
Monday, January 5, 2009

Humor In Marriage

Today's theme for Marriage Monday is Humor in Marriage. With all the stress we deal with in marriage, starting with planning the ceremony, the wedding day itself (as you'll see in this video clip below), to raising children if we couldn't laugh we'd be in big trouble.

In Proverbs 17:22 Solomon said: “A cheerful heart is a good medicine…”

Now isn't laughter an amazing thing? Learning to laugh and express humor can be one of the best tension dissolvers, tranquilizers, and shock absorbers ever!

I recently read that a child laughs over 400 times a day, but the average adult only 15. Maybe we lose something very valuable when we grow up that is worth holding on to? We sometimes take ourselves too serious, but thank God we have this wonderful outlet called laughter. It sure helps to lighten the load, and if look a little closer, most of the time we can find something funny in all our experiences.

I hope you enjoy this little video montage of some pretty funny wedding day experiences. My hubby and I laughed out loud as we watched it together. Now, that is what I call some great marriage therapy!

So I hope you enjoy it as well, and don't forget to show it to your husband!
Join us others over at Chrysalis for more humor!
(please remember to mute my music player first!)


  1. Oh my! The videos were hilarious! Mostly men passing out there, didja notice? Too funny. We have lots of humor in our marriage. Steve is always cracking me up and I've managed to get him more often than not, even though I seem to be more serious than he is. A merry heart is good medicine!

  2. It is sad that adults quit laughing. I think I do better than 15 just because of my sons...but no way close to 400...humor in our marriage is so crucial.

  3. Your statistic about how little we laugh makes me sad to think sometimes I squelch the laughter for some quiet. Instead, I should be joining in and relieving my stress that way. What a fun video, too.

  4. Poor people! Don't lock your knees! Don't lock your knees! OUCH!

    Laughter does a heart and marriage good, huh?

  5. I have to tell you that laughter is key. I know for a fact that I laugh more than 15 times a day lol. I find the funny in a lot of our life. The videos are great.

  6. Oh dear! I've never seen anyone fainting at a wedding! But I see it happens. This video is just incredible.

    ...if we couldn't laugh we'd be in big trouble. How true, Susan!

    Thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday, today.

    Love you!


  7. After reading your post I think I'm going to do more laughing! That was quite the video. My favorite was the trumpeter who blew himself out of breath and fainted!

    I've enjoyed my visit here today!

  8. lol that was too funny! loved watching those videos!

  9. Susan,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I am glad to have found your blog and am looking forward to reading through the past history.

    So glad to hear your son is a survivor! What a beautiful blessing...

    Please stop by for a visit again and I will do the same. I certainly did enjoy today's video! Have a wonderful week!

    Jennifer - Tyler's mom

  10. Susan,

    WHAT A SCREAM!!!! Was it me or were there FAR more passing out grooms than there were brides? Thank you for the great post. I too am happy to have found your blog and am looking forward to catching up. I have added you to "The Wife's Favorites" so that I can keep up!

  11. Hi Susan,
    Thanks so much for checking up on Jack. We both have so much to be thankful for don't we?

    May 2009 be a year that is full of God's blessings.

  12. Hee hee hee....loved it. Thank you for the laugh.
    Blessings, BJ


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!