
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Calm and Content


“Instead, I have calmed and quieted myself,
like a weaned child who no longer cries for its mother’s milk.
Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” Psalm 131:2

On this Word Filled Wednesday (WFW) I thought I'd share a verse with you that really got my attention as I was studying Psalm 131. I'm now half way through my Stepping Up bible study by Beth Moore.

I am truly enjoying our study of the Psalms of Ascent. It is amazing to think how the Jewish pilgrims sung as they made their way up to Jerusalem to observe the feasts of the Lord. In this psalm the singers proclaimed that they had found true contentment by renouncing pride.

I don't know about you, but over this past year I've battled with trying to understand what God is doing in our nation. I've felt anxiety and unrest as I watched those debates, and now the evening news brings more bad news every night with all of the problems facing America.

I think we can all agree that there is plenty to feel anxious about in today's world.

When I read this verse, the first thing I thought about was how a baby that is not weaned behaves. I recently had my beautiful grandson, Cole, over on Sunday. He is just the happiest baby you have ever seen. However, when it comes time to eat, he will let you know he is hungry in a big way! Now, once his bottle is empty, you have to quickly put a pacifier in his mouth, to keep him satisfied. Cole has not yet learned to know when he is full. Neither has he learned to know how to be patient and trust that all of his needs will be taken care of.

However, David paints a very different picture with a weaned child.  He used this illustration to compare how the needs and passions of a believer can be totally satisfied by the Lord.  He no longer has to try and figure out God. God has made Himself known to all of His children, and because of His presence, we can rest in peace. It's a picture of total trust, and contentment. 

If we can grab hold of God's promises, and refuse to be moved away from them, we can find the calm and quiet that our soul truly longs for. Yes, even in the middle of the battles, we can rest in the arms of the Master and be content, just like a child that has been weaned.

Please join us for more WFW at The 160 Acre Woods.

wordfilled Wednesdaytag



  1. This scripture is one of the first I was directed to by my first spiritual mentor. I was troubled about something and she suggested I read this Psalm.

    It has been a blessing over the years. Not only am I reminded that I can rest in God, I also think of her each time I read it.

  2. Beautiful Post!
    Happy WFW!

  3. If we can grab hold of God's promises, and refuse to be moved away from them, we can find the calm and quiet that our soul truly longs for. Yes, even in the middle of the battles, we can rest in the arms of the Master and be content, just like a child that has been weaned.

    amen amen amen..what a powerful truth. Thank you SO much...

  4. Hey Susan....excellent word. I'm speaking on staying in His rest at a women's mtg in May. This was a confirmation for me. So thank you!! We're busy running so haven't had alot of time on my blog. I've missed you. But I think things are settling down a bit. And I'm staying in His rest. love you dear sister. Have a great day. Mary

  5. DRATS, I wasn't first! I've been swamped!! Just a lot on my plate!! I LOVE this...I love to do what you said..."It is amazing to think how the Jewish pilgrims sung as they made their way up to Jerusalem to observe the feasts of the Lord." I'd love to be able to time machine back to SEE what it was know..

    Hey, did you post that video on the Cafe? Francesca?? It's a FABULOUS song and it said Susan posted it...I shared it with so many people! Sooooo thanks for that!!

    How are things over there??

    I wasn't first...but fifth, I'll take that!:)

    I'll try and catch you on fb and we can chat!

    Love ya!

  6. Beautiful post and powerful Word, Susan! I too have battled anxiety over our nation. I love this verse and image. Reminds me of the Jacqui Velasquez song called "I will rest in you..." Thanks for this encouragement today, sweet one!


  7. Susan, thank you for your sweet words of encouragement on my post. Yours is awesome. Staying in God's rest is something I'm learning to do this year as God has called me to draw closer to Him in prayer (Col 4:2) Alot of that is just being still and secure in Him. I truly needed this reminder today. Not only regarding the anxieties of the world but my own (not slowing down when sick, etc.) Happy WFW and thanks for such a great post! Beautiful picture and Scripture, too, by the way.

  8. Susan, Loved your post-such a great reminder for all of us during these tough times. There is nothing that makes me happier than to be singing praises to our King-whether I'm joyful or sad and I think we need this now more than ever.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Blessings to you.

  9. Oh wow, incredible insight! Happy WFW!

  10. I recently finished that Bible interesting how each of us glean something different from the same study. I love that! Thanks for sharing what God has been showing you through your study.

  11. This is wonderful encouragement, Susan. I've drawn great comfort from these verses too, as I went through Beth's study this past fall.

    The news is so discouraging, and anxious questions loom in the minds of most of us. Praise God we have each other to remind us of His precious promises.

    Thanks for being such a bright light in the Christian blogosphere.



  12. I feel like an unweaned child as I go through these teen angst was a hard day and your scripture helped me. Thank you!

  13. What a thought provoking verse. Thank you for sharing what you're learning. (Eugene Peterson has a book about the Psalms of Ascent, too--A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.)

  14. Amen! What a wonderful reminder of God's provision & sustenance. Thank you for sharing! I hope you had a great WFW!

  15. AWESOME POST, Susan! You are just AMAZING!!! I sure wish we lived closer to each other... I'd LOVE to go to those Beth Moore studies with you. =-/

    Now, you mentioned Cole.. you got any new pics to share??? ☺

    I LOVE & MISS YOU, Sweet Friend!

  16. Hi there.. I was just doing some browsing thru 'blogville' and came across here :O)nice to meet ya'

    I happened to do the Stepping Up Bible study last year... and it was soooo good! Sometimes it was a tough road traveled, but I have to say... it truly has been the best road traveled with a bunch of sisters in Christ as we traveled the Psalms of Ascents together!!! A reward and blessing.

    I hope you enjoy!!

    Blessings, Deanna

  17. so sweet this scripture makes me feel content

  18. Awesome post! Beth Moore's studies are powerful. We are currently doing Daniel. It is outstanding!

    Bless you!

  19. KNOWING that the Lord is in control of all things, and LIVING that He's in control of all two different things! I must confess my stomach has been tied in knots lately watching all that's happening.........
    Always here praying!
    Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  20. What a beautiful way to bring these words to life. May we truly be content as our Heavenly Father is in control. What a blessing and encouragement for today.

  21. I wish you could be my mentor!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!