
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Good Investment




On a cool breezy night last month my husband and I attended a formal dinner at  an elegant country club here in our town.  All the ladies were dressed so beautifully in their long flowing gowns, and the men looked so handsome in their sharp black tuxedo's!   We were treated like royalty from the moment we arrived.

If you would like to know more about that special night and what God showed me about Matthew 25:21, then please join me over at the Cafe today!

For more Word Filled Wednesday posts that I know you will enjoy join us today at The 160 Acre Woods.



  1. This is one of my favorite scriptures- word I want to hear. I hope to join you later in the day at the cafe to learn more. Thanks for sharing
    Be blessed this WFW as you reap rewards becasue of your faithfulness.

    Seeking to be faithful over a few things.

  2. What are we investing in? It's a great question to think about and really when we get down to it...there's really few things worth investing in and they all begin with HIM!

    Happy Wednesday gram!:)
    love you!

  3. One of my favorite verses. I am always reminding myself to be faithful in the little things so that the Lord can bless me with bigger things "Like be faithful in the care of my rental home so that the Lord will bless me with a home we own"
    Thank you for visiting my blog :)

  4. Amazing way how you tied everything in! I love it!

  5. This is the perfect graphic for that verse. As Queen Take-It-All-On of the universe, I need frequent reminders that only a few things are needful. Headed over to the Cafe for more food!

  6. Awesome graphic for this verse, Susan. Can't wait to get to Heaven and pray I hear those words. Heading over to the Cafe now...Happy WFW!

  7. Thank you, sweet friend for this! I'm on my way to the next blog to finish the story!!


    I love that scripture too!

  8. You certainly know how to leave a teaser...I will certainly jump over to get the rest of the story. :)

  9. Those are words we want to hear someday for our faithful service to the Lord. Happy WFW!

  10. perfect pic for the Scripture!

  11. This verse is so meaningful. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Love it, Susan! Perfect picture and "placement" of the scripture. Happy WFW!

  13. Yes....i want to work on this "Good investment"...

    I come to the "cafe" also

    Happy WFW

  14. My thinking is . . . the whole idea of heavenly reward is way beyond our ability to grasp. You've done wonderfully at pointing us to the SCriptures - but I still don't think we have a human clue what reward awaits us. Do you? The "abandonment" of our human thinking that comes with spiritual maturity brings us closer, but isn't it glorious to realize that we still don't have a clue???!! What awaits makes me desire it all the more.

    Come, Lord Jesus. Come!

    ...where's the photo of the surf-n-turf?

  15. Hey there Susan,

    Love this scripture. I've been missing the bloggy world. Hopefully I can get back into visiting more SOON!

    Happy WFW!


  16. There is no better thing that He could say to us than, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I pray every day that I am pleasing in His sight.

  17. I will have to go over and read the rest of the story, thank you so much for sharing, meaningful and beautiful !

  18. Thanks for sharing God's word!! I really needed to be reminded of this. Blessings to you and always!!

  19. Just returned from reading the rest of your post...
    What a powerful message here, Susan! Such encouragement to give Him all we've got. I so want my life to praise Him, but also to please Him when I arrive home. Keeping my eyes wide open for the opportunities around me to store up treasures in Heaven that I will gratefully and humbly place at His feet. It seems there is always more we could be doing. Great challenge, today. Thank you friend!


    P.S. Congratulations to you and your hubby on the Williamsburg sounds WONDERFUL! = )

  20. Great verse Susan! How I long to hear those words spoken...come quickly Lord Jesus! I will have to read your post later about your night of royalty. :-)

    P.S. Yes my blog had a makeover awhile back...thank you I am enjoying the new look!

  21. great verse! this one makes me smile!

  22. Susan - Thanks for stopping by my blog tonight and the sweet comments.

    I do still play the flute. I play every Sunday during praise and worship and I just absolutely love to play. It is so worshipful for me and I am so thankful that God blessed me with the ability to do so.

    The flute on my header is mine. I took that picture with my bible and one of my favorite praise songs.

    I look forward to seeing you around.

    I love in Northeast Louisiana (little town..)


  23. Continuing to lift up prayers for your family!
    2 Thessalonians 3:5 And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!