
Monday, April 6, 2009

Best Friends!

R&S (My best friend and I in Williamsburg, VA  recently!)

I must admit I was not prepared to do a post for Marriage Monday today.  Last night I had just returned from a company trip I took with my husband to Williamsburg, VA.  There is a pile of laundry waiting and luggage that still needs unpacking, but when I saw the theme I thought, ‘I can't pass up this opportunity to join in and share my thoughts on this topic.’

For those of you who may be reading Marriage Monday for the first time, "E-Mom" over at Chrysalis  started this awesome meme.  Each Monday, once a month a different topic about marriage is chosen for us to write about, discuss, and glean from each other's experiences.

Today's topic is, "Friendship In Marriage". 

We were encouraged to share about things you do together that foster good feelings, and how we celebrate our friendship.  Thanks once again E-mom for a great topic and being such a gracious hostess.  smile_wink

When I think about spending time with my friends, I get really excited.  After all, these are the ladies you know "intimately" and share many things in common.  They are the ones you trust with your craziest dreams and thoughts, and share your deepest secrets and fears.   True friends are the ones you just enjoy being with, because they bring encouragement, support, and laughter into your life.

All of these are the same ingredients needed for a marriage that will endure the tests and tides of time.

I like to think of marriage as a friendship more then any other kind of relationship. Yes, romance is sweet, and being parents together is probably the most self-less thing you can do, but true friendship in marriage is in a class of its own!

A few of the things that have fostered our friendship in marriage over the last 30 years has been:

♥ Writing notes and sending cards to each other

♥ Taking evening walks together to talk and catch up on our day’s activities

♥ Surprise or an unplanned lunch together

♥ Date nights

♥ Anniversary get-a-way weekends

♥ Just calling each other just to say hi and say I love you

Building a strong friendship in marriage takes time and effort.  It's all about preferring one another above your own self.  It's loving and bearing each other's burdens.  It's dreaming each other's dreams, rejoicing in accomplishments, and being a support when things go wrong. 

I could go on and on, but I think you are getting the picture. 

My very best friend in the whole world is the same man I made a covenant with at an altar 30 years ago.  The same man who gave me five wonderful sons, a beautiful home and security.  A man that loves Jesus, and has been such an example of what sacrificial love really looks like. 

Someone I love being with no matter where we are or what we are doing (except sports sometimes).

I'm so grateful God answered the very first prayer I prayed as a young Christian when I said,

"Lord send me a friend who knows and loves you the same way I do."

And Jesus answered that prayer the very next day when he led me to my precious husband!  I love you Rick!heart

Please join us today over at Chrysalis for more Marriage Monday stories.


  1. Awww...30 years later and still acting like newlyweds. What a source of hope and encouragement for us! =)

    I really enjoyed reading that. Also, I love the pic, and absolutely L-L-LOVE the jacket! =)

    Have a great week!

    Love, Kristin

  2. Sweet Susan,

    This is beautiful and filled with great wisdom and truths. You and your hubby are adorable!!!

    I can fully relate as my hubby and I cherish our relationship and are indeed best friends. For almost 19 years of marriage I often say he's my greatest cheerleader. It's the only time he wouldn't mind being called a cheerleader (smile).

    The blessing if the foundation of Christ who is the ever binding glue between us.

    I love you dear sister and I pray for MANY MANY MORE wonderful, healthy, blessed years for you and your husband.

  3. That is so wonderful that you and your husband are best friends!

    Love the picture! You two look too young to have grandchildren!!!


  4. Susan,
    I love your song on this site. Let your wind blow! very touching by GOD. Your words are not just on paper but penetrate the heart that receives. I related to the friend part though we are not yet married, I am confident that God's timing will unfold the dream and growing from others that have been down that road before me is exciting to see what I have to look forward to. Thanks for sharing! Keep it up Susan!
    Tina Marie Nigro

  5. Awesome! Thanks for sharing!



  6. So glad I found your blog. We are about to celebrate 37 years....I enjoyed going back and reading some of your past posts. Hope you will stop by and see me.
    I am going to have a "card box" giveaway every month. This drawing will be the last day of April. Every comment you leave throughout the month will enter your name in the drawing.

    This NEW blogger was so touched by all the comments I got on the Blog Party, that I decided to make this a monthly GIFT...
    Also, if you will mention my blog telling about the monthly giveaway, you will have your name entered 10 extra times...How is that for an incentive?
    I was so blown away by all the responses that I wanted to email each person personally, but TIME... just has not permitted..but I did love reading all of them..I am continuing to introduce my family members and then there will be some fun blogs coming up from Disney World in May. I am so thankful for all my new friends.

