
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I Am Not Ashamed

On this WFW, I choose these words that were written by Paul to Timothy his spiritual son. This was Paul's last will and testament to him as he sat in a Roman prison cell. There is no stronger charge for any of us as Christians then to study the word of God. This requires diligence, time, and great care as we rightly divide the word of God. With so much apostasy in the church it's so important we are not deceived by every wind of doctrine.

From many of the blogs I've been reading, I am so encouraged to see how many of you have committed to memorize the scriptures this year. Having the word planted in our hearts is such a key to living victorious in Christ.

This is the scripture I choose to memorize. The word of God is the only foundation strong enough to withstand any hardship we may have to endure. May the word become our life source, the very thing we we hunger and thirst for each day.
Please join us today over at The 160 Acre Woods for more awesome scriptures!


  1. I am so glad that when I grew up there was only one major translation of the Bible used and we did memorize it and it has been a treasure in my heart to draw on throughout my life. I have to do a search in the KJV as that is where my memory is. I now read the NKJV. Tend to use NIV for Church etc but have never warmed to it for a devotional book. I think the plethora of translations has done a lot to stop us having a common memory of verses.
    Great verse and intent.

  2. This is a good one!
    My youngest daughter memorized this last year during Sunday School. Our church promotes Scripture memorization and children can earn little awards for doing motivates them...she keeps me on my toes and sometimes puts me to shame...she memorizes Scripture more easily than do I!!

  3. An awesome picture to begin with! I want to be a workman who is not ashamed too!

  4. Awesome scripture to begin with. I want to be a workman too who is not ashamed!

  5. What a powerful reminder on the importance of God's Word coming into our hearts daily. Thank you for sharing and encouraging us to continue on always in the Word.

  6. It is encouraging to see how many others are memorizing scripture. Thank you for sharing this today. Blessings to you.

  7. Wonderful verse to think upon. I am always thankful to be able to view these WFW posts, it helps ME to memorize! Have a great day!

  8. Praise the Lord Susan! We are in one accord in the Spirit of the LORD with your message.

    I often tell people to read the Word and absorb it. Saturate yourself in His presence through the Bible and in prayer. Whatever version they read I just encourage them to read, meditate and absorb (memorize) it so that they can live it.

    "Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God".

    You many times won't have the opportunity to go and sit down and look in the Bible for the right Scripture when the enemy attacks so it's important to HAVE AND HIDE the word of God within our hearts so that we are living it and able to share it with others and so that we can stand against the wiles of the enemy.

    I love you my friend and your heart to always give wisdom tools and nuggets of truth for all in Jesus Name.

  9. The first verse I chose to memorize is Isaiah 54:10:

    "'Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will never be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,' says the LORD who has compassion on you."

    Long before Beth Moore's challenge, God had been speaking to my heart to take this more seriously. I'm glad for the accountability.


  10. That is a great verse, one I haven't heard often. Thanks for sharing!

    I have a great Inspiration giveaway going on my Devotional Daze blog, so stop by & check it out!

  11. What a great charge given by the apostle Paul, and a wonderful inspiration received from you here today. Great picture and verse. I love that we have the Word so available to us, and to not use it to study and memorize on would be a shame. Happy WFW!

  12. Thanks for visiting my blog! I hope you'll visit often.

    I love this scripture. It just seems so meaty to me (does that make sense?).

    Bless you!

  13. Hey, Susan! THanks for the encouraging words! I love the scripture that you chose! Enjoy this day!
    Love you!

  14. Blessings Susan & thank you for welcoming back that makes my New Year! I pray that yours is filled with treasures of God's Word & blessings as you study & show yourself approved! For we are NOT ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the POWER of salvation!

    Thank you so much for sharing this verse, and your words encouraging us to not only have a daily reading plan but to memorize scripture! The benefits far outweigh the hardships and will be there for us when we are confronted with tough times!

    May His WORD as you said truly become our LIFE SOURCE! You, too, are such a sweet fragrance to all of us...your friendship is treasured by me! I glean so much from you in my visits as Forever His! Thank you for Filling my Wednesday with this WORD!

  15. I love the idea to memorize our scriptures. Thanks for sharing a wonderful WFW!

  16. This is so wonderful! Thank you for sharing your wisdom! Happy WFW!

  17. This is an excellent verse for women! We love prayer and devotions, but often neglect to truly STUDY the Word. I agree: With so much apostasy in the church it's so important we are not deceived by every wind of doctrine. I'm committed to Bible study, and I love it!

