
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thought Attacks


What would happen if we stopped lamenting about the fifty things we can’t control and focused our attention on the fifty thousand things we can control? What would happen if we stopped whining about things we have the power to change and finally took charge of our lives and changed them? What would happen if we stopped borrowing sorrow from tomorrow? If we got in the habit of asking ourselves, “What’s on my plate today?”

(Chocolatherapy: Satisfying the Deepest Cravings of Your Inner Chick, by Karen Scalf Linamen)


Nowadays we hear so much about “Heart Attacks”, but have you every experienced a "Thought attack".  I don't know about you, but I've experienced almost all of the symptoms mentioned above. Whining, complaining and worrying seem to come so natural.  I don't think we realize how much this kind of thinking can contribute to our mental anguish.  The sooner we break their hold on our mind, the easier it will be for us to re-group and get back on track.

Paul admonished us to, “take EVERY thought captive, making it obedient to Christ!”.  (2 Corth. 10:5)

Many times this may seem like a very difficult command to follow, but what is the alternative? Would you rather just let fear control you, and surrender your joy and peace to the enemy?

Thoughts are powerful, and if we are ever going to win the battle over them, then we must be willing to submit our thoughts to the authority of Christ and the Word of God.

Let's not be like our ancestors who whined murmured and complained in the wilderness, even though God was providing for them daily.  Jesus has given us His grace, wisdom and strength to face any circumstance, but we must remember the manner only lasted for one day. Why are you so worried about tomorrow – tomorrow will take care of itself. Trust God and live one day at a time.  I’ve got a long way to go, but I knowing He’s there IN CONTROL, always.  Thank you sweet Jesus!

Lord, forgive me each time I take my eyes off of you and start focusing on my problems.  Give me the faith to place my future in your hands where it is safe with you.  Let me be a witness to your faithfulness, and glorify you in my speech, my thoughts, and in my testimony.

Patricia over at Typing One-Handed is our host today.  Join us!


  1. I love this... thought attack! I'm in that process right now, of taking every thought captive. Oh my, what an undaunting task!
    Blessings to you this day and always.

  2. This was on my mind and on my blg yesterday :-)

    It is a constant battle to refocus our minds and put them on Christ where they belong. He is our ever present help in time of need.

    Blessings - Lisa

  3. Thoughts are very powerful. I learned that when I was disabled with epilepsy for 12 years. Good or bad, captive or free its up to us. It's the one thing we have control over because they come from within influenced by outside resources instead of God. Thanks for sharing today.

  4. Susan, I have had Thought Attacks, I just didn't know what they were called! Thanks for a great post and the reminder to take every thought captive to Him. Amen!

  5. I agree completely Susan. My husband and I about 2 weeks ago decided to turn the TV news, no commericals...just God and his Word and quiet (not silence). Listening for His voice. We have been enjoying not having the "Thought Attacks" that sneak up on us when we are not looking.

  6. Susan, I think I linked first to an older IOW post of yours but I'm glad I did. It was on faith and it was very good. Now for this one. I love how you mentioned Heart Attacks and then Thought Attacks. They can both be equally deadly. Hmm ...maybe this could be a post on Heart Choices?

    I know I battle with thought attacks every day. Romans 12:1-2 is a verse I've come to pray each and every day. Thanks for your words of wisdom, Susan.

  7. So true-if we would just stop "thinking" about tomorrow and give thanks and focus for today. HE is all we need one day at a time. God is not worried about time, only we are.

    Have a great day,

  8. This is great stuff! And I really love your blog!

  9. Susan, I'm sorry about the hitch in the linking to IOW today. I put the following at the top of my post a little while ago. Please try to link up again.

    Note for participants: Mr. Linky is a funny little guy this week! If you are unable to see where to add your blog, click on the comments section at the end: There are 2 links that say comments...use the first one. At the bottom of the other comments is the form.

    P.S. Great words! You pick one of my favorite sections of Scripture. I almost included them in my blog too.

  10. Oh I needed to read this today! I'm so bad to let my thoughts go wild and "borrow" trouble! Thank you for the reminder to "take no thought for tomorrow".


  11. Oh yes, yes, yes..this was great! I didn't post on the quote..but this was wonderful...I LOVE it! Thought Attacks...yep...I have em...I'm working on it...watched Flywheel the other night and prayed..."I'm giving it ALL to you Lord....all of it, not just my actions but my thoughts as well..." I think it's only when we do that, over and over each day, (we keep wanting to take it back) that HE can truly use us!

    You just rock gram!
    love you!

  12. Love what you've written here. I love how each post seems to expound and connect all the others in the IOW line... Taking every thought captive is the key to freedom... Love it.


  13. "Thought Attacks" - That's IT! It's something I struggle with, as I shared on my IOW, and I love the title - Thank you for sharing today.

  14. Oh boy, a powerful word! (Wonderful quote too.) And yes, I've been trying to "take every thought captive" recently. Our weakness as women is to think of all the things that could go wrong out there in the distant future. I've been trying to follow my husband's lead: take one day at a time, and solve only REAL problems.

    Finally brothers (sisters!)
    Whatever is true,
    Whatever is noble,
    Whatever is right,
    Whatever is pure,
    Whatever is lovely,
    Whatever is admirable,
    if anything is excellent,
    or praiseworthy,
    Think about such things.
    (Phil 4:8)


  15. Sweet thoughts here. Not a thought attack!

    Loved your prayer!

    Hugs, friend,

  16. Thought Attack! I LOVE that. IT's so easy isn't it, to let our minds "go there".. wherever "there" is that it shouldnt' be.. Thank you for sharing and stopping by my blog today!

  17. So much to think about!
    Isaiah 26:2-3 Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  18. Amen! Great post. I needed to hear it again today...thank you!

  19. Thoughts are powerful, and if we are ever going to win the battle over them, then we must be willing to submit our thoughts to the authority of Christ and the Word of God.

    Man, I need to whacked over the head with this every hour of the day! Thanks for the reminder, friend!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!