
Monday, January 18, 2010

Project Life Tuesday: Week Two


It’s been such a fun week capturing so many special moments on film!  I hope you enjoy these as much as I did making them.

January 10


Hobby Lobby had a sale on their stamps.  I’ve never done stamping before, but decided to give it a try!  Should be fun.

January 11

IMG_0777My girlfriend joined me for a Hip Hop class at the YMCA.  We had lots of fun today, and it was a great work out.

January 12 

IMG_0797 Caught my husband and our cat sound asleep tonight as I walked out the office.  They sure make a great pair!

January 13

PICT0465I talked to son Joseph on Skype tonight.  He left home almost 2 years ago to teach English in Taiwan.  Since he left he has traveled to  30 countries, and crossed four continents.

This picture was taken in Vienna.  He is leaving shortly to  go to Spain to visit a missionary friend of ours for a few weeks.  Next stop is HOME!!!!!

January 14 



I had a girl’s day out with my precious granddaughter Grace today.  She choose the color purple for her nails.

January 15

IMG_0719Getting my hair colored and styled.  Now, I won’t tell you how “often” I need this done!  Let’s just say my hair grows really fast.

January 17 


I was so excited to start my new Beth Moore Bible Study!  Looking forward to taking this awesome journey with the Patriarchs!

Please join us over at The Mom Creative for more Project Life.


  1. Awesome photos Susan...really enjoyed seeing images from your week. Although I didn't get to start on January 1, I'm definitely thinking of starting a photography project that concept.


  2. Don't know which one I like the best! You sure look over dressed for going to exercise! Don't suppose Joseph will be home for good?
    Lifting up prayers right now!
    Psalms 37:23-24 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  3. Stopping by through Jessica's blog:

    I love that Bible study. It was one of the very first one's I finished, so it will always hold a very special place in my heart.

  4. great pictures. we did that study at church and it was really good, i am sure you will love it!

  5. Loved the pics! Blessings sweet sister. Your hair looks so thick and shiny!

  6. Great pictures! I bet you can't wait to see your son!?!

    Have a great week!


  7. Just stopping by from Jessica Turner's site. Saw your stamps, how I miss Hobby Lobby! We used to live in Springfield, MO and they had a couple big ones, we live in MD now and I have not seen any anywhere! We have a small Joann Fabrics, which is overpriced and understocked :P Nice pics!

  8. Loved the pics this week! My fave was the cat and your husband. So great! Be blessed this week!

  9. Love the sleeping cat/husband picture.

  10. I enjoyed looking at your pics!! Love the one of your hubby and your cat!!

  11. LOVE the one of your hubby and cat, they look really comfie there!

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog to see my photos! WOW! Five boys?! I thought I had my hands full with two! Great photos this week...and yes, I too have done the Patriarchs Bible study. A challenge, but very good!

  13. What a fun glimpse into your life! I love stamping and hope you enjoy it, too. Hobby Lobby is my favorite place to craft shop, especially (particularly) because they are always playing Christian music. I love supporting a company that takes a stand for Him!


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!