    Thanks for your timely encouragement, Susan.

    e-Mom :~D

  18. Hey there Susan,

    I've missed seeing you and being around blog land. Like you, I have so enjoyed getting to know you via this bloggy world. Thanks for the encouragement and prays. I know you sooo understand.

    Stable is wonderful, I agree. Janet is having difficulty with this a bit. Just a long long journey, especially for her. Please pray for her to have peace in this journey and with the word stable. Otherwise, she feels great.

    Hope you have a great Christmas with all those little ones.


  19. What a wonderful verse and a great one to commit to memory. It is encouraging to know that others are committing God's word to memory. I have committed to memorizing at least one new verse a week.

  20. This is one of my husband's favorite Scriptures and I am a sucker for any photo of anyone writing. This is beautiful. And I too am so impressed with all the Scripture memorization going on. . . I do pray that these are real committments and not just silly resolutions. We should make it a matter of prayer to uphold each other in our desire to memorize GOD's WORD.
    Happy WFW!
    ~esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife

  21. That's a great verse to memorize this year, the basis for our kids' Awana program. Happy WFW!

  22. Thanks for the nice complements while at my blog today. I believe I've visited you before when I first started blogging, but somehow lost touch. I believe I'll start following again. I have been amazed to see and hear that many sisters have felt that the Lord was calling them to work in memorization in 2009. I posted about it the other question to myself is this: If persecution comes to America like we see it in places such as China, Bangladesh, Sudan, etc. and terrorists seek to eradicate the written word from our lives and homes, how much will I be able to reproduce from memory? Not enough right now...I know. So it is my earnest desire to spend as much of my life that I have the written word available to me seeking to know and learn and memorize it better.

    Thanks again for stopping by...looking forward to coming back.

    Amanda B. @OneSacrifice

  23. Thank you for sharing this lovely picture and verse. What a precious reminder to study God's Words and live them out in our life. Have a great day!

  24. Amen! I am trying to study more this year and memorize scripture. It can be challenging at times. But it is well worth it!

    Thanks for sharing!
    Happy WFW!

  25. Susan, right now they are suspecting AC1. Hopefully, we will find out more information on Friday. I didn't realize the journey that your family has been on. I am rejoicing with you in Jordon's progress. His story is so encouraging. We are kind of numb right now but basking in God's great love for us and the peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for your prayers on Rachel's behalf.

  26. Look what I can now do at work! Shhh...=)
    Have a great day today. I'll e-mail you later. Busy, busy!
    Jason leaves on Sunday at 10:28.
    =( Keep praying for me; I am really trying to stay focused on that ONE THING!
    Love ya, Kristin

  27. Excellent and important verse, with the perfect picture. Scripture memorization is so important. Thanks for the reminder! Bless you.

  28. Love your Blog!
    Your verse is lovely as is the picture!

  29. Amen! I love this post.
    Your family is beautiful.
    Thank you for coming by my blog and leaving a comment :)
    I love your blog design....nice colors.
    Have a blessed rest of your day!

  30. "The word of God is the only foundation strong enough to withstand any hardship we may have to endure." This was incredibly convicting-encouraging, if that's possible. It's SO true. I've had your page open since yesterday. I adore the song, This is My Prayer in the Desert. Thanks for sharing both! And for your sweet comments about my girls. :)

  31. Hey there GIRLFRIEND...just stopping in to say hello...The week has been a great one, busy getting back in the GROOVE!

    I LOVE that verse and you know what a wonderful one to commit to memory...I just read Laura Lee's post today and she talks about living relevantly and reverently...what a great verse to pair with that...

    You've inspired me...and I see many others!!

    Hope all is well down there!
    Blessings to you girlfriend!!

    love ya!

  32. I wanted to invite you to stop by tomorrow and join me in sharing what you are learning from the Word! I'd love for you to join me!!!

    Details here:

  33. What a beautiful verse and a great photo to go with it!

    Happy WFW (a day late)!

  34. Hello.

    you shared,
    "With so much apostasy in the church it's so important we are not deceived by every wind of doctrine."

    How very true! If we spend time in the Truth (The Word of God), we'll know the counterfeit when it rears it's ugly head.

    Wishing you a very Happy New Year.

  35. I love this verse brings me back to AWANA days!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!