
Monday, November 2, 2009

A Letter to my husband…



Today is Marriage Monday, hosted by our wonderful E-Mom over at Chrysalis.  If you have not visited this awesome blog, you really need to!

Our challenge is to write prose, a poem, or even a song that expresses our love and gratitude for the man God gave to us as our life partner. Celebrate your husband in words, and let us share in your excitement! I guarantee you'll have some fun in the process.



To my dearest husband and best friend,

On June 21st, 1977, I gave my life to Jesus.  A decision that I made all alone on my knees and at that moment I determined never to return to my old way life.  My very first prayer request was to ask Jesus to bring me a Christian friend to help me learn more about living my life totally for Him.

The next day God answered my prayer when He sent me to the Christian bookstore that you worked at.  It didn't take long before I knew you were the answer to that prayer, and now 32 years have passed and I'm still thanking God for the blessing he sent me.

Rick, I want to thank you for being such a faithful friend, lover and father to our five sons.  Your love language is “acts of service”, and it a special part of your love that I treasure and appreciate daily.

In the book of Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 it says,

Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their work:

If one falls down,
his friend can help him up.
But pity the man who falls
and has no one to help him up!

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken

I know it is that third strand in our cord that has given us the strength to stay strong in our marriage commitment over these many years.

There are just no words that adequately express my deepest appreciation for you, and the wild excitement joy that you have brought into my life! 


Thank you for being such a godly example of what Jesus has called you to be, and if I had the opportunity to say yes again, I would do it in a minute. 

I'm looking forward to growing old with you my friend, for the best is truly yet to come! 

With lots of love from a girl who's still madly in love with you,

hearts I love you



Please join us over at E-mom's for more love letters!


  1. susan!! that was wonderful. i love hearing how rick was the "friend" that God brought in answer to your prayer. that's amazing.

    your marriage is an inspiration to many, i'm sure of that. praying God's blessing for many more years to come!

  2. What a wonderful testimony of your love for your precious husband! I pray many more years of wedded happiness for you both.

  3. WooHoo! What a man, what a man! You are a blessed woman and I love you both to pieces!!

  4. This is a beautiful tribute to your amazing that the Lord sent you to him the very day after receiving Christ as your Savior.......Loved this....God bless you! (I've posted "our song" but haven't done the letter yet...that'll be up later in week) :)

  5. Okay Susan,

    I am bawling again.. These love letters are just so amazing. I can see you and I are so much alike. You thought of the rose and stationary too. Love you girl.

    Your words esteem your husband and shout of your faith. I am inspired. What an amazing God we serve.

    I have missed you. I have been too busy but things are slowing now. Hope to stop by more often. Love and hugs, Lynn

  6. Such a beautiful love letter! I love seeing couples who are married as long as or longer than my DH and I who are also still madly in love with each other! What a blessing!

  7. Pictures of you guys always make me smile. Your love and appreciation for each other is evident.

    Congratulations, my friend. My heart soars for you.

  8. Susan...that was so very precious. Rick sounds equally as precious. The Lord is so faithful when we "delight in Him", since when we do He is faithful to "give us the desires of our heart". Rick was a gift and it is apparent that you treasure this sweet God given gift.

    Many blessings

  9. Such a wonderful letter to a very special guy! I love the verses that you chose, too!

  10. This touched my heart, bless you.

  11. Great, Great Post!

    This is my first time over and i'm happy I came sweet sister!

    Sweet Blessings,

  12. awwwwwwwwwwww i love it! what a wonderful testimony of your life with God! hugs

  13. Oh, Susan! How beautiful!! I need my kleenex! I need to do that for Craig! Thank you for sharing this! You both are a precious couple!

    Love you!

    If you will email me at, I'll send you the info about the shirts! You are a sweetie!! :)

  14. I'm encouraged by your commitment and faithfulness. God is good!

  15. Precious... I'm glad I stopped on by. How are you sweet friend? I'm am crazy good and busy. Missing my fella' like crazy, but he's coming home on Friday. So excited about that. Thanks for reminding me to express my gratitude to God for the sweet man He has given me. We are so very blessed. Thanks for sharing. --- Onenessemp is my verification word. ONENESS... I'm praying Psalm 133 for you - for God to command a blessing over your marriage as the unity of His Spirit is evident in your lives. An anointing of Unity.

  16. Beautiful letter. I was smiling the whole way through because my husband and I met when I worked at a Christian bookstore.

  17. Oh I love that!! What a great testimony and letter, wow. Thank you so much for sharing that!

  18. This is definitely getting bookmarked!
    Appreciation Letters


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!