
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

My Eyes Are On You…

wordfilled Wednesdaytag


On this WFW I choose to use a picture I recently took of my grand-daughter Grace. When she comes to visit she loves to put on my glasses and pretend she is just like me.

She also wears my shoes, and loves to sit at my dressing table and imitate putting on her make-up just like her Grammy. Oh how precious these days are.smile_regular

In this verse, Paul lays out a challenge for us to live in such a way that others can see Christ, and will be inspired to follow our example.

I pray I will always be able to live a life before my children and now grand-children that reflects Jesus.

Please join us today over at The 160 Acre Woods.


  1. Susan,

    What a precious pic of Grace. What a great verse to be mindful of too!

    Happy Wednesday to you, my friend.

  2. Oh, this is so precious, Susan!

    The verse is great reminder to us all of how we should be living our lives each and everyday!

    Happy WFW!

  3. Great reminder to set a good example for the little ones in our lives and the ones in the world around us. Your granddaughter is adorable! Happy WFW, Susan!

  4. How incredibly SWEET!.... don't mean to point out age (some are sensitive to that kind of thing) ... but, I tell you what.... I want to be a grandma just like YOU! my children are ages away from having my grandbabies- but sometimes I can close my eyes and just smell their sweet baby-breath. (Am I silly or what!)

    your grand-daughter is adorable, and from the looks of it she adores YOU- I love that!

    Nice to meet you :O)

    In Him, Deanna

  5. She's a cutie. someone is always watching is sobering...and important. Little eyes are watching!

  6. As the apostile Paul said, follow me as I follow christ..... She is walking in your footsteps.....!! What a wonderful thing! My cousin is the manager of a Christian book store here in town and this year for Christmas I made her a Tee shirt that said .."Can't Turn Back Now, Someone Might Be Following" (she has wanted one for a couple of years now, and I finally got it made)

    It is so true..... we do not know who is following!

  7. That picture and post is so preicous. Your grand-daughter is so cute! Wonderful WFW and reminder!

  8. Yes! Yes! This thought keeps coming my way, especially as I think of following Jesus so closely that as my children follow me they see HIM!


  9. She is a cutie and what a creative way to post that verse! Happy WFW!

  10. THAT is just precious...I wanna be your grandaughter!:) It sounds so fun!!
    What a reminder that they are WATCHING and we are responsible...
    Great one girlfriend!!
    peace and HUGS,

  11. Beautiful reminder to walk in His ways always! She is such a doll!

  12. I HAD to come back before you rush off to the's SNOW, the ONLY snow we'll see here in these's my way of playing along with the rest of the country...:) LOL Actually, my Delaney gave it to me...she wishes for some white stuff too!

    hugs! made me LAUGH with that comment!

  13. I love the pic and verse with it! What a cutie! That's for the comment!

  14. That is fabulous! Blessings on you and your grandchildren :0)

  15. Ha! This made me smile :) What a darlin' Happy WFW!

  16. Oh how precious, Susan! And what a wonderful reminder. We are always being watched. May we remember to live out our testimony and not just preach it.

    Happy WFW!

  17. Blessings Susan...How beautiful to take this scripture and match with your adorable, precious grand daughter....for she is Grand in Jesus' eyes and so blessed to follow after Him & you! Good choice!

    Thanks for blessing us with your sweet photo! Makes us very aware that we need to be careful what little ears & eyes hear & see to FOLLOW...with YOU we don't have to worry! Very precious!

  18. What a great verse! And if she's following your example, then it means you look over your glasses like that?? hehehee!! LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing.

  19. Amen, Susan! What a timely reminder this is. That picture is absolutely adorable! Aren't they the most precious gift from a loving Father to us grandparents? What an appropriate verse to apply this wonderful truth of how they are watching us.

  20. Precious. A wonderful verse and post! :~D

  21. yes! i can relate as a mom those eyes on me!
    thanks for the great reminder!

  22. Susan, thanks for stopping by my blog; it gave me the chance to come here and see that adorable picture! I love the way you tied it in to Scripture... reminds me of the Third Day song.. "oh be careful little eyes what you see...." Those little eyes are ALWAYS watching....

  23. Such a sweet picture...and a great reminder. May He always find us faithful...

  24. So cute! Great post Susan! Thanks for the reminder!

  25. What a wonderful verse for today. A lovely picture also. thanks and be blessed

  26. So precious. I can feel her reading me the riot act, by the way ;) Great one!

  27. This is a classic! Love the heart of a child and how they are ever watching us..

  28. Look at the "mini susan"! I really love this pic! She sure does adore her Grammy... and has no idea just how much she is adored! She is so blessed to have such a wonderful model, we both are. Love you.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!