
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Without Description

This is the time of year when we are concerned about choosing just the right Christmas gifts to give to the special people in our lives. But let me ask you, "Have you ever received an indescribable gift?"

In the fullness of time God sent His only begotten Son, as a baby.


But the good news is that you don’t have to be able to describe Him to accept Him. You just have to be warmed & changed by Him. So make your journey to the manger with the shepherds. Take Him into your heart & accept God’s indescribable gift for you. If you have never recieved this wonderful gift why not accept Jesus today.

Join us today over at The 160 Acrewoods for more beautiful scriptures and graphics. You will be blessed, I promise!


  1. Oh, so beautiful, Susan! I am so thankful for God's indescribable gift.

  2. What amazes me is that God keeps helping me see more and more how indescribable His gift is. Just when I think He has given me such a deeper understanding within my heart that there cannot be more...there cannot be a greater appreciation... He reveals even more...does even more within my heart to make it overflow with amazing joy and gratitude and humility at such a gift!

  3. Beautiful Scripture, Beautiful Gift! Thanks for sharing today.

    BTW, I love your Christmas blog layout!

  4. Again....great minds think alike....:)
    It just was so profound when I was putting mine together...I see and hear things that just penetrate my soul when I put the image with it sometimes...and WOW, this week I'm just still amazed...I have access to GOD...because of His indescribable gift....

    I'm simply humbled...
    love ya...

    gotta get that image in for you...
    hugs, peace and JOY!!

  5. Excellent post, Susan, and beautiful picture & Scripture. Thanks for sharing. Happy WFW!!

  6. What an anointed message and challenge. Thank you.

  7. Awesome Susan...INDESCRIBABLE! I
    HAVE received the most indesCRIBable GIFT that came to earth in a CRIB in a manger long ago to give me an ETERNAL LIFE and I'm opening this gift daily & unwrapping & marvelling in the Good News He gives me as I seek Him first!

    Thank you for the beautiful reminder, presents under the tree,
    perfect photo & verse of His Presence as Our Immanuel...God with us! Thank you for blessing me, my sweet friend...with indescribable
    Truths & Love! Bless you as you bring blessings to many!

  8. Sue! i love this! what a perfect gift for Christmas!

  9. I too am thankful for the indescribable gift I have received. thanks for this post. Be blessed

  10. I love that song by Chris Tomlin, Indescribable...

    His love for me causes me to continually stand in awe of Him!

    Thanks for sharing!

  11. Wonderful wonderful thoughts Susan! Very encouraging.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!