
Monday, January 25, 2010

Project Life Tuesday: Week Three




Another week has flown by!  I’m so blessed to have recorded these special memories on film.  Hope you enjoy.  May God continue to bless you and watch over you.



My precious Karli…A beautiful January day at the zoo.


PL5Tide was on sale, oh yes…nothing cleans better!


PL6Look what I got!!!  No special occasion, I was impressed! 



My sweet little grandson Cole…checking out the ducks by the pond!


PL9All in a days work for my son Jordan.


PL10Went shopping at one of my favorite stores.   Someone has to stimulate the economy right?  



Game day!!!  Wearing my black and gold! Go Saints Go.  Now I’ll be talking more about that game tomorrow!  Miami here we come…


Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more Project Life!


  1. Great pics! I'd love to use Tide buy my husband's allergic to it. Beautiful roses! And great seeing Jordan at work!
    Keep your eyes on the Lord, He's always there for you! Praying!
    Psalm 62:1-2: Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence; I shall not be greatly moved.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  2. Oh I so enjoyed doing life with you and your family for the week dear sister (SMILE). Your grand babies are too cute!

    Love you.

  3. I feel like I spent the week with you! =)

    You never told me you got roses, though...those are beautiful.

    I knew you'd take this project on, and it would be great. You truly have a gift of creativity.

    Love you,

  4. Oh my, that Karli is just a doll! Nice shot of her, too.

    Don't you just love an unexpected gift? The roses are lovely!

  5. Love love love that shot of your grand daughter!

  6. Stopping by from Jessica Turner's blog. Great shots. Especially love your Karli's expression.

  7. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

    I love the roses, and I think they are even better since they were for no reason at all!

    Have a great week!

  8. What a week you had! Loved the shot of Karli! And flowers for no reason at all is the best. And, I'm sure you're excited about the Super Bowl now!! Exciting! Have a wonderful week!

  9. I am so admiring the roses!

    Thanks for stopping by - answering your question...I am a neurology resident.

  10. Great week of pictures! Your little one at the zoo is adorable! I can't wait to take Kendall to the zoo this summer:)

  11. I LOVE those pics...I have to have a look at this!! I NEED this in my life!! I'm looking at Live Writer...So MUCH to do, and not enough time!!:)


  12. great pictures...thanks for stopping by...i really like your blog.

    and the saints going to the super bowl...really great! my hubby was a little sad, since he is a huge vikings fan and i love #4, but your team played great...way to go!

  13. Only you could make Tide look appealing; just want to buy a bottle, except I'm a "Gain" gal, original scent. Enjoy your week in pictures! You're getting quite crafty friend. Wish I had such a great camera and knew how to use it.

    Thanks for stopping by. I've missed you.


  14. Aww, that was sweet. Nice to see shots of your week. You get the neatest pics of your grandchildren! And I love that beautiful pin! You're a great fan!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!