
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A Matter of the Heart

Welcome to Word Filled Wednesday...I am delighted to be your hostess today!

The purpose of Word filled Wednesday is to share God’s word (no famous quotes or other literature — only the beautiful Word of our God) through photo’s & a Bible verse!
MckLinky is below so you can join us.

This past weekend Grace, my 5-year old granddaughter, came over for a visit. After church, we decided to visit Barnes and Nobles. As soon as we entered, she eagerly asked me to take her to the children's section.

It wasn't long before she had chosen several books for Grammy to read to her. I pray her love for books and reading will be a lifelong passion that brings her ever closer to the Lord.

John Wesley once told his students, “Either read or get out of the ministry!” In prison Paul asked Timothy for “his books, especially the parchments” (2 Tim. 4:13 NAS). The parchments were his copies of the sacred scriptures.

Proverbs 15:14 says, “The discerning heart seeks knowledge.” So we find Paul still reading, still seeking wisdom, and still searching for truth until the day he was martyred.

J. I. Packer once wrote, “A little knowledge of God is worth much more than a great deal of knowledge about him.” Along these same lines, Hosea prophesied, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos. 4:6).

What a tragedy it is that so many of our young people have turned away from the reading and study of God’s Word for the entertainment of video games and the Internet. We should pray that a hunger for truth will capture the hearts of this next generation, and they will come to be known as those who were seekers of wisdom and instructed of the Lord.

Lord please give us a hunger and desire to know more about you. Let our hearts be discerning as we seek to know you more.


  1. girlfriend you are set to go! Happy WFW early!

    Precious pic! TOO adorable! I want you to be my gram and take me to the book store!

    hugs! Love you!

  2. Good evening Susan! I really love this photo of your granddaughter to go with this truth. I hope she's a learner/seeker all her life :0)

  3. Blessings Susan! What a treasure this Matter of the Heart! Your words are such truth. We indeed have to motivate all children to thirst for Godly wisdom in His Word and want to read & grow eagerly wanting to learn.

    How very sweet & precious your granddaughter & her desire for books!Adorable photo & verse!

    May you enJOY a wonderful WORD filled Wednesday and week whether at bookstores or at home, may you & yours be blessed as you bless us!
    Thanks for being a special hostess & having this up early so I could link!

  4. the verse you quoted is so true! may we all have discerning hearts to seek knowledge.

    God bless.

  5. LOVEly! I'd say your post is so timely and just want I needed to see/read right now.

    It is so nice to be back doing WFW...I've been away for weeks and I'm so happy to make it here this week.

    Happy WFW to you and God bless you!

    Mariposa's WFW

  6. amen! so true! thanks for sharing...

    mine is up now:

    God Bless!

  7. Adorable photo and wonderful Word to go with it... something you can show her and reminisce with her. I love it :)

    Happy WFW!

  8. Great WFW! I hope and pray that my children will always delight in God's Word. I'm glad they all enjoy reading.

    I don't know what's wrong with my computer; I cannot see your McLinky. If you have time, please link my WFW post for me. Thanks a bunch!

  9. Now I can see McLinky! I already linked to my WFW post so you don't have to do it for me. Thanks for hosting it today!

  10. What a beautiful picture, Susan. And SUCH truth. Happy WFW!

  11. What a great post! I too am a lover of words and especially of books! That love is partly genetic:-) but was also learned from childhood.

    So glad you are taking your grandchildren to the book store AND passing on a love for God's word.

  12. Love this post, and, thanks for hosting today! be blessed!

  13. Beautiful post. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The crab made me think of the admonition to avoid "crabby words or behavior." Let us love one another, but love is of God and God is love.

    And no I did not paint it. We were on a day trip through New Orleans and I spotted it down a narrow alley. A little art and jewelry shop was set up and I took this picture. Thanks for hosting! Blessings.

  14. Sweet picture...grandkids are shared good words for today....

  15. what a lovely photo and a lovely verse..

    it is indeed great to teach children to read the words of God and will be closer to Him in order for her to grow up with faith, love and fear of Him. Very beautiful WFW

  16. Such a precious picture and wonderful scripture to go along with it.

    Thank you for sharing and for hosting dear friend.

  17. Cute pic...Yes, my girls love that section of the book store, too. So precious! May they always seek His word first and hide it in their hearts.
    Have a great day!

  18. What a precious picture! Sounds like a wonderful time together. May her love for reading always be a blessing. What a great verse to accompany it!

  19. your granddaughter is just precious! thanks so much for reminding me to come and sign in!

  20. at a sweet photo. I totally girls love the bookstore too...I hope their love of books will continue and grow into a love of the word.

    Come on over to The IE Mommy and see my WFW.

    Thanks for hosting.

  21. I tried to leave a post and was told there was an error from blogger. hope it went through.

  22. I love to read! As a kid, I used to go to the library every week and come home with a stack of books. Saturdays were spent reading in my room. My mom used to have to chase me outside to get some fresh air. Now I wish I had more time to read. My idea of a perfect vacation would be to sit overlooking the ocean with a good book.

    BTW, I guess I haven't visited you lately. Your blog looks different and I really LOVE it.


  23. A lovely post, as usual Susan. Sorry I missed out on WFW here today. I'm saving scads of books for our future grandchildren. Can't wait to read to them!

    When you get a chance, take a minute to stop by. :~D

  24. Love your WFW...I'm praying also for my kids they will always have the desire to seek the knowledge of God!

    Enjoyed also your lastweek WFW...missed it AMAZING picture.....
    What an adventures son you have will keep Him in prayer and you also.


  25. Great WFW! Love the pic of your granddaughter, and the verse is something to remember for sure.

  26. Dearest Susan,

    I SO agree with you. There is such a lacking of hunger to read in some young people and even adults.

    The 2nd day my Grandbabies were here I hauled them off to their first time at the library. We took out 10 books to read while they were here.

    God bless your grand children and you. I love you.

  27. Oh, amen! What a great desire we can have for our grandchildren and the young people of today. I loved your thoughts on this, Susan.

  28. Seven years ago, I had a head on collision with the power of God's Word. I now devour it whereas once it rarely garnered my attention.

    So thankful for the gift of truth that has survived the span of time to be a "now" word in my spirit.


  29. I love the photo of your granddaughter.I love the verse too recently I bought a bible for my 5 year old son that he could read it himself.Thank God that he love it and now he has his own devotion in the morning.

  30. Stopping by to let you know I'm still here praying!
    Psalms 16:7-8 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons. I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  31. Great wfw post Susan!!!
    And I have to tell you I TOTALLY LOVE your banner! You're so blessed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    didn't realize you were the hostess this week. You are SUCH a blessing! Thank you so much!
    Holykisses xoxo

  32. Praying!
    Psalms 50:15 And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!