
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Giving Thanks

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6-7

This is the second verse I am memorizing this year. I've taken the Beth Moore challenge to memorize 2 scriptures a month.. Don't you just love Beth? She has such a passion for God's word, and wants us to join with her to press into the Heart of God.

So on this Thankful Thursday list I'd like to give thanks for:

* The opportunity to join thousands of other women as we study and memorize the word.

* For God's grace, which He has shown to me during this 21 day Daniel Fast that I am participating in this year. Oh my, it's been such a wonderful time. I'm seeing breakthroughs already.

* For all the wonderful fruits and veggies there is to eat, and for the meat and bread I'll be having SOON!!! (yes...)

* For my three granddaughters and one grandson, who I adore so much.

* For friends and family that make my life so rich and rewarding.

* For God's loving-kindness and grace that is new every morning.

Thanks so much for stopping by prayer is that your day will be filled with the Joy of Lord!

Please join us over at Lori's Reflections for more grateful hearts.


  1. Hi Susan, Wow, I have not been over to your place in a while. I sure have missed you.

    Loved your post. and girl, I fasted the first week on January and it was AWESOME... Great post and happy TT.

  2. A lovely thankful post! God bless!

  3. Love reading your site as always.
    Continuing to lift up prayers!
    Psalms 34:17-19 The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles. The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  4. What a wonderful list of things to be thankful for...great post!

  5. I've always loved this verse in Philippians. What a good one to memorize!

    Isn't it interesting that God wants us to petition him with thanksgiving... with the faith that we've already received what we're asking for? THAT takes boldness.

    Also, according to this verse, we're to pray until we have a peace, an assurance of our answered prayer. How often do I do that? Not enough. :~D

    I just subscribed to Beth Moore's blog. She's a dynamo! I'll be finishing her study in the Psalms of Ascent, "Stepping Up" at church next week. REALLY worthwhile.

    What is your 21 Day Daniel fast about? Link? Enjoy your meat and bread!

    Love you!

  6. Hey there friend,

    What a great Thankful Thursday post. Thanks for sharing!

    Thanks also for your prayers.

  7. hi Susan! I'm a new participant of Thankful Thursday. It is indeed an awesome experience to see breakthroughs happening when you fast. I love reading your post.

    God bless! :)

  8. Love Beth Moore too! I think I should have joined her challenge - I have been trying to memorize one verse a week...phew that has been tough! Look forward to "meeting" you on facebook. Have a joyful TT!

  9. Susan,

    What a beautiful TT post. Loved reading your thankful heart!

    Blessings to you today!

  10. Thank you so much for the sweet comment and I love your list. WTG on the Daniel Fast. The meat will be there when you're through! :o)

    God bless you dear!

  11. Sue, I LOVE your blog!!! I don't know how to "follow you" without that gadget on your page, but I added your url to my blog roll.


  12. I need to fast........ I need God to move in a couple of areas in my life..... HE hears our prayers but HE answers faith.........

  13. One of the first verses I memorized years ago. It is a goody! You are richly blessed!

  14. Keep up the great work on your Daniel Fast, I did that awhile ago! I to praise God for his new mercies every morning. Have a wonderful day!

  15. What a great list, Susan! Thank you for the reminder that we are to give thanks in all circumstances.

    Happy TT!
    May you have a great day!

  16. This is one of my favorite verses on prayer, Susan. Don't you just love Beth Moore? She has such a passion for God and you can't help but go along for the ride! Great list of blessings! Thanks so much for sharing them with us. Happy Thankful Thursday!

  17. The verse you share from Philippians is one of my favorites. I am so very thankful we can take EVERYTHING to our Lord.

    Happy Thankful Thursday, Susan!

  18. Hi-ya Susan,

    Thanks for the visit and the post. The swimmer in that photo is our youngest son Seth. Brandon & Jordan also swam, but Seth is the one who truly loves it. This is our first year back to the swim team since Jordan graduated in 2006. So I am ready and happy to see how much Seth likes it (he grew up watching his brothers swim).

    Also, loved loved this post. It gave me a lot of good "food for thought". And oh yeah...WHEN your son does go to Hillsong ~ Sydney...I will be sooo wishing I could be be there. I just love that place. One day I will visit!

    Have a GREAT DAY...again, it was nice hearing from you!


  19. Beautiful TT!

    Susan, thanks for all the encouraging comments you've left.

    I love fasting. It is so hard the first day or two (or three..), but then, you get past the point that food "matters" and WOW! I know what you mean about "breakthroughs!"

    BTW, awesome Cafe post the other day! Loved it.


  20. Thank you for sharing your thankful list this week. I hear you on the fast...what an incredible time when you are in one but OH how much thankfulness for food when it's over. A great reminder of God's provision & a bountiful one at that! May He have revealed so much to you during that time, too. Blessings.

  21. P.S. Thanks for stopping by!
    Your question: Beth's Stepping Up study is AWESOME. Truly, I loved every minute, and you will too. I have a blog review prepared to post on Monday. Come visit! :~D

  22. You wrote a very heartfelt post. I am glad to here your thankful list.

  23. I love that scripture and one of the first ones I memorized. Best wishes for your fast. Happy Thursday!

  24. Your post filled me with joy. thanks


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!