
Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Photo Flashback




Susan and Mom2


This picture was taken in 1985.  I was  pregnant with Jordan, my fourth son. 

Just looking back at this picture brings a flood of emotions and sweet memories.  Little did I know at that time I would lose my mother the following year. 

Although it's been a long time, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss her.

As you all know, we only get one mom.  She is the one who knows all your secrets, shortcomings, fears, dreams and still loves you unconditionally. 

My mom was truly my very best friend.

Relationships can be difficult for some, but never forget what a special gift your mother is.  Let her know today!

I would give anything just to be able to sit down and talk to my mom about all that is going on in my life.  She always had so much wisdom to share with me.

  I know the day will come when I will see her once again. 

My mom loved Jesus with all her heart, and now she is completely whole and resting in the presence of the Lord.

Thanks so much for stopping by today.

Please join us over at Alicia's for more Flashback's at More Than Words.


  1. Beautiful photo and precious memories. I feel the same about my Grandma who has been with the Lord since 1990. I miss her every day literally and await the opportunity to see her and my Grandpa again. He went to the Lord in 2007.

    Thanks for sharing this precious memory with us dear sister. Love you.

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog today. Wow look at how different you look with shorter hair. You were glowing in that picture. I love how pictures take us back & bring out so many beautiful memories.

  3. Beautiful pic!!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog today!!

  4. That not only is a great picture, but a great memory for you and a great tribute to your mom. That was just awesome ~ I'm glad you shared that. ♥

  5. I don't think I've ever seen that picture. GREAT! Where were y'all?

    My prayer is that my daughters will say that same thing about me when they are older! What a great relationship! I can't wait to meet your mom one day. =)

    Happy Friday! Looking forward to a great Saturday, and dreaming of the treasures we will find. =)

    Love, Kristin

  6. OH, Susan, what a sweet, and sentimental post! That is exactly why I love this meme! It brings back memories and emotions for that time!!! Love it! Praise the Lord that you will see her again one day, and have sweet fellowship with her!!

  7. Beautiful picture and memories. I always get choked up when anyone talks about losing a parent let alone a mom. Love your blog! Thanks for stopping by mine :-)

  8. What a wonderful photo! You were VERY pregnant. I love hearing your tribute to your mother. I can only hope my children will feel the same way about me.

  9. Obviously a very precious photograph for you and your family. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Your children and grandchildren are lovely! (I peeked at your other pictures).

    What a precious picture of you and your mom too. Doesn't it mean so much now that she is gone?

    My dad is with Jesus, and pictures with him mean so much now that he is gone.

    You don't really think about it at the time.

    You are right, my mom lives with us now and I really need to remember to cherish our time with her.

  11. You're a pretty preggy. You lost your mom in 1986, I lost my father in 2005. To massive coronary. Recent or long ago, the void is the same, isn't it? We will always miss them. I consider it lucky that you had a photo of yourself with your mom before she passed away. I didn't (with my dad) :(

    P.S. Here's wishing your son great experiences in Turkey.

  12. What a great photo. Thanks for stopping by my blog...have a great day!

  13. what a very precious photo you have shared here. Our mothers are our bestfriend, and though time comes that she will no longer be by our side, her love will always remain in our hearts pass to our children and our children's children..

    Thanks for sharing such sweet memories with your mother.

  14. Continuing to lift up prayers!
    Psalms 34:4-7 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  15. A touching post. Mom's are so special. Yours must have been a good one to have produced a daughter like you. :~D

  16. What a touching and sweet post. Thanks for sharing.

  17. What a touching and sweet post. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Beautiful shot of you and your mother. That must bring back a lot of memories. Thanks for sharing your thoughts - it is hard to lose a parent.

    Thanks for stopping by mine. :)

  19. Susan,

    I feel your love for your mom in your words. You pulled my heart string. I felt a tear rising. I love my mom too. She is disabled and knowing of her daily struggle hurts my heart. I pray for her a lot and call, but it's hard being so far away when she could use a hand. Thankfully my dad is there. But he has health issues too.

    Bless you for sharing such a precious picture. You are cute pregnant.

    Love you.

    Any chance you are coming to the bloggers retreat?

  20. Susan, I have exactly the same memoies and sentiments about my mom. She went home to the Lord at the end of 1995 and I have never ceased missing her. Thank God for the precious memories. They are so sweet.

    Love your picture. What a cute pregnant lady.

  21. Thanks for stopping by to my blog the other day.
    This was really good...thanks for sharing about your mom. ALtho my own mom and I are not very close, emotionally/spiritually, I do love her, honor her and thank the Lord that she is a Christian and raised me in a Christian home.
    God bless you and have a great weekend!

  22. I don't think there's any greater comfort than knowing that the Lord Himself is holding your family up! Always praying!
    Psalms 18:35 Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy right hand hath holden me up, and thy gentleness hath made me great.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  23. yes! Mom's is so special. Thanks for sharing your precious memories with her.

  24. Love the picture...back in blogland. Making some visits. I still have my mother. I can only imagine how hard it is. I am sure you miss her! Blessings sweet sister!

  25. Precious memories how they linger.. It touched my heart. I still have my mom and she will be 90 this year.. We were never close but now with me caring for her the Lord is healing some years in the past that she was so distant..... I treasure these days..

  26. Blessings SUSAN...Beautiful photo filled with wonderful memories!

    I did not know how to email you but I know that you are praying for ANDREW...there is a special conference call TODAY, Sunday with Beverly @ Dancing with Daffodils...
    she has left the info on her blog, there's a link on mine and in comments of Bella the info! Ohh here, I'll copy it here, hoping this reaches you in time to join:

    My husband and I feel compelled to do a prayer conference call for Andrew.

    Sun., Sept. 27, 3 PM EST
    Access Code 81560

    We will lead and the line will be open. You can talk or not, it’s up to you. Come as you are. Now is the time.

    *From the U.S., normal domestic long-distance charges apply. Cell phones work fine

  27. Precious memories...... I still take care of my sweet Mom and she is 90.. I am grateful for each day.

  28. I came over from momstheword where you left a comment.

    Your picture with your mom is precious. What wonderful memories you have of your mom.

    Thanks for sharing them.
    Nannette from Life: be-in-it

  29. Thanks for the comment on my blog today. When I came to your blog, the scripture in your header jumped out at me. I am His......and He knows my name!!! How awesome is that?

    Precious picture of you and your mom.

  30. Praying right now!
    Psalms 37:23-24 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  31. Continuing to pray!
    Psalms 37:39-40 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble. And the LORD shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  32. Susan,
    I'm so glad I stopped by. Since Facebook I surly have lacked in visiting blogs...and I miss it so much. I have to get busy and journal again.
    My Mother has been gone 12 years in Sept. There is not a day that goes by that I don't feel her spirit with me. I find myself repeating the sayings phrases to my kids that she use to say to us. :) I miss her so..but know too that I will see her again. I'm so glad there is something to look forward to after this earthly life.
    I love the photo of you and your Mom. I know that picture does bring back a lot of memories. One for sure must be..Where have all the years gone since she is no longer with you here?. I say that so much to myself. Time just does not stop for anything. I sure with it would.
    I'm glad your shared this post!

    Love and Hugs my Friend ..and see you over in Facebook land!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!