
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spiritual Fitness



When Dallas Cowboys’ coach, Tom Landry, was asked how to build a winning team he said:

“My job is to get men to do what they don’t want to do, in order to achieve what they’ve always wanted to achieve.”

 What did those football players want to achieve? Victory at the Super Bowl. What did they not want to do? The hard work necessary to get there!

Achieving greatness requires discipline – determined, deliberate, daily, definable actions with a clear goal in mind.

Paul coached Timothy, saying: “Spend your time and energy in training yourself for spiritual fitness.”

Timothy was the Pastor of the Church in Ephesus, a Las Vegas sort of city. It was a busy, rich, sensual place to be a Christian. Paul knew that succeeding there wouldn’t be easy, so he used the Greek term from which we get our word gymnasium.

In other words, becoming Christ-like requires a daily workout. So Paul writes, “Training yourself for spiritual fitness.”

Notice two words:

(1) Training – which calls for repetitive exercises so that your mind and appropriate muscle groups work together reflexively and automatically. It combines endurance and skill. It’s what turns game-winning abilities into habits.

(2) Yourself – Nobody else can do it for you. Look through the telephone directory; you don’t find “Lease-a-Dieter,” or “Rent-a-Runner.” No, it’s up to you!

So, why train yourself? To become like Christ! By living life as He lived it, allowing the Holy Spirit to shape you by His disciplines from the inside out, you’ll become more like Him. In other words, spend time each day in the gymnasium of the soul. (By Rick Godwin)


wordfilled Wednesdaytag Join us today at the 160 Acre Wood for more Word-filled-Posts!


  1. Amen! Training is never over either!

  2. Great word, Susan!

    I need to "work out" a LOT more.. and I mean both spiritually and physically! (Gotta be ready to dodge those fiery darts shot by the enemy AND I'm just plain TIRED of battling the FLESH! (By that, I mean poor eating habits)

    Hey, I forgot to ask.. do we have any plans yet on getting together for a women's retreat? I know we talked about Beth Moore in Memphis, but also hoped to find something to get into in your area. I'm MISSING YOU and CANNOT WAIT to see you again!

    I LOVE YOU!!!

  3. What a great way to start my Wednesday! This was great...thank you for posting this and for the awesome Scripture. God bless you today!

  4. Excellent verse and post.
    Just what I need!

  5. Thanks for blessing me this morning with this verse. The pairing of the photo and verse is great.
    Blessings and Happy WFW!

  6. Great picture and verse. Your blog is beautiful!

  7. Hey Susan - thank you for your words on my Marriage blog yesterday.

    This message is powerful Susan. "Training yourself"! "Training MYSELF" help me Holy Spirit to stand the course -- to do what it takes to stay in the training!!!

    Love you.

  8. Amen!! Great word!!

  9. Amen! Spiritual training doesn't come easy. It's something we have to keep working at. Thanks for that great reminder!

    Happy WFW!

  10. Good encouragement to keep training Susan!! Blessings...

  11. Blessing Susan...AMEN!

    DISCIPLINE! That's what I worked on during my 40 days of fast.

    Great photo, verse & teaching!

    May His Holy Spirit shape us from the inside out!

    Glad that you enjoyed yourself so much at the recent conference! Who would have thought that you'd be such an enthusiastic dancer...per Amy B.'s description. Love the is always so GREAT to see your smiling face anywhere. Thanks for :) at my place!!!

  12. This is a great post. And it's true we need to be in continual training in order to be "on top" of our spiritual game.

  13. Oh... there is no such thing as rent a runner??? : )

    Great post!

    Thanks again for praying for my friend Jesse. It means so much!


  14. Susan, there is a family that I mentioned on my blog some time back. They have 11 children (I think - many of them adopted) They recently lost EVERYTHING to a house fire. Now, they've learned that their daughter has a brain tumor. (They're an AMAZING Christian family) I mentioned you to them when I left a comment. You can find them at..

    Love you!

  15. Christianity is a life time of training

  16. Susan, what a great scripture to remind us that we must "train ourselves" spiritually!

    Happy WFW!

  17. It's constant TRAINING huh...spiritual boot camp doesn't ever end, does it....

    Susan...THIS is fabulous and my hubby grew up a FAN of Tom Landry..can't wait to share this with him!!

    Loved it and love you!!

  18. oh i love this Susan!! i'm taking a fitness "boot camp" right now and i tell ya I hate/love it all in the same breath! it sure hits home with me.

  19. Susan, these were some powerful truths. I love the "no rent-a-runner"! Bwahahaha! That's exactly what we want to do sometimes.

    I always grow when I read your blog...thanks!

    Happy WFW!

  20. Such a good message in word and piture.....
    And you know what yesterday this was discussed in the comments at "Free Spirit Haven"

    Happy WFW

  21. Great post- we often don't want to put in the work to get the desiare outcome of this spiritual journey. Thanks for the reminder.


  22. Convicting! I've spent all day at office tasks that are repetitive and boring. Sometimes that's true in our spiritual life too, isn't it? Discipline is a very good thing...


  23. Great verse and photo! You hit the nail on the head.

  24. Training is never easy, is it?

    Just wanted to pop in and say hello, friend.

  25. Hey Susan! Thanks for visiting By His Grace. We love making new friends! :)

    Your picture today and post are great! Training can be so hard and painful, but the rewards are out of this world.


  26. Hey, Susan! Just stopping by to say hello before I get off to get my morning started. I hope all is well with you guys.. we miss you! ☺

  27. Wanted to answer your question. A recumbent bike is one that has a chair back so you are not upright putting a lot of pressure on your spine. It has a back for you to lean against distributing your weight in a normal seated position as you bike. Very helpful for the spine! Blessings! Thanks for your visits!

  28. “My job is to get men to do what they don’t want to do, in order to achieve what they’ve always wanted to achieve.”

    That is so true of us. Wow, Susan... great word! Preach, girl! That Thelma has you all worked up, huh?


    love you!

  29. I love to train my heart and mind in the things of Jesus! Great teaching here Susan.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!