
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

So, you want to go to Egypt?

JoeEgypt(my son Joseph in Egypt!)


I  received this picture and note from my son who recently left Thailand to take a new teaching position in Turkey.  He decided to stop off in Egypt on the way to Istanbul. 

Without a doubt, Joseph is my adventurer!  If he had been alive in 1492, I am sure he would have been Christopher Columbus’s first mate onboard the Santa Maria!

Greetings from Egypt!

Hi mom, just want to give you a quick update on how things are going.

Upon arrival in Cairo, I discovered that it was Ramadan, which means almost no one in the entire country eats or drinks from sunrise to sunset. However, when the sun drops below the horizon, everyone flocks to the streets to feast together. After "break-fast" the energy level increases tenfold and the streets are abuzz until early in the morning.

I bought a camera and ventured out to the Pyramids of Giza. I took a camel ride through the desert and around the pyramids. I climbed to the top of one of the smaller ones and descended deep into the burial chamber of another. Inside the pyramid, I laid down in the well that once held the sarcophagus and could literally feel the weight of the massive stones above me. That evening I watched the sun set behind those magnificent ancient wonders. It was truly amazing.

I love you momma, and miss you. Istanbul is next!

I would greatly appreciate your prayers for God’s protection over Joseph as he continues his travels around the world!  I sure miss him!


wordfilled Wednesdaytag Please join us over at Christy’s Critty Joy for more Word filled posts!  You won’t be disappointed! 


  1. I'm always amazed by people who have such a sense of adventure. I just don't have any desire to leave the U.S. at all...more power to your son!
    Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers!
    Isaiah 43:1-3a But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee. For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour...
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. What an experience that boy is having! I pray for him this day and for his momma's aching heart. May God be gracious to you both.

  3., what a man you've made there! What an adventurer and what a blessing to the world! I keep him in my prayers daily...and his momma too, letting go can't be "easy." He walks covered...

    love you!


  4. What a wonderful adventure of life he is having! Sounds wonderful. We certainly will keep him in our prayers. God bless you dear friend.

  5. WOW -- I'll say a prayer for him! That's amazing ... and what a picture!!

  6. So very awesome, I will pray for Joseph.

  7. Wow. What a neat picture! He sounds like a neat guy!

  8. What a wonderful experience. Loved the picture and the letter. Prayers will be with him. Thanks for sharing.

  9. AWESOME Susan! Such an adventurer!
    Beautiful photo and well chosen verse! His letter is precious! I will lift you & him in PRAYER!

    May the covering of the LORD surround Joseph in protection and safety in every adventure in Jesus name! May the LORD keep you & your heart in peace and His blessed assurance that He watches over your loved ones because of your faithfulness and love for them & Him! AMAZING ADVENTURER! I love you

    (and I'm taking the photo of the rainbows & the people. So it is not me. It is the youngest sister of one of my 5th grade students, who I bought my Arab baby horse years ago. They all help out with my ranch back in MN...sweet family.
    Their last name is the same as my maiden name and they are like family). EnJOY WFW and much peace

  10. That is so neat, and an interesting letter. I know you miss him.

  11. Thanks you for sharing this words..TC Mine is up too. WFW!

  12. Wow, Susan. I find your son's spirit to be so alive. I dream of traveling the earth and experiencing culture.

    I know that I know God is covering him from head to toe. We can trust Him with your precious son.

    Thank you for sharing his letter and your heart.

    Love you,


  13. oh how cool is that! i love this post Susan! I love watching you show your son on here. It's amazing how God is gracious through life isn't it? hugs.

  14. What a fabulous photo and how fabulous that adventure must have been!

    Happy WFW!

  15. Our kids really can keep us on our toes and on our knees! What a great photo. May God protect him and lead him...

  16. That's an outrageous photo! How do our kids manage to do these crazy things? Joseph is certainly an adventurer. LOVE it! (My daughter is similar... she went to the Galapagos in Ecuador as a college student.)

    You must miss him so much, Susan. Praying for his safety. (((Hugs)))

  17. wow! amazing photo and beautiful verse..I pray that your son will truly be a blessing to the people in Egypt and Istanbul.

    God bless!!

    Lalaine's World
    From Asia and Beyond
    Day to Day Miracles
    Trying to be Fit
    Not a Shopaholic

  18. Amazing photo and verse! What a blessing!

  19. Your blog is glad to find it.

    So GLAD to find your blog....I enjoyed my stop tonight. There are so many new and fun blogs that I am finding everyday. Hope you will stop by and see my new Christmas blog...
    There is a GREAT giveaway going on now for a Great Ornament Giveaway on Oct 1....all you have to do is leave a comment.....I love finding new blogs and make new blog friends.

  20. Oh! what a great picture! Your son is blessed to experience and accomplished something great. I know God is protecting him.

  21. I cannot even imagine your mother's heart along these lines... the pull between wanting to keep him close and the joy of seeing him soar.

    Yes, I will pray for him, and I will pray for you to as God continues to grow you both for his glory and his kingdom gain.

    This is a breathtaking picture for me for so many reasons. THANK YOU FOR SHARING IT...


  22. WOW...awesome picture. I will lift him up in exciting his life is!!

  23. I'm still trying to get over that he's STANDING on a camel!
    Praying hard right now!
    Psalms 116:6-9 The LORD preserveth the simple: I was brought low, and he helped me. Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk before the LORD in the land of the living.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  24. praying for his protection! praise god and what a great group of guys!!

  25. Wow! What an adventurer you have in Joseph! Love how he described being inside the pyramid.

    I read your comment on the LPM blog today and saw you are going to be in Memphis to see Beth in a couple of weeks. I wish I was coming. Several of my friends are but I am just too CHICKEN! I don't "do" crowds and I read that there are already over 13,000 coming.

    God bless you friend! Mississippi

  26. What an amazing photo!! Too cool - thanks for stopping by my blog the other day...your comments are always so encouraging!! Have a wonderful weekend - Jennifer

  27. Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers!
    Romans 8:26-28 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  28. What an awesome picture. What an incredible journey he is on.

    When did he start on this adventure? And, when is he coming back home?

  29. Susan...loved 'reconnecting' to your site..always said that adult children are wonderful, and can tell that Joseph is following after where he is lead! Prayed for his continued safety. Am pleased to learn that J. is doing well, too..Hadn't been on his CB in ages. With love for the encouragement you sent me when I most needed it..Missing my Nora, Deedy

  30. Only the Lord can give the strength needed for whatever lies ahead. Praying!
    2 Corinthians 12:9-10 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  31. WOW...and his name is Joseph!! What a an awesome picture that went with this powerful scripture. Yes, I will be standing in the gap for your son precious one, Matthew 18:18-20


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!