
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Lord of the Harvest



Let us not become weary in doing good…we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9 NIV

The name Corrie ten Boom is widely recognized in Christian circles, but few people know about her nephew Peter who was also instrumental in saving Jews from Nazi persecution.

When Dutch patriots heard SS troops were sending Jewish orphans to concentration camps, they smuggled kids out of orphanages and brought them to the ten Boom house till they could be placed for adoption.

At sixteen, Peter, a committed Christian, defied the Germans by pulling out all the stops on the church organ and playing the Dutch national anthem while the congregation stood up and sang.

He was imprisoned for his defiance.

After World War II he traveled the world with the same message as his aunt – that forgiveness is the only answer to hatred.

On tour in Israel Peter had a heart attack and needed surgery. Talking with him the night before his operation the cardiologist asked, “Are you by any chance related to the ten Booms of Holland?” Peter replied, “Yes, that’s my family.”

The doctor responded, “I’m one of the babies your family saved!” Next day the man whose life had been saved forty years earlier, repaid the debt by saving Peter ten Boom’s life.

The Bible says when you, “Cast your bread upon the waters…after many days you will find it again” (Ecc 11:1 NIV).

What you sow – good or bad – comes back to you. So, “Let us not become weary in doing good…at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Remember, God is no man’s debtor, and no matter how long it takes He will honor His Word.  (By Rick Godwin)


Lord I thank you for all the opportunities you give us each day to sow into your kingdom.  Let me used as a vessel that will bring honor and glory to you.  I will proclaim your faithfulness, even when I get weary in the battle.  I bless your holy name.  Amen


wfw-2008sm Please join us today over at the 160 Woods for more Word Filled Wednesday posts!



  1. thank you for sharing that.

    in response to your question, yes, I took that photo while doing field work for my research :)

  2. Great verse. I am blessed. Happy WFW to you too. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  3. Hi Susan,

    What an awesome story! Thank you for sharing this awesome testimony. When we get to heaven, I'm sure we will hear of countless others who gave of themselves for His glory.

    I haven't been over in awhile. I like your blog make over! Great colors and I love your post divider.

  4. Susan

    Wow! Look at those beautiful grandchildren. They are precious.

    Love the scripture and your words. Thanks for sharing!

    I've missed you!


  5. What a great story and encouragement. Blessings...
    Love your header with all those sweet little faces :0)

  6. Loved this today! Corrie ten Boom is one of my favorites. I was familiar with Peter because of him being mentioned in several of Corrie ten Boom's books I have read and also in "The Hiding Place" movie.

    29 years ago when I was expecting our youngest child....back before everyone had ultrasounds and knew what the sex would be beforehand....we planned to name the child Corrie should it be a girl. HE was a big beautiful boy so we never got our own Corrie. But we love her that much we would name a child after her. I think of her so much. I am around the age now that she was when she was arrested. I sometimes wonder how I would react and whether or not I would be pleasing to God.

    Again....thanks for the great story about Peter and the doctor he saved as a baby!!


  7. What a great post! Thank you.

    unChristian is written by David Kinnaman, you can find it here:

  8. I love that verse - thank you so much for sharing! Great picture with the wheat too! hank you for stopping by my blog... I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

    Be Blessed ~ Lauren

  9. Beautiful, Susan. And what a great reminder. Thank you for sharing it, and happy WFW!

  10. Blessings Susan...Beautifully shared & enjoyed! How glorious is the Harvest of the Lord!

    How beautifully said:
    “Let us not become weary in doing good…at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

    May my time home refresh me with this truth! Thank you for this prayer & your special visits that bless me so much! Love & big hugs!

  11. I love the work and writings of Corrie ten Boom. I knew a little of her nephew, but not what you shared. That was awesome!! Thanks so much for the encouraging words. As we leave for a new church, this is so fitting that the seeds we planted may someday be fruitful in God's time. Just what I needed to read thank you.

  12. Great post! Also, the blog looks great! I love what you've done with the place. ;)
    Missing you,

  13. Amen! Whatever we sow good or bad will indeed return to us.

    Love all those beautiful precious faces on your header. I laid hands on each ones face and prayed for them and as I prayed...

    from the left I sensed:

    A Nurturer
    An Encourager
    A Missionary
    A Worshipper

    Praise the LORD for any and all ways He will use their lives for His glory.

    I love you.

  14. Beautiful verse combined with a powerful story. Thanks for sharing that bit of truth!


  15. Wonderful WFW shared today... beautifully done! Love the Scripture with the wheat needing to be harvested! Thanks for the reminder to not (never) give up... greatly needed some tryin times of today. ~Hugs, HL
    (Thx for stopping by my blog too! Greatly appreciated)

  16. Oh what an amazing story! God is so good and so faithful! Thank you for that awesome reminder!

  17. Susan
    this made me cry. I love Corrie and her story, this one is so amazing. thanks for bringing it to light and sharing God's grace through it!

  18. You never know what effect you have on others, do you?
    So thankful for the assurance we have in Christ! Praying!
    1 John 1:1-4 That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life; (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  19. What a wonderful story. I love the ten booms though we'll never meet this side of glory.

  20. That is such a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing that! And your blog is beautiful and I look forward to reading more!

  21. Sowing and reaping and such a visual now that our wheat crops are soon to be harvested.

  22. Such a good work, Rick. Thanks for sharing the story with us. Truly, the seeds we sow out of obedience and love to Jesus Christ never return void. We may not see the fruit in this season of living, but we will see it soon.


  23. OK...I was a bit confused about who wrote this one. Sorry; thought Rick belonged to the entire piece.



Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!