
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Work in Progress

work in progress2


I don't know about you, but the older I get the more I’m finding that many of the things I start are not getting completed.  I have all the best of intentions and I'm great at making lists, but sticking with them until they are finished is another story. Many times I'm left feeling a little frustrated and the last thing I want is for this to become a cycle in my life.

I turn to the only one I know that can really help. My prayers are sometimes desperate as I cry out to God for His amazing grace to once again bring the change I need to get back on track.

It's in times like these that I feel so grateful I serve a loving God who is so longsuffering and full of mercy.

One of the first verses I clung to as a young Christian, and was also a scripture chorus we used to sing in church, is found in the book of Philippians chapter 1.

Paul said it this way:

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil 1:6)

I think Michael Youssef had it right when he said:

God’s promises are never affected by our failures. He can use us at any age.

So don’t get down on yourself when you feel like you have fallen short, rather get down on your knees and ask God for His grace to get back in the race.


Just knowing God's work in us is a continuing process gives me such hope and confidence.  We are all “A work in progress”! Like clay we are being shaped and molded in the Master’s hands.


Lord, I praise you and give thanks for the countless times you have picked me up when I have failed.  You are so faithful and your promises are true.  Teach me to trust you more each day, and rely on you to help me to complete all you have called me to do in my life.  Thank you for the hope I have because of you. In Jesus name, Amen.


Please Join us over at Karen’s blog, In Love W.I.T.H Jesus for more thoughts on this quote.iow-NEW


  1. Amen, Amen! How I praise God that He is indeed longsuffering and that His mercies renew each day. What an encouraging Word!


  2. Thank you so much for sharing and participating with IOW today. We are indeed a work in progress & am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning!

  3. Thank you for this encouraging post. You are NOT alone!

  4. Hey, Susan!
    Thank you for this great reminder and the Word from Philippians!!

    Isn't His grace awesome? Praise Him!


  5. Wonderful take on this quote, Susan. I prayed this prayer with you...Blessings & Hugs...

  6. ME TOO! A perfect word of encouragement for me today. I don't know what's happened to me; but I'm having a hard time getting the engine cranked these days.

    peace to you this week~elaine

  7. YES! Both you and Patricia (@TypingOneHanded)touched me with the road you took on this quote by Mr. Youssef. Aging has a way of taking us here. . .
    I remember a sermon once about a man who went to heaven (clearly just an anecdotal piece)and when he returned told everyone his revelation: "What we do on earth means NOTHING to God!"
    I think about that when I feel like all the plans I made even five years ago are now laughable!

    This was good for us to consider today - and especially in our society where we do put so much emphasis on "getting things done!" infowars. No. Never past that battle. However, our local telecommunications co. has put "caps" on broadband use. Since our television is SkyAngel IPTV (through our highspeed internet connection) we no longer have TV or radio. (We just don't get air signals here in tinytown) I think its just the beginning of government control! The interent is slow, but I still have IT! The InfoWar goes on . . . .

    btw... .your comments on my own blog are always a blessing. You are precious! :)
    Happy TUesday!!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this quote. I have been feeling that exact frustration lately. Reminds me of that children's song: "...God's still working on me to make me what He wants me to be..."

    God Bless,

  9. Well said, thanks so much for sharing today. I like the get down on your knees instead of yourself part. That's great advice we don't always follow.

  10. Well, this just about covers it.

    Well said. Thank you.



  11. O Sweet Susan,

    I need to print this off and eat it so that it remains in my soul for encouragement :)

    Truth is I can so understand what you're saying. I said it to my husband (more than once) already this year. Start, stop and re-start seems to be the norm. Need some wind in my sail.

    Love you sweetie.

  12. "Get down on your knees" is such wise advice. Thank you.

  13. That is very encouraging! Thanks for the good reminder!

  14. I'm so glad that God is longsuffering! Thanks for the uplifting words. I especially appreciate the reminder of Phiil. 1:6.


  16. life according to the fiftiesApril 15, 2009 at 9:00 AM

    Hello Susan
    Thanks for coming by my site and leaving a comment. I would love for you to come by anytime to
    "Life according to the Fifities" . Reading your profile I see we have much in common.
    Thanks for your insight "a work in progress"


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!