
Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Funnies

What a great week it's been! We started with Humor in Marriage, and now I'll end with some Friday Funnies.

Praise God for joy and laughter.

I look forward to these light-hearted posts each week.

Today my funny is about signs that tell you that you are getting older.(now I know this isn't happening to you...yet!) Oh my, all you can do is just go with the flow. There is so much humor to be found in all the seasons of our lives. Hope you get a couple laughs out of this one!


You try to straighten out the wrinkles in your socks and discover you aren't wearing any.

At the breakfast table you hear snap, crackle, pop and you're not eating cereal.

Your back goes out but you stay home.

It takes two tries to get up from the couch.

Your idea of a night out is sitting on the patio.

All you want for your birthday is to not be reminded of your age.

Your idea of weight lifting is standing up.

Your address book has mostly names that start with Dr.

The pharmacist has become your new best friend.

It takes twice as long -- to look half as good.

Everything hurts, and what doesn't hurt -- doesn't work.

You wonder how you could be over the hill when you don't even remember being on top of it.

Please join us today at The Homesteaders Heart for some more good laughs.


  1. hahahaha, the pharmacist is my brother in law! I get to phone him up and ask about medications! heehee

  2. Oh that is toooo funny. I can relate to some of those but not all lol.

  3. Oh yeah...some of those are starting to ring true for me. But you gotta love it and laugh - othewise it may be too painful!

    Blessings to you on this fun-filled friday!

  4. LOL, Susan! Many of these are already ringing true for me! I loved them!!!

  5. LOL! My favorite is the last one! You know as you get older these are funnier and funnier. I laughed at them when I didn't truly understand them, when I was I REALLY get them! Have a great Friday!

  6. I love to start the morning with a laugh and a smile! Thanks, Susan. Have a good - funny filled - weekend!

  7. My favorite is...It takes twice as long -- to look half as good. Great post!

  8. LOL!! These are so funny. I'm not quite there yet but I'm beginning to see some signs that I'm on my way. :o

  9. That was cute, lots to look forward to huh??!!

  10. Oh my gohs..that was so funny!!!!!!!!!! I can relate to SOME of them! Ha!

  11. I am beginning to be able to relate to a few of these now...not as funny now as it used to be. LOL!

    Thanks for the laughter today in the midst of my painting project...I needed it.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Too funny,especially about the socks and the back.

  13. These are very true although my favorite is it takes 2 tries to get up from the couch.

  14. O my I think I'm already doing a few! This was cute.

  15. I think you maybe can use this bit of wisdom: "Laughter is the glue that holds society together."

  16. Ohh, Susan, these are hilarious! I am so glad I took a quick stop over because I so needed the good laugh! I can identify with so many of them, but the one that really hit me was the one that says it takes too tries to get up from the couch. Oh! And taking twice as long to look half as good! lol! So glad we older folks can laugh at ourselves. Thanks, Susan!

  17. Hill?! What hill? I don't remember any hill!

    Praying right now!
    Psalms 4:6-8 There be many that say, Who will shew us any good? LORD, lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than in the time that their corn and their wine increased. I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only makest me dwell in safety.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  18. Cute post!!!! Phew, I guess I'm not very old yet. :~D

  19. HI Susan!

    Well...I had to laugh..but i really didn't want to be reminded. :) Hehehe! How did we get on the way to getting older?Yikes! Let's be the ones to invent "how to slow time".

    Happy New Year!

    Love and Hugs..

  20. A night out on the patio.... OH YES.. mercy...... I am finding that when I am tired by 3 pm it is not that I am sick...... it is that I am OLD.......hahahahah

    Love the list..... and yes we might as well enjoy the seasons of our life... they will come around regardless if we like it or not!


  21. Got some lemonade for you over at my blog. Come and get it! ;-)

  22. Susan, my Sweet Friend!

    I've MISSED YOU SOOOOO MUCH! I finally posted last night but even then it was from my cell... but hey.. I'm ON today and trying to do a little catching up with my friends BEFORE I post again.

    I really want to THANK YOU for "being there" for us though the holidays. (Yes, YOU are ALWAYS here for me!!) It was hard, but we made it! I'm believing GOD for a smoother transition into the holidays this next year. Amen??

    Okay.. I'm not going to keep you right now. I'm attempting to homeschool the boys while "visiting" you all and it's not going so well. I mean, it's working for them... for for me and my ADHD it's just a little much to try to pour my heart out to you guys and then have to stop every few minutes to help one of them. LOL! I suppose I'll have to try blogging late in the evening or at night instead of the mornings, eh?

    Please tell everyone there we send our love???

    I LOVE & MISS YOU, Sweet Friend!

  23. Taking this list to my Tuesday lunch tomorrow with the "ancients." They'll love it! I'll try and surf back over for you post "in other words..."

    PS: Thanks for your nice comments about our homecoming. It was my 2nd one, two more to come one day. Such a wonderful memory.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!