
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Living Hope


Jesus conquered death for you!

Mount Auburn, America’s first cemetery, was so beautiful it became the number one tourist attraction in Boston.

When they created Central Park in New York they modeled it after Mount Auburn. The rallying cry was, “Why not have it all, but without the graves?” We keep trying to have it all, but without the graves! But we can’t. We live only a heartbeat from eternity. So here are two truths you must keep in mind:

(1) God put you on this earth for a specific purpose. Have you found yours yet? Are you pouring your life into it and making every moment count? Paul did, and he ended up writing:

“The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (2Ti 4:6-8 NKJV).

(2) When you know Christ as your Savior, the best is yet to be. It is said that on his deathbed, D.L. Moody suddenly sat upright, opened his arms as though embracing something wonderful, declared that earth was receding, heaven was near, and that it was his coronation day.

What a way to go!

You don’t need to fear death because Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.(Jn 11:25-26 NKJV). (by Rick Godwin)

Do you believe this?”  Believe it, it’s true!



Join us over at Amy’s 160 Acre Woods for more Word Filled Posts!


  1. Amen, Susan!

    Thanks for reminding us that there is no fear in death for God's children. Although Brent's last days on earth were among the most painful for us.. they were also the most BEAUTIFUL! Oh, to think that GOD prepared HIS child to come HOME! (Still gives me goosebumps!)

    Hey, I'm going to email you.. I'm going to do a giveaway soon and I have some neat ideas to run past you.

    We're counting the days till our family meets with yours!!! We're SOOOOO EXCITED!

    I L♥VE Y♥U Sweet Sister!

  2. Great reminder! Thanks for sharing!



  3. Thanks so much for the reminder and for sharing ! Have a blessed truly blessed Wednesday.

  4. Amen! Thank you for this great reminder that there is nothing to fear in death. I'll Fly Away is playing on the radio right now. Very appropriate :o) I want that song sung at my funeral!

    Happy WFW my friend!

  5. I'm so thankful for the HOPE we have in our Lord!

    Happy WFW!

  6. Amen! Indeed he has conquered to give us hope!

  7. The best IS yet to come. I remember an e-mail that went around for awhile about a lady who wanted to be buried with a fork in her hand. She had a terminal illness and arranged for it to be placed in her hand for viewing hours and instructed her pastor what to say when people asked about the fork. He was to say "You know how they have you save your fork for dessert-the best part. She wants everyone to know she is headed to the best part and she is ready!"

  8. Susan, well said unto the glory of our FATHER in JESUS NAME!

    Love you Sweetie!

  9. Great post! 30 years ago I heard that amazing story about DL Moody from our pastor at the time.... at the time I had never experienced watching someone pass on to heave... since then I have... One special moment was when my father passed... we were standing around his bed, he had been in a coma state for 12 hours, we could tell it was about time for him to take his last breath, my sister whispered to him, "dad, do you see the angels ready to take you home?" Our dad opened his eyes, smiled, nodded his head yes, and took his last breath!! It was so precious! We got a glimpse of heaven that day for sure!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful post! Christ is Risen indeed!!

  10. YES, I BELIEVE!!!

    Blessings my precious friend Susan,

    WOW! What awesome facts and perspective on life or better yet on our eternity! In this we find HOPE!

    I hope that your Resurrection Sunday was filled with family celebrating JOYfully this Living Hope & Legacy. Mine are too far away but I enjoyed a beautiful service with my Mexican church here, which are family also, right?

    Thank you for welcoming me back & missing me! You were missed also & I still don't have your email to send you ecards or emails but I'm so blessed by our blog visits! Enjoy a wonderful WORD FILLED WEDS.

  11. I believe! I love this picture, Susan, and the Scripture you chose to go with it. Great post and an excellent call to make every moment count for Christ. Happy WFW!

  12. Susan, this was beautiful! Great reminders of the love our Lord has for us!

    Thanks for your precious comment on my post!! I really do appreciat it!


  13. Such a great and meaningful post! Thanks so much for sharing, I'm inspired.

  14. Beautiful post. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I have always hoped that I would leave this life peacefully and with a witness of the Lord coming to get me to carry me home!

    I want to be more faithful and more trusting until that time gets here though!

    Wonderful Post today!


  16. Oh I SO appreciated your WFW post today. Thank you so much for your words, and for the scripture of HOPE.

  17. Amen Susan!
    Christ has conquered death!
    and btw...the image on my post is from Glendale Forest Lawn in California...

  18. Oh Susan ... I join with the chorus here..Amen!

    Blessings to you today!

  19. Hey.....I was right before you in the line over at WFW!! We must have gotten up at the same time!
    YES....that was a powerful image of D.L.!

    Hugs to you grammy!! BIG HUGS!
    love ya!

  20. AMEN! This is what life boils down to . . . Seriously, what is the point if we have no HOPE?
    The only hope is Jesus Christ.

  21. Beautiful! Great post.

  22. I've never heard of Mt. Auburn in Boston. Fascinating!

    As an "empty nester" I've been searching for new purpose. Certainly I'm called to be an helpmate to my DH, and to fulfill the mandate of a Titus 2 woman. I want to pour out my life like Paul and make every moment count!

    Your posts are always so encouraging Susan. Have a blessed WFW!

  23. I have found so many verses on Hope in WFW this week! God is teaching me something, I do believe! :) Blessings to you!

  24. This is wonderful! That picture is awesome. Thanks for the info about Mount Auburn; my history knowledge is so lacking, it was nice learning about it.

    Loved the little bio about Moody. What a way to go indeed!

  25. Oh friend, you have no idea how much this post ministered to me! Thanks!!! What an awesome God we serve!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!