
Thursday, January 22, 2009

Roe Vs Wade

I could not let this day in history pass by without sharing this awesome video I just found on Lori Kasbeer's Facebook. Oh my...
I'd also like to direct you to two precious friend's blogs who did a post on abortion. These are some very brave women who desire more then anything to get the truth out about abortion.
I appreciate their honesty, and rejoice in the freedom they now walk in.
(please remember to mute my music player first!)


  1. Awesome video! I just saw it on DeeDee's website, too. Makes me weep, it's so precious. Oh, how I wish abortion were against the law! How can people justify killing a baby? Heartbreaking, isn't it?

  2. What a great video! Thanks so much for sharing that. This is a very important week (LIFE) for so many and on a personal level it's very important to me being the Sanctity of Human Life week. I will confess that as a result of it being so personal I am so hurting to see/hear of the potential of the Obama Administration overturning the Mexico City Policy which would then permit US funds to be used overseas for abortion material and procedure.

    As such I just could not write a blog today. I cried out to the LORD in prayer especially today with it being the Roe vs. Wade. I just KNOW that in the way my heart hurts GOD IS GRIEVING FOR THE BABIES that much more!!

    I continue to pray...

    Susan, you're friendship is a breath of fresh air!

    I love you and thanks for sharing the message to my blog and Tiffany another wonderful sister also. Bless you.

  3. I read their posts. Thank you for leading me to them. It is a difficult subject...and so very important.

  4. That was absolutely beautiful! I was crying throughout, so very blessed that you shared it. This whole week this issue has been close to my heart... thank you and thank you again.

  5. What an incredible and deeply moving video. Thank you so much for sharing. It staggers the imagination that precious babies are dying because of "choice" every day. Praying, praying, praying...

  6. Susan,

    Thank you for posting this today. May we all know how precious life is!!

    I read Tiffany's post. She is a dear friend.

    Blessings to you today!

  7. GLORY to God for this gift on Youtube. Thank you for sharing life with us. Beautiful pics and lyrics. Thank you for sharing Lisa's and my links. Our voices are crying for breakthrough and healing. Oh Lord, please hear our cries. I long to see women set free. I long to see life honored more than death.

    Thank you for your precious friendship and support.

    Love you,

  8. Thanks so much for posting this reminder on this important day, Susan. We cannot let these little ones be forgotten and we must keep pressing on no matter what.

  9. Just 5 words to say...

    Awesome post!
    Love ya, Kristin

  10. Absolutely loved this! Thanks so much, Susan.

  11. This issue of abortion leaves me nearly empty of words today. . . but full of emotion!
    My heart breaks and my eyes burn.
    OH! How I pray the President Obama does protect and uphold the Constitution which offers LIFE, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness for EVERYONE!

  12. I am so moved by this ....... I lost a baby in 1967....... I am going to post what the Lord showed me about that baby........... You have inspired me......

  13. Hi, Sweet Friend!

    I've been "catching" up on what I've missed here... I'm so blessed to see you posted on "Roe Vs Wade." Did you hear that our new President has already overturned a ban that now allows the government to use OUR TAX DOLLARS to fund abortions overseas??? I mean, we have children in our own country dying from cancer (and other diseases) because there's not enough money to fund research... and NOW we're going to pay to MURDER children in other countries with OUR OWN TAX DOLLARS???? I'm sickened beyond words. UGH...

    Okay.. on to MUCH HAPPIER thoughts..

    SOMEONE, a VERY DEAR friend of mine has a birthday coming up... I wonder WHO that might be??? Do YOU have any idea??? I hope, my Precious Friend, that you have an AMAZING birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Alrighty.. I'm gone for now. I've got some work to do for Link online and I'm going to try to do a little more "catching up" with my online friends.

    I LOVE & MISS YOU more than words can say! ((((HUGS))))


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!