
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Real Life Friends!

On this Thankful Thursday I'd like to give thanks for all the special friends I've made here in the blogoshpere.

One thing I've always desired was the chance to meet some of my wonderful bloggy friends in person.

Well, God answered that prayer by allowing me to meet with Amy Bayliss (In Pursuit of Proverbs 31) and her wonderful family 2 weeks ago.

When I first started blogging I was clueless on so many technical issues, then I met Amy who came to my rescue. We became great friends and amazingly found out we lived in the same city.

Truly Amy has the heart of a servant.

Amy surprised me today when she did a post about our special time together. If you would like to know how our visit went, then hop on over to Amy's blog. She posted some pictures too.

I love you Amy! Thanks for being such a good friend.

Please join us over at Grace Alone for more grateful hearts.


  1. Well you know from my message below that I've already been there, visited and dropped you a line my friend (smile). Love the photo of the two of you beautiful women of God!

    Love you!

  2. What fun! And certainly something that stirs up a boat load of gratitude!

    I have met three blogging friends over the last couple of's a little strange meeting an old friend...for the very first time!

    Happy TT!


  3. That is awesome that you live in the very same city! Her blog, and yours, are inspirations to so many Christian women. Thanks for sharing...

  4. Friends are precious blessings.

  5. I just told Amy I'm officially jealous. Lunch with either one, or preferably both of you would be awesome. Lelia and I will have to work a little harder to get a lunch arranged just to get you back.

  6. Oh how blessed you are to finally meet up with a bloggy friend! Lord willing, I'll be doing that one day, only I live so far out in the boone docks from anyone!

    Have a blessed weekend.

  7. Hey look at YOU TWO!! How fun! I think it's so cool that ya'll live so close! They are amazing and so is yours!!

    I get to meet Angie, (The Knightly one....) this weekend!
    I just LOVE ya'll!!
    One of these days....we're comin' for red beans and rice!

    Love you!

  8. Thankyou for stopping by my blog,and thankyou for the kind words.My friends are always the bright part of my day.Blessings

  9. How wonderful! I went to Amy's page...looks and sounds like it was a wonderful time, indeed. I have yet to meet any bloggy friends IRL, although your post makes me want to! I can't imagine how it must feel to meet someone in person that you already know so well by heart. What a wonderful thing!

    Thank you so much for your sweet encouragement and prayers for us about Breaking Free. I too am more excited about this study than any we've ever done. (Likewise, I'm gearing up for the spiritual warfare that is sure to come.) I would so greatly appreciate your prayers if God brings our study to your mind.

    Love & blessings,

  10. Just got back from Amy's blog. It sounds like you two "got on like a house on fire." What a blessing that you live so close to each other! :~D

  11. Susan, I adore Amy also. She is a woman after God's own heart. She has made such a difference for so many of us who live in the online community. Wonderful post. Sending you and Amy a hugs this day.

  12. I'm so glad that you had such a special time together. I read Amy's account yesterday and it was awesome! I think it's great that you live so close to a fellow blogger and sister-in-Christ!

  13. So many of my blogging friends are meeting other blogging friends. I'm jealous!

  14. It is neat to see good come out of the Internet when so mcuh can be not so good...I have some wonderful bloggy friends too and hope to meet them some day. I am always touched by your blog sister.

  15. What a gift! I'm still holding out to the dream of having a blogging conference for Christian women!

  16. How awesome is that! Great photo!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!