
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Angels Watch Over us!



Joe88~Joseph on a volcano in Indonesia~

(A recent letter from my world traveler.  It brings me great joy to hear from him!)


Last night I went with a friend and his Thai girlfriend to her families house an hour outside of Bangkok.  We had to go down some side streets, then through the jungle on a small trail that led to a large river.  My friend yelped and someone on the other responded and then came over to pick us up in their canoe.  Their entire family lives on the bank of the river.  It’s basically the jungle, with monkeys in the trees, weird fish with leg creatures, and caimans.  I was totally immersed in a traditional rural Thai family environment.

It was an incredible experience, I hung out with like 8 cousins, none of which could speak any English, and yet somehow we got along.  At the end of the night I was told the house I was sleeping in was haunted by their grandma and no one in the family will ever sleep there.  It’s actually the nicest house among them yet no one ever goes in it.  So I slept in it and of course nothing happened.  The next day I hung out with the whole family while I waited for the river to get high enough to cross, which was interesting.  Just thought I’d relay a little scene from one of my most recent expeditions. 

Love ya mama,


(I love and miss you Joseph more then you’ll ever know!)

Now, talk about releasing your children to the Lord!   Joseph has caused me to pray and trust God at a level I never imagined possible.  Yet I’m so blessed because I know God’s protection is always there for him, no matter where his travels may lead.  I prayed PS 91 daily  for my oldest son, Jason, while he was deployed in Afghanistan.  I must admit that over the years I have gained a lot of experience to “stand in faith” while raising five sons!


Lord, thank you for these precious gifts you’ve given Rick and I.  Thank you for being a refuge and fortress for all of our sons. Encamp your angels around each one daily and deliver them from danger in every circumstance. I release each one to you as I trust you to take care of them.  In Jesus name, Amen.


wordfilled Wednesdaytag Please join us at Lisa’s Extravagant Grace for more WFW posts!


  1. Don't know how to put this but at least you're going through this because Joseph's doing a good thing. Nope, don't know how to put it right...
    Praying hard in Seattle!
    Psalms 46:1-5 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. i just love that he ended his note with "love ya mama"

    must be so wonderful to hear from him and to see how God is protecting him as he travels.

  3. WOW!! That's SO EXCITING! I LOVE that he gave you all of those little details. That's really EXELLENT for a man.. at least for any that I know.. (my hubby doesn't talk much at all, I hardly know what's going on unless I pick it out of him.. LOL!!) ☺

    That was really VERY INTERESTING. Maybe if Joseph doesn't care you can share other snippets from email you get? (And pictures too, of course) ☺

    I'm really looking forward to spending time with you soon. If ANYTHING happens that we can visit BEFORE the fall, please let me know??? I'll drive most anywhere to meet you! (I kept wishing Link would head in your direction while on one of his trips.. but no such luck)

    I'll talk with you soon... I LOVE YOU!

  4. What encouragement -- and thank you for sharing how God has been stretching your character through your life and your children.

  5. Way Cool. You are blessed. Thanks for sharing.

    Happy WFW!

  6. Oh wow! What an exciting trip. But definitely cause for a mama to pray. Thank you for that wonderful verse today. Funny that you should mention Psalm 91. That's my WFW today. God has an awesome sense of timing, doesn't He! Happy WFW

  7. Precious Susan,

    This absolutely blessed my heart. While I have not mothered 5 boys I have 2 girls and the prayers are always going up to GOD. Amen. The photo is awesome and the letter is so precious.

    You are a blessed Momma. I know you know that. You are obviously deeply loved by your family and by us.

    I joined in with Lisa from Extravagant Grace today also.
    Love you.

  8. Oh Geeze, that picture made me really miss Joseph! He looks different...has he been gone that long? Susan, I'm so glad you can find Gods strength and comfort through any doubts and concerns... "Lord, bless your child, Joseph today...protect him on all sides and give him Your Joy and let him hear Your voice of wisdom and direction today...amen"

  9. Amazing how our kids test our faith and who we are really trusting them with. Great reminder of God's care for us and our kids. Blessings...

  10. Oh, my goodness. I always enjoy visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful mother's heart in every post. Blessings to you!

  11. WOW! Words fail me! Makes me dizzy to look at the picture! ha I know how it is to have a child on the other side of the world but he was in the war in Iraq. So, I repeat what Lynn WONDERFUL that he is on his own and relatively safe in this adventure! I'm sure you are extremely happy every time you hear from him. I envy people like your son who have adventerous spirits! Like his Mama?????

    God bless you!


