
Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A Pure Heart

On this WFW I choose a picture we recently took of my precious granddaughter Karli.

Oh the innocence of a little child.

Whenever I gaze into those beautiful eyes, I get a glimpse of Jesus.

She loves so unconditionally, and gives hugs and kisses expecting nothing in return. There is no condemnation or unforgivness, just a heart full of pure and undefiled love. I understand more everyday why Jesus said,

“I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little
children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Mt. 18:3

I recently read a quote that really got my attention;

"Faith is an area where ‘growing up’ means becoming more like a child." - Colleen Townsend Evans

Father, help me to keep my heart clean so others can see more of You in me. Let my motives, my actions, and my thoughts be pure and undefiled. Thank you Jesus for showing me the way, as I receive your abundant Grace to help me walk in it each day. In Jesus name, Amen.

Join us over at the 160 Woods for more great words!

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  1. A beautiful post, Susan! I SO want to be child like in my faith.

    Happy WFW!

  2. There is SO much we can learn from children; Humility, honesty and more than anything innocence. Beautiful and touching post.

  3. Pure of heart, indeed! As I look into the eyes of my own daughter, I see such innocence and such a zest for living. I pray that God keeps her life protected so that she always hosts a purity of heart and a joy for living that she currently displays. I would also like some of her childlike faith!

    Happy Wednesday to you.


  4. The picture is gorgeous, she is one darling little girl and what a blessing she must be and a great reminder for our attitudes to be childlike filled with innocence and trust.

  5. Susan, she is simply precious! Too cute! Your post really touched me. In so many ways we want to be mature and all puffed up with knowledge and wisdom (world) but to come before Christ we have to strip away all that the world has laid upon us and have that childlike faith and love for Him. Happy WFW!

  6. I can see Jesus in those eyes, too! This is a wonderful post and beautiful picture.

    You may want to check out my blog, where I share how the 3 little children I nanny for teach me about God's love.

  7. She's wasn't till being a parent that I came to fully understand what Jesus meant by that...becoming as a little child. I rely so much on myself...and so often find I am not trusting in Jesus.

  8. Beautiful girl, beautiful photo, and beautiful message...

  9. Precious picture. Such a good reminder for us "Grown Ups!"
    Great WFW post.

  10. So precious my friend. I want that child like faith always....She is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing

  11. Love the message and that grandbaby is adorable!! O my goodness!!!

  12. Beautiful! She is adorable and I totally agree about looking in to the eyes of a child and seeing God. When I gaze at my daughters' eyes, they are so innocent and have such a joy in life! And they have such faith and unconditional love. Oh that we all would gain this!

  13. What a beautiful child! If you are like me, you love to just sit and gave at your grandchildren! They are such a wonderful gift from God!


  14. Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I absolutely love your blog and the scripture you picked today is one of my favorites.

  15. OHhhhhhhhhh my word....she is beautiful! Those eyes! You know so much is revealed in the eyes of innocence....
    This was NEED to frame this one with the words on it! I love it!
    love ya,

  16. That is so beautiful -- the words, the scripture, and especially the picture!

    Happy WFW!

  17. Great verse & I love that quote, Susan! Your granddaughter is beautiful. Have a childlike faith...that is a prayer for me! Have a blessed WFW!

  18. Oh YES sweet Susan! How beautiful is this precious grand daughter and her innocence & unconditional love!

    Those lovely eyes do shine Jesus!
    Must be a reflection of the beautiful grandma she spends time with and learns about His Kingdom!

    I love the quote! This scripture verse is perfect!

    Thanks for your encouraging visit
    and words for me! I did not realize that I could not nominate you & I only wish you could read the words I sent IC about you & Forever His!
    When I realized that they decided not to allow their contributors,
    I wished I had your email so you could have seen my appreciation of you in my nomination of you! I had one other from your team that did not count either but they are so right...and really ALL of you are worthy of being TOP! (but I had more people I could have nominated)
    It is such an honor being a newbie!

  19. You can see the innocence in her big brown eyes! A beautiful verse for a beautiful girl. I loved what you had to say about child like faith, "Faith is an area where ‘growing up’ means becoming more like a child." - Colleen Townsend Evans. I just wrote today in my post how sometimes when God is growing us up, we feel like we are stumbling along just like little ones learning to walk. :)

  20. Absolutely beaoooo-ti-ful! Karli is such a sweetie. Yes, daily we need to exhibit trusting, childlike faith in our heavenly Father. I needed this timely reminder, my friend.

    Excellent quote: "Faith is an area where ‘growing up’ means becoming more like a child."

    Happy Word-filled-Wednesday!


  21. Beautiful verse, and such a lovely granddaughter.

  22. What a beautiful picture! I am amazed at the faith of children. No wonder Jesus told told us to have the faith of a child.

    Thanks for sharing!
    May you have a blessed evening!

  23. Great post! The picture is priceless!

  24. LOVE the photo! What a precious granddaughter you have!
    These verses are so comforting. Know that I'm praying!
    Revelation 21:1-4 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  25. Doesn't she look absolutely pure? O to be free as a child in Jesus.

    Thank you for sharing that beautiful photo and lovely choice of verse.

    Have a wonderful day in Christ.


  26. Sweet Susan, just stopped back over because some how I found Amy's page and read the article of the two of you meeting in person. I left a message over there. It was so encouraging. I pray one day we'll meet in person. Bless you my friend.

    **You know I've been praying with you for Joseph but some how I missed the situation with Jordan. I will add him to my prayer list.

    Love ya.

  27. Absolutely precious, Susan! How precious children are in our lives. Such gifts from God!

  28. sweet!
    children sure make us understand more of God don't they?


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!