
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!!!

As the this year comes to an end and we begin anew in 2009, I'd like to dedicate a little time to remember and give thanks to God for His marvelous provision, His mighty protection, and His magnificent purposes that were fulfilled in our lives during this year.

After 30 years of marriage, my youngest son became a senior this year! Where does the time go? I'm not a car-pooling mom any more; he now drives himself to school. Now this a milestone for me.

~Joel David~
I found out I was going to be a grandmother for the fourth time this year, and to our delight God blessed us with Cole Dillon, our first grandson!

(Isn't he precious?)

This past summer we witnessed God's provision in such an unexpected way when my husband was called away to work in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on a flood disaster recovery project for three months. Little did we know much we would need that bonus after Hurricane Gustav blew through Baton Rouge.

(Rick managed a little fun while he was there!)

The Lord was faithful to protect us during that storm, and even though a tree fell on our house, the Lord sent the right men at the right time to repair our home, and for this we give thanks.

My third son Joseph left to teach in Asia this year. Releasing him to fulfill his dreams and purpose was difficult. God's grace was sufficient once again. Joseph is now in Australia. He's goal is to see the world!

(I miss you so much Joseph!)

Jordan's check up at St. Jude was good once again. I never take for granted the fact that he is still in remission. God's purpose was fulfilled, and we gave thanks.

A prayer request was granted when I was invited to join a Beth Moore Breaking Free Bible study this year. God is continually opening doors and drawing me closer to Him as I yield myself to His plans and study His Word.

I’m also grateful for our first snow in so many years. What a delightful December surprise for us Louisianans!!

Finally, I got to know many of you out there more personally. My life has been so enriched ever since I began blogging. What a special sisterhood this has become in my life. I have learned so much from all of your experiences. I'm touched by your comments, and helped by your prayers. As Paris Twila sings, "How beautiful is the body of Christ"...

And now we get the chance to begin again in 2009. How exciting it is to imagine all that God has planned for us in this New Year.

In Revelations 21:5 we have this special promise:

"And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new."—

To think that the creator of Heaven and Earth has promises us that no matter where we have been, or what we have gone through, His power is there to “Make all things new”.

Faithfully he will guide our steps as we journey through this New Year. We can trust Him and have confidence that our future rests completely in His hands.

I am praying that God's greatest blessings will be poured out upon your life and your family in 2009.


  1. What a beautiful glimpse back at this past year. God has indeed blessed you, and so many of us who've come to know you over the last several months. Praise God He does indeed make all things New! (What a gift!) Praying God's greatest joys and blessings for you and yours in 2009!

  2. Praise God for a wonderful year! Even during the ups and downs God is always present. I appreciate your ministry on your blog. -Blessings, Laurie

  3. So many blessings from our wonderful Lord! Blessings to all of you and may the new year coming bring you closer to Him! I have appreciated your friendship immensely!

  4. I am thankful for you, Susan, who makes me want to be better and love better. Happy New Year, my sweet friend.

  5. Susan, What a beautiful post of God's blessings to you and your family this past year. May He continue to bless each of you in the new year to come!

  6. I didn't know that when I began to read I would become so filled that tears would begin to fall in praise of our LORD. You have truly had a remarkable GOD ARISED year!!

    There is much I'd like to say/share but rather I'll just say that I will continue to pray for you and your precious family and all the many ways our precious Abba Father will show His glory in each of your lives in 2009.

    Lovingly in Christ...

  7. Susan:
    You are always so faithful to pen your praise. Every blogger brings his/her own unique perspective to the table. I would have to tag yours as a blog of praise.

    Thanks for your perspective and for making your thankfulness so vocal and strong. We'd all do well to follow your lead.


  8. A wonderful recap of the many blessings this year from God to you! Your grandchildren are adorable. Congratulations again! Happy New Year!

  9. What an awesome recap to yet another wonderful year! It is funny b/c last year around this time, I told Jason "In 2005, we had Kayla, 2006, we had Karli, 2007 was a bit slower (as slow as our life gets!)...I wonder what 2008 will have in store for us." Little did I know by the same time the very next year, we'd have our precious son. God did, though, and that is what is so exciting! He has plans for us, and His plans are always for the good, whether they seem like it on the surface or not. I am ready to "Eat the Mystery" in 2009.

    Kayla had a blast with Grammy this weekend, as usual. =)

    We are looking forward to celebrating New Years Day with y'all. Still want King Cake???

    Love ya, Kristin

    P.S. Where have you been all day? =)

  10. Wow..what a wonderful year for you, and congrats on the newest addition to your beautiful family!!!

    I really enjoyed reading this and looking at all the pictures!!!!!

  11. Oh how beautiful is a heart of gratitude! Thanks for sharing your heart... it truly reflects the heart of God!

    Happy New Year! : )

  12. You know that I count YOU as one of the blessings that entered my life this year...I've been amazed how many FAITHFUL and DEVOTED women I've come to know through the Cafe and you are one special one!;) know that I pray peace and JOY for all of you down there and may LOVE continue to abound in your life...God is so good!

    Hugs to you!!
    and hey, I can't wait to see what questions you come up for me in 2009!;) HA!

  13. Susan, I'm so thankful our paths have crossed and count you as a dear sister-in-Christ and as a friend. Your writing has blessed me so much, and I have grown by leaps and bounds in Christ because of you.

    I enjoyed taking this trip down memory lane with you. The pictures were precious and the thoughts about them resonated deep within my soul. You have such a loving and kind heart, you are truly beautiful in God's eyes, my friend!

  14. Loved reading your 2008 memories and blessings! I am looking forward to the promise of Revelation 21:5. I agree with you about the sisterhood of blogging. I've found so many new friends and I am so grateful for their influence and kindness in my life. You are one of those special friends. Thank you, Susan, for pouring out love!

    Happy New Year!

  15. Thank you for sharing your reflections with us Susan. What a blessing that was to me as it focused my own thoughts on what He has done in my life and what He may have planned to come.

    Rich blessings to you as He brings you into the New Year!

  16. Oh, have been such a blessing to me this year! Thanks for sharing your pictures!! I pray that God will continue to bless you and your family and that you will coninue to draw closer to HIm.

    Much love,

  17. Susan,
    I so much enjoyed seeing some of the highlights of your family in 2008. I think the biggest blessing was seeing what a thankful heart you have for each and every thing. Looking forward to continuing to see what God does in your life in 2009.

    God bless you.


  18. I loved reading this and seeing God's hand at work in your life and in your family's.
    The pictures of your family are wonderful.
    Your grandchildren are adorable and your sons so handsome!
    May God continue to enrich your lives...

  19. I agree with you about the sisterhood of blogging! What a wonderful year this has been getting to know so many Godly women. Thank You, Lord for the Internet.

    I love your family pic with your precious grandbabes. What joy!

  20. Happy New Year girl...... we have a lot to be thankful for..... God continues to shed HIS grace on this beautiful country and I pray that HE sends HIS spirit in a greater measure to HIS children.... We need to reach a dying world....... I am rejoicing with you for the good report on Jordan....... HE is faithful !

  21. Thanks for sharing your joy with us throughout the year. You handle life's "curve balls" with amazing equinamity. Your faith lifts me up again and again. Your (huge) family is to cherish, and I praise God that the hurricane didn't do more damage. That photo of the tree on your roof is frightening!!!

    Happy New Year, Susan!

    Lots of love 'n hugs,


  22. Susan, when you have a moment please stop by my Speak on it with LisaS blog to receive an Award I'd like to give to you.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!