  12. Thank God for His wonderful promises!
    Thanks for sharing with us ~

  13. Wow! I love the verse you chose for this photo. His traveling and your security in God is just precious. Love your prayer for him and your sons, Susan. You are just precious. Happy WFW to you.

  14. Wow... I did not know your son is in Indonesia. I appreciate your faith in the Lord. My husband was made for adventure (missionary in Israel, fireman, and soon working counter-terrorism). He has certainly helped me grow in trusting the Lord. I love your Scripture and God has reminded me of His angels several times in recent days. Thanks for sharing and God bless you and your precious family.

  15. Wow! What a story. God can take us anywhere. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Thanks so much for stopping over at my blog and for the comment.

    As for your boy... I know how that goes. Before my son left for Africa he took great joy in telling me about the dirt runways set at 30 degree angles in the mountains. I am tickled he likes to share, but oh sometimes...

    Isn't it a blessing to know that even though they are grown and gone that we can continue to carry them to the throne? We're never too old and neither are they.

    By the by, I also love that he ended with "love ya mama" that's just such a sweet endearment.

    Blessings and Shalom,

  17. aww sue you've made me cry. what a heartfelt post & prayer!

  18. This speaks so tenderly to my heart tonight as I am preparing to send my 20 year old back to Bolivia next week. My husband won't be going with him this time; he will be well-cared for by the other members of the team. Still and yet, I worry about his safety/health, etc. I know this is what I need to do, but it's not always easy.

    I can't even imagine this kind of scenario, although I think Nick has an adventuresome spirit like your son.

    Thank you for sharing this tender moment with us. It strengthens my faith tonight.

    Love you friend.


  19. Wow.....Can I just tell you what a wonderful job you have done with those boys...and I've never met them...I just KNOW. WOW! I have to tell you that I WANT to read that someday from my know that they are living out what God calls them to do....Do you have a BOOK out????! What an amazing guy and to see him sign it "love ya mama..." My heart melted! WILL hear one day, "Well done good and faithful servant...." I'm SURE of it!!

    I just LOVE you!

    hugs!! (just getting by...Amy's keeping me busy:) lol!)

  20. Praise God for His word. Thanks for sharing.

  21. you must be a wonderful mother to have raised 5 wonderful sons.
    They say the apple does not fall far from the tree you know.

  22. Oh Susan...I needed this post of yours. My eldest is going to make me walk that same line of faith testing. He will spend his enter sophomore year in Shanghai China...and still has not come home from his first year in college out in internship...Wow! I might be calling on you when my faith shakes. I think I can relate to your post quite well, but you've already been there awhile! Love ya!

  23. Wow, nothing quite like having a child test your faith this way, huh? Sounds like he's having a wonderful time, but I can imagine the stress it causes you sometimes!

  24. How WONDERFUL that he gets to see God's creation up close and personal. I am praying in agreement with you for his protection, and for him to just marvel at this appointed time that the Lord has planned for him.

    What an ADVENTURE!

    Have a happy day!

  25. Such a touching, sweet post.
    I know it must be stressful having him so far away but also a blessing
    that you have taught him well.
    Blessings to you dear one, thanks for sharing and also visiting my blog.

  26. What a wonderful promise to hold on to always, especially in times like this. Loved the picture and the letter.

  27. What a wise mama you are! Thanks for sharing your son's precious letter. I can only imagine how much you treasure them.

    I haven't faced it yet, but parenting our kids into adulthood is hard, isn't it?

  28. Wow! What a makeover! Lookin' good!
    Praying right now!
    Psalms 36:5-7 Thy mercy, O LORD, is in the heavens; and thy faithfulness reacheth unto the clouds. Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judgments are a great deep: O LORD, thou preservest man and beast. How excellent is thy lovingkindness, O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  29. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Susan, your blog looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Oh my! Your grands are just ADORABLE.. you made some AWESOME choices in your design. To say that I LOVE it is an UNDERSTATEMENT!

  30. Susan,
    The blog looks awesome. I love your new look.
    I hear you on the letting them go... My oldest will leave in a few weeks to move to Colorado.. She's already been overseas as you may remember. My 2nd oldest is getting married in 4 months.

    What would we do without Papa God to carry us?

  31. I was getting ready to ask you about Joseph.....

  32. Continuing to pray!
    Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  33. Your post was a blessing and encouragement to me. I can't imagine my children being the age yours are - and have lots of opportunities ahead to trust God with them. I know He's faithful and trustworthy, and will be their shild and protection - just like He has been to yours.

    Love the sweet pictures in your header, btw.


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!