
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Forever Faithful

I  recently received this beautiful  picture of St. Louis Cathedral in Jackson Square. 

The person who forwarded this to me said it was taken two months before Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans.

The calm before one the greatest storms in the history of our nation.

Of course, being from New Orleans, I personally witnessed the devastation and great darkness that was soon to follow on that dreadful night in 2005. 

But I have learned, that no matter how dark the night may get in our lives, Jesus is always there to show us the way through the storm.

He will provide comfort and guidance in our greatest time of despair.  He is our Light, and His very presence casts out all darkness. 

This very day Jesus stands ready to be a "lamp unto your feet, and a light unto your path".


wordfilled Wednesdaytag

Please join us today over at the 160 Acre Woods  for more inspiring words!



  1. Great verse for today! Thanks for posting it

  2. I miss Louisiana. I have many pictures of St Louis Cathedral. I have a picture of Cafe Du Monde in my kitchen. I wrote a post about our Katrina experience. Louisiana will always hold a special place in our hearts.
    Happy WFW!

  3. Always my first stop on WED! Wow...what a verse...calm before the prophetic was that picture. WOW!

    love ya!

  4. Amen. Amen! He is so faithful and loving to us.

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful word of encouragement and strength.

    I love you.

  5. St. Louis cathedral is beautiful! I never tire of going there on our trips to NO.

    God is so faithful. I love the verse and post you shared as well.

    Happy WFW, my friend.

  6. I cherish pictures of Mississippi and New Orleans pre-Katrina. Thank you for posting this one!

  7. Susan, this photo is so beautiful! Thank you! Praise HIm that He is our lamp along our path!


  8. We lived there for four years. 2003-2007. My husband is military.
    It felt like home the minute we got there.
    Esp. miss the warm weather.

    Have a great day!

  9. Stunning picture and a fantastic verse. Hope your son recovers quickly!

  10. Blessings sweet Susan...Your words of strength, faith and Supreme Trust in Him add so much meaning to this beautiful calm before the storm photo & this guiding verse from His WORD! Thank you for sharing this LIGHT with us from you & your heart for He truly is the lamp unto our feet! I'm so blessed to know you & thankful that God takes you(and all of us) through the storms even as big as Katrina!

    Wish I had your email but I will look forward to seeing you again
    at EASTER WFW if nothing else! (I think if you hit reply on my comment you get my email)! God be with you & keep you from the storms

    Love & hugs!!!

  11. This is an absolutely stunning picture, Susan! Made all the more so by the great scripture you chose.

    Happy WFW!

  12. "Behold I amke all things new!" Amen!

  13. Susan,

    Love the photo AND scripture. Great verse!

    FYI ~ Yes. I made the necklace that I posted.


  14. How I praise Him that He is our light! What a gorgeous photo for that powerful verse, spoken from someone who has truly walked through some dark days. Your heart never fails to bless me.

    Thank you for your kind words and prayers. Please don't feel happens! I'm doing great! = )


  15. Amen! What a beautiful picture and reminder. Thank you for sharing! Happy WFW!

  16. This is a stunning photo. What a great verse you found to pair with it. Enjoyed your post.

  17. What a gorgeous photo & verse. Blessings to you & yours this week!

  18. Amen Susan! This is a beautiful reminder of where our light and hope is. Blessings...

  19. I love the picture. Thank you for sharing it with us.


  20. I agree Amen- love the verse and the picture- Jesus waitng to light my path today. How wonderful to carry in my heart.

    Thanks for sharing this today. Blessings of peace, joy and love.

  21. You've ministered to me today, Susan. We're facing great darkness as a nation, aren't we? And our personal lives are all affected in some form or another.

    I love this: matter how dark the night may get in our lives, Jesus is always there to show us the way through the storm. Amen. I needed this reminder.

    Have a blessed rest of the week.

    Big hugs,


  22. Humbling words and a mindful picture...Praise God that in the middle of the storm, He is the peace we can rely on.

  23. Oh how beautiful. What a beautiful picture.

  24. Oh wow... I've only recently come to know you, so I wasn't aware you were from New Orleans. I'm so sorry to hear you had to go through all of that. I hope you and all are okay. Thanks for sharing this great verse and for being such an inspiration!

  25. what a beautiful picture and what great words! oh, we need His light!

  26. Susan, that is so beautiful!

    One of these days we are going to have to meet! We're just too close to not be able to meet in person...

    What a beautiful picture!

  27. I love this post. If we could all remember this truth when the storms of life come barreling in.

    Love you,

  28. God has been so faithful to me over the course of my life. I'm always amazed by the ways I encounter his truth and love on a daily basis. These have been some "gettin' through" days as there has been much activity going on in my household. Finally, I'm able to breathe a little and long to spend some uninterrupted time with the Lord, studying his Word and writing his praise via my pen.

    Thanks, Susan, for checking in. I hope that someday down the road, we'll be able to sit and talk in person. You have been a great source of encouragement to me.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!