
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Susan's blog has been hijacked! (for a good reason)

Hello there!

This is Tonya (Susan's friend from Mississippi). I thought I'd stop by to let you in on a little secret - in case you didn't know already. Image hosting by TinyPic

Yes, I'm taking over my dear friend's blog to wish her a VERY............

As you already know, Susan is SO VERY THOUGHTFUL, LOVING, and KIND and I thought it'd be FUN to let you know that TODAY is her SPECIAL DAY so that you can celebrate her life with us too!!

Thanks so much for always being there, Susan!! Your love and friendship means more to me than words could ever say!

I LOVE YOU, Precious Friend! Image hosting by TinyPic


  1. Susan,

    I hope that you don't mind me "borrowing" your blog this morning? I just couldn't let the day pass without letting your dear friends know that THIS is YOUR day! ;)

    I hope you have a day that's just as AMAZING as YOU are!!!

    I love and MISS you BUNCHES AND BUNCHES!


  2. Oh, I'm so excited to be the first in line to wish you, sweet Susan, a very Happy Birthday!!! Whoohoo!!! Enjoy your beautiful day because you are such a beautiful person! So glad that God has blessed me with a bloggy friend like you!!

    Congrats on the Super Bowl victory!!

    Love ya,

  3. Tonya

    You got me, AGAIN!!! You would think I would remember. But you see your "OLD" friend is very forgetful.

    This is why I need YOU!!!! LOVE you and thanks for this wonderful surprise.

    You just made my day.

    LOVE and appreciate you so much♥

  4. Tonya, I am so glad you did this, so we can recognize this very special lady!

    Mrs. Susan,
    You are a true light in my life, and I thank God for you! You have been a rock for me and such a guide through my Christian walk. Thanks for everything you do...not one thing goes unnoticed.

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    We love you very much!

    Jason, Kristin,
    Kayla, Karli, and Cole

  5. Happy Birthday Suzy Boo! I hope it's an absolutely WHO DAT Day!!! (That phrase now has many meanings). You are a joy to my hear and I wish you all the best. Many Many Blessings, Hugs from Cyndy

  6. Happy Birthday Susan! Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a great day!

  7. Happy, happy birthday, Susan. Love the sweet surprise Tonya blessed you with. :)

  8. Happy Birthday Susan. Hop you have a very awesome day!

  9. Happy Birthday Susan!
    A Husband...Five handsome sons and a Grandson too...and now A BIRTHDAY!...What a blessed woman you are!!!

    Linda @ Truthful Tidbits

  10. Happy birthday to you...
    Happy birthday to you...
    Happy birthday dear Susan...
    Happy birthday to YOU!

    I love ya Susan and I hope that you have an amazing and fun filled day. You are a great friend and I thank God often for bringing us together.

    (((BIG hug)))

  11. Susan..

    Happy Birtday again my friend! I hope you have a wonderful day with lots of eats and treats and love from all of your family. Thankyou for being a wonderful person with a wonderful personality....and always full of kind words.

    Love and Hugs!

  12. Couldn't resist another opportunity to wish you a joyous day! So glad Tonya hijacked your blog.

    May God bless you for the wonderful ways you show love and encouragement to so many others!


  13. Happy Birthday! I pray you have had the wonderful day you deserve!

  14. Happy Birthday, Susan!!! The Lord did a special thing for all of us in the blogging community when He birthed you and Lisa Shaw (both celebrating today). He continues to use you to bless many lives, and I pray that this next year you will continue to enjoy reaping all you have sown into others!

    Blessings of the Lord upon you on this special day...


  15. Wow what a special friend you have in Tonya! Hope you have a great day, Susan!

  16. My Dear Sweet Susan,

    Yes it is your most special day and I was so amazed to read all the love and best wishes your friends have stopped by to say to you.

    But I am really the lucky one, becasue on the day you were born God set you aside just for me. And even after all these years you still bring so much joy into my life.

    So Happy Birthday to you and all my love both now and forever.

    Your Hubby - Ricky

  17. Happy Birthday, dear dear Susan. So I have two fabulous blogger friends with birthdays today==you and Lisa! You were one of the first friends I made in my early days of blogging, and I'm happy to consider you as a favorite! Praying many mercies and much grace to you, dear girl! And many more years.

  18. happy birthday, susan!!! God bless you now and always.

  19. Susan,

    I was so BLESSED to be even a little part of your b'day! I'm SO THANKFUL to call you FRIEND!


  20. Beautiful!!! Susan and Tonya you are both precious sisters in Christ. Love you both.

    Susan, I left you birthday greetings yesterday on your FB but I'll say again I pray you had a wonderful Birthday!!! Love ya!

  21. Hello Susan, I am just now getting a moment to stop by! Our blogs are based on the same verse, how sweet!

    Thank you for stopping over at my blog for Marriage Monday! It was lovely having you and I'll definitely stop by again!

    Happy "belated" birthday

  22. I had no idea your birthday was yesterday... we share the same birthday! Hope you had a truly beautiful day!!

  23. Im a day or so late but happy birthday to you. HOw wonderful my daughter had a birthday this week as well may Susan's fun be as much as my 19 year old had on hers

  24. I didn't know! HAPPY BIRTHDAY sweet Susan!! I love you. You are a very sweet woman of God. I can't for the day we get to sit together and talk in the same room.
    Love you much. Look forward to cheering the Saints on next season! lol...I think Gene thinks I've lost it! Who knew having my "own team" could be so much fun! ;)
    Anyway, you are a gorgeous birthday girl! Hope you had a great day full of blessings!!
    P.S. I don't know your college roommate here in town. :(


Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate you stopping by today!