
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Giving Thanks






I just wanted to take a minute to thank my wonderful friend Tonya for that touching post she made on my blog today!  God truly united our hearts several years ago at St. Jude. 

When I looked for a scripture today this one came to mind. “How precious is your steadfast love, O God…” Ps. 37:8.  Yes God’s love for us is so precious, and He puts special people in our lives to reveal His love in even greater ways.  For this I am so grateful.

Thanks to all of you for your many words of love and encouragement.  I pray I can also be a conduit of that same special love back to you in some way!

Please join us today over at my talented friend Lori’s blog, All You Have To Give for more WFW posts!!


  1. That is so sweet! Praying you have a wonderful WFW1

  2. That was a wonderful and sweet post! Hoping you have a great WFW!

  3. let's all bask in Bod's steadfast love towards us. happy WFW.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SUSAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thought I'd tell you one more time. Hope you had a fantastic day!!!!!!!!!!!
    Know that I'm always here praying!
    Hebrews 6:17-20 Wherein God, willing more abundantly to shew unto the heirs of promise the immutability of his counsel, confirmed it by an oath: That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us: Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast, and which entereth into that within the veil; Whither the forerunner is for us entered, even Jesus, made an high priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address

  5. Thank you so much for this. The verse and the photo brings me special comfort and blessing at this very time.
    You can see why here.

  6. LOVE the WFW post! I hope to join you again soon. Maybe if nothing else, all the new photos of the new babies will motivate me! =)

    LOVE YOU, Susan!

  7. A wonderful post - love the photo and the verse is a comfort. Have a blessed WFW!

  8. WE are THANKFUL for YOU!! For your LIFE....your wonderful spirit, your wonderful words of encouragement and for that FABULOUS Louisiana accent!!

    Hugs to you...what a week, huh!!

    HUGS girlfriend!
    love ya!

  9. you have been an encouragment to me and I pray that you will have many more birthdays more wonderful than you can imagine my sweet friend!

  10. That is so true! I love how God chooses to use people to reveal more about Him!

  11. This cute words...Thanks for sharing. Mine is up...

  12. I'm so very grateful for His steadfast love! I love this scripture!! :)

  13. this is beautiful. I love willow tree!! God's love is amazing!

  14. OH what a sweet picture and a great scripture! I hope you had a wonderful birthday my friend!

  15. Blessings precious Susan...How precious is the Lord's love & our friends too!!! Such endearing words from a beautiful heart of His love & your words of encouragement. Hope your day was/is as wonderful as you are. EnJOY WORD FILLED WEDS. and your friends that you bless & bless you!

  16. Praise God for His steadfast and unfailing love.

  17. What a precious posts...5 sons! Oh my! How did you survive. My 1 keeps my hair gray. Did you know that Vicki Courtney is writing a book about Conversations to have with your might have some insight for her!

  18. Bless you, Susan. And thanks for coming to my place and encouraging me on my first time participating. Oh, His love is steadfast, even when we falter, yes? Love you.

  19. Wonderful scripture & beautiful WFW Post !Happy Birthday!

  20. I love that, Susan. Blessings ~

  21. I'm so thankful that His love is indeed constant in this ever changing world we live in.

    Hope you are having a great day.

    Please stop by my blog...I have something for you there.

  22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! :) And thank you for a lovely WFW. Those are such sweet figurines :)

  23. you are so cute! I love your grandbabies (are these their pictures on your header??

    and, i think i must add this sweet angel to my collection.

    i treasure each prayer! lisa

  24. I hope you feel thoroughly celebrated... birthdays are such fun, aren't they?

    You have such a wonderful life... everyone has a "story" I know. But you seem to be extra-specially blessed. No doubt it's because you're such a blessing to so many others!!! :~D

  25. So cute and so sweet. God's words are indeed precious.
    Happy Birthday Susan and advance Happy Valentine's Day...


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!