  7. A spectacular post! You two are such wonderful lovebirds. I know you've worked hard at your marriage. Praise God you've celebrated your friendship and love for 30 years!

    Bless you both. And thanks for joining us for Marriage Monday today, Susan.

    Love 'n hugs,

    e-Mom :~D

  8. Wonderful thoughts and ideas. Congratulations on thirty years. We have seen twenty five. Hope to see thirty as well! Blessings to you today.

  9. Susan, this was beautiful!Isn't it wonderful to be married to your best friend? We've been married for 19 years, and I can't imagine it any other way! Thanks so much for sharing with us--and glad y'all had a wonderful time this weekend!


  10. You are indeed blessed. God bless your home and your life. Praying your children will continue on in the spirit of their parents.

    It is in Christ alone that we can have these relationships with our husbands. It is one of the greatest blessings God can give us.

    Thank you for this sweet reminder.

  11. You guys are so sweet. I love seeing pictures of you guys together. Your love and appreciation for each other shows.

  12. 30 years of marriage. I have a lot I can learn from you. Thank you for this wonderful post.

  13. You two are too cute!!! Jim and I have been married almost 35 years! He's my best friend too! God bless you... Thank you for sharing...

  14. Susan,

    I'm SO BLESSED to read your love story! I'm with Kristin.. watching you guys is a source of encouragement to everyone that knows you! Guess what??? My hubby has started sending random text messages saying he loves me! (This man texts NO ONE!) Ha!!

    Hey, I loved the pic of you two! I can't wait to see the others.. (hint.. hint) ☺

    I LOVE YOU, Sweet Friend!

  15. Susan, I have been so blessed by visiting your blog today, which I discovered by your visit to mine. Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. I really like what you wrote, and I believe with all my heart that it is great advice to young couples starting out in marriage, and all couples everywhere. Most of all, I could have just sat with my coffee, and listened to the beautiful, uplifting music you had playing on your blog. I do look forward to more visits.

  16. Susan, it's me again..

    I wanted to "introduce" you to one of my new bloggy friends. This young lady is a FIREBALL for JESUS! I LOVE her boldness and at the same time.. her sweetness! You can find her here...

    I LOVE YOU! ☺

  17. How precious, Susan! My husband is my best friend, too. I love the love you have for each other, so evident in your post...

  18. Such a sweet dynamic post! I really enjoyed reading it, Susan!

    Many blessings to you dear friend!

  19. Came back over to say, I love and appreciate you.

  20. over here tonight...couldn't wait. First, you all are a darling couple! 30 years...oh my goodness. I pray to look so vibrant after 3 decades of doing life with my husband. I really needed this nudge tonight. Been a rough week on the marriage front around here. We so need some time away to rekindle our friendship. Right now, I'm afraid we're just getting on each other's nerves.

    We used to do a lot better about taking date nights and get-aways. That seems to be lost in our lives right now. I'm going to see what I can do about that in the near future.

    Have a blessed Easter walk to the cross this week. These are good days to be God's people.


  21. What a testimony....30 years, how incredibly FABULOUS! I have to agree with you on the sports thing Sister (except for Alabama football--Roll tide). While you are a blessed woman to have such a wonderful husband--he is incredibly blessed to have such a precious wife...and 5 boys! 5 boys! 5 boys! If Glade starts making "Estrogen Essence"...I'm sending you some your way sweet Sister!

  22. Hi Susan! I can't tell you how glad I am to meet you and look forward to reading your blog more and your story. 5 boys, praise God. I have 3 and one girl. I hope to continue to grow my blog into a God honoring retreat. Little by little with His help. Keep in touch, it blesses me to encourage and be encouraged by other Christian moms like us. Blessings to you.

  23. What a precious post! Couldn't agree more with your advice for some of those wonderful ways of staying close as not only husband and wife, but as best friends. You and your hubby are such a sweet inspiration, Susan! May the Lord continue to bless you both with many years of joy and happiness! Looking forward to hearing more about your trip to Williamsburg.

    Happy Easter!

    Love & blessings,

    P.S. I'm checking on your question as to whether or not those darling aprons are available to order. I'll let you know. ; )

  24. I love the way you and Rick continue to foster friendship and love. Derek and I do date nights too. Thank you for encouraging us to love on those men of ours. They are good godly ones. What gifts!

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Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!