love you, O Lord, my strength.The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge,my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised,and I am saved from my enemies.”~ Psalm 18:1-3

On this Thankful Thursday the North Pole has come to Louisiana! Yes, you read that right. We woke up this morning to watch the most beautiful fluffy snowflakes falling down.

Oh my, what a rare treat for us here down south.

Believe it or not, the forecast for the weekend is in the mid 70's!

Here's a few pictures I took earlier, let it snow, let it snow!

Please join us today at Grace Alone to see what other grateful hearts are giving God praise for.


  1. Oh, wow... what a beautiful snow, Susan! I'm sure you are enjoying it. And, if snow in Louisiana is like snow is in Texas.. you must enjoy it quickly as it will be gone very, very soon! :)

    Happy Thankful Thursday!

  2. That is so awesome, I love snow. Bless you sweetie.

  3. Enjoy the beauty of fresh fallen snow! Not sure which I am jealous more of...the snow or the 70's this weekend! Here we are having cold, gray rainy days. Blessings!

  4. How pretty! We're supposed to get snow today in Alabama. I really hope we don't get as much as you did.

  5. Beautiful! Isn't God so creative to decide how many flakes to fall here & how many there?!!

    Be Blessed!

  6. Amazing...snow that far south. God is sovereign! Enjoy the cold!

  7. I love ths snow and love your pics - it's beautiful!
    God bless.

  8. It's so fun for me to see the joy that snow brings. Since snow is a very "normal" thing for us here in Michigan - we take it for granted (okay, some of us hate it!!)

    Enjoy it! I know you will.

    Love to you,

  9. WOW!!!!!! Talk about a Winter Wonderland!! That is so beautiful!!!!!!!

  10. Beautiful pictures, Susan. It's snowing here in Mississippi, too! We are truly lovin' it!

  11. Snow brings out the little girl in me. Great pictures. I hope that you got out and played in it a little.

  12. I love it that you are experiencing a white Christmas season down south. What great pictures!

  13. How wonderful!!! I heard about this on the news....I say..go out and make you a


  14. Wow! Snow. Looks like fun. We only got flurries the other day. isn't that funny how it is snowing then 70 degrees.

    Thanks for sharing!


  15. Hope you all had fun in the snow. It looks like you guys got quite a bit of it too!

  16. How exciting for you!!! And to top it off with a forecast of 70degrees!! You have the best of both worlds. Here it is below 20.

  17. Beautiful!! We had some flurries..but north of us should get about 3 inches.
    Enjoy it while you can!!
    Happy TT!!

  18. What a wonderful treat! Here in the mountains of NC it's 55 degrees. Enjoy, enjoy!

    Have a blessed weekend.

  19. Oh my goodness! I had heard about that. Thanks so much for sharing pictures. Hope you enjoyed it! Beautiful~

  20. Oh!!!!!!!!!! I want snow........ I want it now! I think God should let everyone of us have a white Christmas about 12" worth........DON't you........Snow just covers all the dirt and dead leaves and makes it all better for a while.......god to have snow!!!!!!

  21. Susan, This is the best praise pictures I have seen this TT.

    Thank you for sharing this treat with me. I live in so cal and I miss the snow so much this time of year....

    God bless you. I wish I could have been there to thow a few snow balls and sip hot coffee with you. Hugs, Lynn

  22. That's easy for you to say now...I grew up in Iowa! It always amazes me living in Seattle now how little it snows here. We're way up north!
    Have fun with your snow! We might get some on Sunday...
    Know that I'm here continuing to pray!
    Psalms 31:1-3 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness. Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me. For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.
    Prayer Bears
    Email Me

  23. That is just so totally awesome! What a blessing God rained down on you. I can't imagine what it would be like to live where you get "no snow" and what it must feel like to, "get it, experience it, and really enjoy it".

    We tire of it quickly in our neck-of-the-woods.

  24. Let It Snow... Let It Snow... Let It Snow...

    We got a few drizzly ice chips out of that Blue Norther... POUT :o(

    Last Spring, though... We got a full on Blizzard that melted off by noon! Go Figure.

    They are calling for freezing precip early next week here, but not likely to be anything that amounts to much.

    There is however, a famous group of do-gooders in our neck of the woods this week. I wrote about it in the form of a Public Service Announcement over at my blog. It is such a blessing to see this happening in our own backyard!


  25. Snow holds more beauty than your recent waters, does it not? So glad for your early Christmas present. I would sure love a dose of some white over here. Love the pictures; enjoy the book.


  26. Wow! That's incredible. It's obvious you're enjoying this treat. It's been much colder than normal in my part of the country but we've only had light dustings of snow so far. It's absolutely amazing how snow can transform a city, isn't it? Thanks for sharing the photos.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!