
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Our Everlasting Light

No matter what you are facing, we always have the promise Jesus will be near. He will never leave us, nor forsake us. As I was reading Tammy's post over at My Heart...His Words today, this truth was so clearly portrayed. Please take a moment to stop by and visit her as she shares a message, There is Always A Bright Side.

Today is Word Filled Wednesday, join us over at 160 Acrewoods


  1. this is sooo amazing.. it really just takes my breath away! thanks for posting this this morning!

  2. That was beautiful!! Thank you for sharing that!!


  3. "...the Lord will be your everlasting light.." That is such a comfort to me this morning... and everyday really!

    Happy WFW, Susan!

  4. I'm a sunset chaser. This one is beautiful! God is an amazing artist, wouldn't you agree!

  5. Absolutely beautiful. I did go over and read her post - I never cease to be amazed at how God works through us, even when we are grieving! Happy WFW!

  6. Stunning picture. Truly brings to life the fact that Jesus is our Everlasting Light! Thank for you sharing.

  7. Hers is an amazing story of God's love and grace in the middle of one of the worst storms imaginable. Thank you for sharing her story with us.

  8. That is beautiful and so encouraging and comforting! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Your grandchildren are precious! They are blessed to have you as their grandmother!!


  9. What a beautiful picture & scripture! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Oh the glory of the sunrise and sunset! Knowing the day will not begin or end without His love!

    Blessings to you!

  11. This verse is sooo special to it at my grams memorial on the beach...she was so happy to GO HOME...
    What a beautiful reminder you gave me and memories of her.

    Peace girlfriend...

  12. Blessings Susan...How inspirational and full of HOPE & more so His GLORY! The photo shows the colors of His Glory! The Scripture fills us with His Light & Glory!

    Tammy's Words illuminate how Nick is now resting in that Glory though this side of eternity it is so difficult to conceive but in God's strength, Tammy is struggling & moving forward as best she can in God to honor Nick's Life with her 7 ministries in his foundation! Now that's God's Glory! And honoring her son & love as a mother!

    Jesus is ever so near but it is up to the Body to support & help bear the burdens of this life. I gave Tammy a message about the AWARDS hoping my gift would bring a glimmer of a little joy for her...because I wanted to give to YOU but usually you don't do them so I selected her as your proxy but they are yours also! (You saw my note of those I missed that included you)! Miss you bunches! I've been here & seen you twice.

    I'm so glad you still come by as you are able with all the JOY in your life with your grandbabies & the beauty of Christmas! I thank you for sharing that JOY always here & when you visit me! ENJOY WFW
    and this season as you prepare to celebrate Our King & His GLORY!

    Big HUG & have a blessed word filled day!

  13. This is simply beautiful!

  14. A wonderful, encouraging post today, Susan. During these long days of December darkness I turn on every light source I can find! Your Isaiah Scriptures are a timely reminder that Jesus is our spiritual light, and He will also be our light in heaven.

    Thanks for the link to Tammy's blog. She has a powerful testimony!


  15. Hey Susan!
    How beautiful, and I wasn't familiar with that verse either! I love reading the wfw posts and finding a NEW VERSE TO LOVE!!!

  16. This was beautiful-thanks. Please join me for TTI have something there for you. Be blessed

  17. Beautiful! I am headed over to Tammy's blog now. Thanks!

  18. I visited Tammy's site. Wow, God is using her during her loss. I'm touched.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!