
Friday, February 6, 2009

Fighting for A Cure!

In May 2006, Heide Randall received the devastating news that her 16 year daughter, Jessica, had a brain tumor. Only 3 days after her 17th birthday, Jessica went to be with the Lord. Another brave young warrior, who fought a valiant fight, is now standing in the presence of the Lord.

I have had the honor of getting to know many of these families in my time at St. Jude and through the Pediatric Brain Tumor List. Heide Randall is one of them. Instead of feeling defeated and without hope, Heide, (like many parents I know) immediately got busy and joined in the fight to find a cure for childhood cancer.

I have seen so many parents struggle to put their lives back together, and I know you cannot do it without the grace and strength of the Lord. Yet hope is never lost, for we know that as believers, “Death has no Power over us!”, and one day we will find a cure.

Heide made this beautiful video montage in honor of all the brave warriors who are still in the fight, and many of those who have gone on before us to receive their rewards.

Thank you Heide for all the many labors of love you continue to do for so many of us. You are such an inspiration and give hope to me and countless others!!

Please check out Heide’s video, which was made to help bring awareness for the desperate need to find a cure for Childhood Brain Tumors.

Thank you Heide!!!
(Please remember to mute my music player first!)


  1. Susan,

    Suddenly tears flowed. Looking at the faces of those precious children and teens, reading the story of your friend and listening to the words of the song all just blew me away.

    It drew me to prayer for all of the children, teens and adults who have cancer. I have always been sensitive and compassionate to this subject for a few reasons.

    I appreciate you sharing this. May I link your message to my Speak on it with Lisa blog so that others can be made aware?

    Praying for a cure in Jesus Name!Love you.

  2. Oh what a worthy cause. Such suffering all around makes you stop and find it hard to breathe. Praying too for a cure. All brave warriors indeed!

  3. Wow, I sat watching that unable to take a breath. All those precious faces representing so many families.

    Thanks for sharing that with us. I know we can pray, but what else can we do. I don't want to be someone who just says "well isn't that sad", I like to DO.

    Love to you,

  4. Hi, Susan.

    Thank you so much for your sweet words, and for posting the video.

    You're one of the first "PBT Moms" I met after Jessica was diagnosed. Your support meant so much back then, and it means more than you can know now.

    Thank you for being you. :)

    m/o ^Jessica^ (forever 17) and Jake (17)

  5. I'm in tears looking in the eyes of these precious children. Praying, Praying.

    Have a blessed weekend.

  6. Susan, this is so beautiful, my friend. I just posted prayers for Abby.

    Thanks, as always for your kind comments on my blog.

    Blessings, friend.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!