
Monday, February 23, 2009

The sufficiency of God's word...










(Psalm 19:7-9)


7 The law of the Lord

is perfect,

reviving the soul;

the testimony of the Lord

is sure,

making wise the simple;

8 the precepts of the Lord

are right,

rejoicing the heart;

the commandment of the Lord

is pure,

enlightening the eyes;

9 the fear of the Lord

is clean,

enduring forever;

the rules of the Lord

are true,

and righteous altogether.


  1. I love the photo image you have and the words! It says it all.

    I enjoyed the Scripture and how you highlighted specific words that also says it all.

    Isn't God's word to us a beautiful and strong testimony of His love toward us?! Amen!

    Miss you my friend. Hope all is well. I'm going to go to bed on your Scripture...

  2. I've always loved the line making wise the simple. . .
    God's wisdom is not ours . . .
    Even the simple among us can be filled with wisdom when we are filled with GOD's WORD!
    Absolutely sufficient for ever possible human need.

  3. Hey Susan! Thanks for hopping over. I've been missing you. Thanks, also, for your continuing encouragement.

    God's Word is everything to me and just what I need in my life everyday. I'm so thankful for his continuing love and provision in my life on a daily basis. Hope all is well with you down South.


  4. Sorry your body did that to you...does this happen very often?
    Can't even imagine what you're friend is feeling...her heart must be breaking so much! And am sure she's so concerned about that precious little one...
    Continuing to lift up prayers!
    Psalms 31:4-5 Pull me out of the net that they have laid privily for me: for thou art my strength. Into thine hand I commit my spirit: thou hast redeemed me, O LORD God of truth.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  5. Amen!It is such a comfort to know-and to remember.

  6. Sweet blessings, Susan! Thanks so much for sharing His WORD!


  7. It IS living and active...always amazes me! Your picture reminded me of that song by Mercy Me...Word of God Speak...lovely!

  8. I immediately starting singing the song with these verses...I know they are going to be "stuck" in my brain all day...THANKS!

  9. "...reviving the soul..." Amen to that. I love the Word of God for this reason. Hugs!

  10. Amen and Amen!

    We had an absolutely wonderful day yesterday with y'all, even with those strange animals.

    This morning, I asked Karli what animals she saw yesterday at the zoo and her exact words (I promise!) "Bird dog." Hey, she may be right. We did see some weird combos, too. =)

    Have a great day! Going to get my hair done...decided to keep the appt.

    Love ya, Kristin


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!