
Monday, April 20, 2009

Extraordinary Women




This past weekend I attended an incredible conference called “Extraordinary Women”.  The theme for this year’s event was “Free to be Real”.  My body is weary, (not much sleep these last 2 days) but my heart is over-flowing with joy unspeakable after being so saturated in the presence of the Lord.

I was so excited that my niece and her 16-year-old daughter, my friend Cyndy and Amy Bayliss (from Proverbs 31) attended the conference with me. We so enjoyed the opportunity to sit under the anointed worship of New Song, be blessed with a concert by Mandisa, and hear some amazing and powerful testimonies by Chonda Pierce, Angela Thomas, Karen Kingsbury, Stormie Omaratian and finally a sister that I just fell in love with, Thelma Wells.


Each of these women shared their testimonies with no pretense.  They were real, they were raw, and so full of passion as they shared how Christ delivered them from depression, fear, abuse, poverty, and even from the brink of death.


Their impact was profound and I will never forget the way they opened up their hearts to us.  We laughed, we cried, and we worshiped God passionately.  We left with the challenge to walk boldly in the liberty that Christ has made available to us, and never again be entangled in the yolk of bondage.

Ladies if this conference ever comes near to your town, I highly encourage you to make plans to attend.


  1. Good Morning Girlfriend,
    I finally stuck my head out of hibernation and wanted to pay you a visit! Actually life has just been really busy but hopefully summer will bring with it more free time (blog time). I went to this same conference about a year and a half ago in KC and enjoyed it very much!! I'm glad you are doing well and I hope to see you again soon!!


  2. So glad you were greatly blessed. I have been to Women of Faith conferences in the past but it has been awhile. Good to know that this event is worth the effort. I love Chonda Pierce! Have a great day!

  3. Hi Sweetie - sounds like you all had a remarkable time together in the presence of the LORD. Awesome!

    I received your comment on my blog and I am familiar with Thelma but I have actually not gone on her blog. I will google and get her link and check her out.

    Wish I could have been there with all of you as well.

    I love you and the photo is precious of all of you.


  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed this conference, Susan! Lovely to read about and I wouldn't miss it for the world if it came here.

  6. What a wonderful experience to share with your niece and grand niece! May her tender life be forever touched by the grace poured out on her over the weekend.

  7. Oh, I have one of their conferences on my "hope to be able to do list" this year...I pray the timing works out!! So glad you were so blessed!

  8. wow - you would think i had been at this conference! it sounds wonderful. i had the privilege of meeting and listening to thelma wells years ago, what a dynamic testimony she has.

    i am so glad you enjoyed your time. AND you got to spend it with some family and great friends.

  9. Susan, I'm SO BLESSED that YOU were blessed at your retreat! How much FUN was THAT?? WOW! I LOVE the pics you shared. You girls are just too cute!

    I'm sorry that it's been so long since I've commented. I've been catching up on older comments on my blog, and email, and everything else there is to do in a day. I just hate that I don't always get to stay in touch on a daily basis the way I'd like. =-/

    Anyway... YES, we got GREAT news on Zach! It's such a BLESSING to finally KNOW that his labs are where they're supposed to be.

    How are things with you guys?? I MISS YOU!!! ☺

  10. thanks for the rx sounds as if you were truly blessed

  11. This was the best time ever... so refreshing! Thelma was right on with her word. Oh my am I ever grateful!

  12. You are so very fortunate to be able to attend this conference. To sit and soak in the way God has and continues to work in each of these women's lives, is truly a gift. I read some of Thelma's books and I fell in love with her. Chonda Pierce...she is a very real lady. Just think what Heaven will be like...more than a few days with these ladies...eternity.

  13. Can I just tell you that I love that Thelma Wells. That girl can SING!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!