
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Songs of the Season

Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our god; for it is pleasant, and praise is beautiful.Psalm 147:1

On this Thankful Thursday I'd like to share an except from a devotional I received yesterday. I pray it'll bless you as you discover why Christmas is characterized by a season of songs.

So today, I give thanks for all the many hymns that were written to bring praise and glory to our King!

If anything characterizes the Christmas season, it is music—especially George Frideric Handel's Messiah. But in addition to formal choral presentations, there are the traditional Christmas hymns sung by choirs in churches and by carolers in neighborhoods.

How did Christmas become the season of glorious songs? Besides the fact that music is woven into the fabric of the Old Testament, beginning with the song of celebration following the Exodus from Egypt (Exodus 15), the first Christmas was marked by psalm-singing and songs. Mary said what is now called the Magnificat when she visited Elizabeth (Luke 1:46-56), and Zechariah lifted his voice in praise when his son John (the Baptist) was born (Luke 1:67-79). And when Jesus' parents presented him in the temple, Simeon spoke a song of praise (Luke 2:29-32). All of these songs are crowned by the glorious words the angels declared to the shepherds (Luke 2:13-14).

This Christmas season, don't fail to lift your voice in song as you praise God for the indescribable gift of His Son, Jesus Christ.

My ready tongue makes haste to sing the glories of my heavenly King. Charles Wesley

Please join other grateful hearts today over at Grace Alone.


  1. Amen! Let us rejoice and sing praises to our King! I so love the carols that truly are hymns of gladness and praise, listening to them and singing. Merry Christmas!

  2. Oh how I love Christmas songs! To me, it wouldn't be Christmas without the sweet melodies of our Savior. Beautiful post.

  3. I always figured Christmas started with that chorus of angels singing to the shepherds to announce Jesus' birth and so we continue to do the same! Blessings to you~

  4. I love it that Christmas has so much great music! before kids, Hubby and I would go caroling with our church group. It was so much fun. I think that will definitely have to become a family tradition.

    Have a blessed day, Susan!

  5. That is a terrific post, I will sing praises now and always for the precious gift God gave us through His Son Jesus. Amen....
    thank you for stopping by my blog, you have a beautiful family I will be back.
    Have a blessed day.

  6. what a BEAUTIFUL post! And thank you for the reminder!

  7. Wonderful TT post!!! Thank you for sharing your heart!! I was blessed!!


  8. God created singing and music - what a great reminder that people have been singing forever. And will be singing forever... Thank you for your TT post! Have a blessed Christmas.

  9. God created singing and music - what a great reminder that people have been singing forever. And will be singing forever... Thank you for your TT post! Have a blessed Christmas.

  10. Very lovely, thank you for sharing.

  11. Great post and a great reminder that we are to rejoice and give our Savior praise! -Blessings, Laurie

  12. AMEN! I also give the Lord thanks for the wonderful gift of Music....the gift most likely to be in heaven with us (along with Dancing, I hope! :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  13. Oh I loved this---and your music...the finishing touch!
    I have been blessed many times by the old Christmas songs and carols--
    You have been such an encouragment today! :)

  14. Susan,

    Such a beautiful post!

    Oh how we love to sing praises to God! It is one of our favorite things to do here - is lift up our voices to the LORD. His love, grace and mercy bless us so much each day it is the least we can do in return!

    Love and blessings - Jill

  15. The hymns are a big part of our holiday traditions. I haven't been in a choir that's sung the Hallelujah Chorus in several years, but it's always a treasured highlight of Christmas' past.

    Have a blessed week.

  16. Great post.I really love Christmas songs. I get chills hearing a good Jesus song! Hope you have a Merry CHRISTmas~

  17. Beautiful post! Thanks for the reminder!

    Happy Friday!

  18. May we always be praising our Lord! Thanks for your visit and encouragement. Take care and God bless you and family!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!