
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Step by Step

Of the many scriptures we can read about faith, the one that most often comes to my mind is found in Hebrews 11:1;

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

It seems from the very beginning of time, mankind has found it difficult to live by this basic principal. Starting in the book of Genesis we see a couple who trusted in what they saw rather then believing what God had said. They choose to walk by sight rather then by faith. The truth is that we also are faced with this same challenge almost every day of our lives. Will we live according to what God has spoken and promised, or will we walk only by what we can see in the natural?

I've wrestled with this same issue of walking by faith in my own life. I must confess, I can think of too many examples when I was focused on what I could see, rather than choosing to believe and act upon what God had spoken. Paul instructs us in Romans 1:17;

“For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.”

Today’s quote by Martin Luther King reflects the same kind of declaration that Paul made to the Romans:

The Bible is full of stories of men and women who learned what it meant to “take the first step in faith”. Faced with the odds stacked against them, we see a very old and barren couple hold on to the promise of God to receive a son. God said their descendants would be like the sand and the stars. They never waivered, even when all natural hope of conceiving had past, they continued to believe God.

Story after story we see how God’s people choose to believe His promises, even in the face of great obstacles. In Hebrews 11 we read about men and women who walked by faith, refusing to turn back, give up, or surrender, even in the face of death. I could weep to think of all they endured for their Faith. Some would say they were fools, yet concerning these heroes God said,

"Of whom the world was not worthy". (vs. 38)

Oh, more then ever I long to be counted among those whose faith was unmoved and unshaken by circumstances. Just like Martin Luther King said, we must be willing to take that first step!

The choice is always ours.

My prayer is taken from Psalm 125;

"Father, today I ask you to strengthen my faith so it would be like Mount Zion, which can never be shaken. Even when problems, disappointments, and unanswered prayers try to discourage me, surround me like the mountains of Jerusalem. Father, you promised to do good and reward all those who trust in you, who are upright in heart, and who diligently seek your face. Give me a vision to see your promises, and the grace to walk before you in faith, step by step. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Please join us today at Shortybears Place for more In Other Words.


  1. I really enjoyed this post sweetie.

  2. It seems God is forver putting me in circumstances where I must walk by faith and not by sight. I know He is faithful to finish this good work began in help me climb those stairs! How awesome it will be when our faith is sight!

  3. What a great quote from Martin Luther King! I, too, desire that same sort of faith in my walk with the Lord. I want to be able to trust and take the first step... even when I don't know where it is leading.

    Thanks, Susan... I really enjoyed this today!

  4. The post was something to meditate on today. thanks Susan

  5. Susan, what an encouragement and inspiration this post was to me! Very powerful. Thanks so much for sharing your heart. Wasn't this a great quote?!

  6. We need to be willing, that's where it begins. Faith will take us places we've never seen before if we are willing to go forward with Christ.

  7. Sweet Susan, As much as I've studied Martin Luther King Jr in my life time I never read that quote. Thanks for sharing and for sharing this message on FAITH. It's a day by day, step by step journey of trusting and believing. Our GOD will never fail us and that builds up my faith even more.

    I was boiling a big pot on the stove not long ago. I walked away from it because it was taking so long. When I returned I heard it sizzling and foam was everywhere as the pot was boiling over and hot!

    I want my faith in GOD to be just like that --- sizzling, full, boiling over and HOT!

    Praise the LORD!

    Love you Susan. You teach with great awareness of GOD in your life. I appreciate your heart for Him.

  8. This was wonderful! I had not seen that quote from MLK--awesome. Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a great day!

  9. You help me remember, Susan, even if our hopes are never realized here on earth, faith is paramount. God esteems the faithful, not the accomplished.

    Hebrews tells us, "These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised."

    Faith is the important element.

  10. This blessed me. and i love the quote about not taking the whole staircase but just one step. I hope to live this way more and more and just trust Him for those steps that I may not know where they are leading to. blessings to you!

  11. Yes, a step. That's something I can do.

    God is creating some amazing stairways, isn't He? Our lives lived out by faith...

    Sending HUGS!


  12. Wonderful encouragement! Sometimes I only have enough faith to make it through this day. But that's OK. The more I study (and listen to) God's Word, the more my faith is nourished, for faith comes by hearing...

    May your faith be strengthened today, Susan. Let us stand firm in his precious promises. :~D

  13. What a lot to meditate remind ourselves - so often I think my faith is small because I can't see past the first step...when really that is God wanting to grow my faith. Please, Lord, increase my faith!

    Thanks for a great post.

  14. Beatifully written friend and so inspiring to me tonight! THANKS for such a great post!

  15. So wonderful! Thank you for the way you gathered examples that God set before us to encourage us on our journey, step by step.

  16. At the end of the day, at the end of this life, I want to be found faithful...a woman in love with her God who believes(d) him for all of her days--come what may.

    I think, perhaps, that Hebrews 11 will have a larger list in heaven then the one we now read. To be found among them? Who can fathom the worth of such a moment?!!!

    Have a great week; love the pic of your grand-daughter. Indeed, they are watching...


  17. This was so good, Susan. I want to live by faith and trust God with the results. I love Hebrews 11. It is such an encouragement to me.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!